So, it's the weekly-weigh in edition... and it's been a while since I've done an entry, so let's catch up a bit first.
My last post was about the Man-Flu which I had for several days... and I thought the flu had left me with a chest infection... so I went to the doctor yesterday to get some antibiotics to get rid of it. Well, the flu hadn't left me with a chest infection... it left me with asthma. So, she gave me a couple of inhaler thingys and put me on some drugs to try to build my lung strength up a bit.. She said it Should go away... SHOULD.
I had asthma when I was a really little kid... mum doesn't even remember it (she must be getting old! lol), but I have a memory of an asthma puffer in my pocket at primary school. So, anyways, it seems odd to me that it would come back from a flu, but oh well.. I'll take my drugs and puff my puffer until I'm all better.
So, since my last post, I've been at work for a whole of 45minutes... I've hardly eaten anything, only just getting my appetite back today. I have been eating, just not a lot... and I haven't been worried about fat contents and carbs and shit like that...
OK.. Moving onto the Weigh In...
Wait for it...
143.1kg - That's another 1.5kgs gone!! A total of 8.2kgs!!! Frickin cool, huh? And it was an easy loss.. cos I didn't feel like eating... imagine if I'd put in a bit of exercise effort...
Speaking of exercise effort... I finally got the rest of my tax return... and after paying everything we need to pay with it... we don't have enough for me to get a Wii. :( But, do not fret! Yesterday, while waiting for my prescription to be filled... I went to KMart and put a treadmill on Layby... it was only $400... BARGAIN! :)
So, no excuses for not walking or running once I get that. If I can't meet up with someone, I can walk myself in the privacy of my own home! Yay! I really think this will be great..
I've also got the rowing machine, but haven't been well enough to use it since that first coupla tries. But, I will... and we're still talking about getting some weights around Christmas time... and we're getting a boxing bag from a friend of David's. (Don't know if I'll use that, but David will).
OK... well, I don't have much to talk about really... nothing has really been happening cos I've been sick..
My sister is getting closer to her due date, so she should pop any moment. Hoping I have TOTALLY got rid of my flu when the baby arrives... I've still got a cough and a little sniffle...
And, that's it....
I'm sorry this is a morning post, I was supposed to post last night but I actually fell asleep on the couch (Sick, remember!!)
what about the Burnie 10.... you didnt post about that!!
I didn't either... I'm sorry...
I will mention it... I promise! :)
Hi Garry hope ur feeling better soon, miss u at work, have had flu as well but suffering through it lol.As for asthma did u get the give up smoking thing? i get broncitus every time i get a cold and doc told me that being a smoker has increased that risk, going to bite the bullet and try and give em away, starting next week on the tabs, give it a real go i think, not being able to breath is a real shitter lol anyway im between shifts picked up an extra tonight, when u coming back? congrats on the loss but watch out when ur health returns ur body will want to pig out lol take care keep warm and see u soon i hope
love De xxx
Hi Gaz, I feel so much better now I've finally had my blog fix! ggl
I'm really glad you're nearly over the flu and are on the road to recovery. I can't believe you've got asthma, the ciggies definitely won't be helping, but one thing at a time eh?
Good move putting a treadmill on layby, you'll get a lot of use out of that if you set it up in front of the tv. LOL.
Talk soon. Keep up the good work. Love...Kerry xxx
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