I didn't get a chance to write an entry yesterday... Had some visitors for some drinks...
Before we get to that, let's talk food...
Friday - Weeties for breakfast, Toasted Ham & Cheese sandwich for lunch and a Beef Stew thingy for dinner... but before dinner, there was a large amount of wine consumed. Good wine, good friends, good chat... it was a great night...
Today - Mini Wheats for breakfast... a lot of coffee... 2min Noodles for lunch... And a Roast Lamb with veges for dinner. No Wine!
Just so you know... Blogger would only let me upload one photo today for some reason.. so.. sorry for the lack of images. I picked the prettiest one! :)
So, yeah... Friday night drinks with a couple of girls from work (you know who you are). We had an awesome chat and a good laugh and I drank a LOT of wine - let's not talk about how much! But, it was A LOT. While I was catching up with the girls, David went up to a friends place to catch up with the guys.. I joined them a little later... And, I have to say... the type of conversation and social etiquette among a small group of girls and a small group of boys is Vastly different.
I mean, I always think that people are people - the end... but, my god.
With the girls we talked about our lives, our work... all these things that are important and had substance and in some cases, deep and meaningful...
And the boys... well.. they talked music... movies.. dirty jokes, bodily functions... stuff like that.
It was bizarrely different. Phenomenal really. To be honest, I haven't spent a lot of time with the straight male crowd.. and the straight male friends & relatives I do have are not that 'type'.
To be clear, I'm not saying that straight men are incapable of having real conversations or are significantly more shallow that gay men or women... but, it was just an incredible difference and I wanted to mention it on here.
So, that was Friday... today was much more dull... My brother came over to hang out and watch some Star Trek (yes, he's a geek as well) while David was at work. I cooked a lovely lamb roast to celebrate Tom Cruise being in Australia. (kidding!). It turned out absolutely delicious!!
I've given up trying to give up smoking... like I said before.. weight loss and fitness is the first priority.. smoking is still an issue, but yeah... first things first!
My knee is feeling better today, which is good. Will be walking tomorrow pain or not... I will do my best. I will let you know how I go.
And, yeah.. let's leave it there for tonight! I will be back tomorrow...
I stayed up all night last night waiting for your blog, am soooooooooooooooo tired today :-) lol, so enjoyed a good wine did you, well done but where the hell is mine!? You are so right about the different conversations between all women and all men (straight men). Funnily enough we went and saw Ice Age 3 today and they even had a bit in there where Ellie tells Manny to go and talk man to man with Diego and Manny said men don't talk like that, they punch each other on the shoulder to let each other know its ok, no words, so obviously it's a universal problem!! Real men don't eat quiche etc etc :-) They don't know what they are missing though and its probably why women have life long friendships, our closest friends really become our family but I haven't really ever seen a man relationship like that!!
Thats me done, you make sure you never ever miss another blog, I'm not good at all nighters anymore :-) Love ya xx
The only decent straight male relationship I've seen portrayed is Denny and Alan on Boston Legal! Even gay guys aren't that close!!
I agree, they're missing out. The relationship building that sharing each others pain and troubles is just incredible.
Alright... I've said my bit again! Long Live Boston Legal!
Gazzy. xoxo
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