It would be nice if I'd been in Rome, but no. I was in Launceston...
Yesterday we hit the road after having my wheaty goodness for breakfast... we stopped for lunch at Elizabeth Town, that ETC cafe place on the highway... I had a Chicken Foccasia (spell check wont check it - so spelling is probably wrong!) which had cheese, Roasted Red Pepper, Pesto and Rocket. We arrived to a glorious reception at David's mum's place (Hi Kerry) which included 2 glasses of chilled champagne. Then we were treated to a delicious home cooked lasagne (my favourite) with a yummy salad and some lovely fresh cheese & garlic bread (I may have more than that one slice that is pictured) which was accompanied with 2 glasses of a delicious Red Wine. After a wonderful conversation and catch up, mixed with some philosophy of religion and culture... and maybe a little bitching... we slept.
So, this morning... I actually Forgot to have breakfast... I didn't even realise till we headed out for lunch and realised I actually felt quite hungry. So, breakfast was about 3 cups of coffee and about twice as many cigarettes.. lol... Not so good, I know...
Then we went out for lunch to Cafe Culture in Trevellyn with David's mum and sister (Meagan) and had a wonderful time. I ordered the Scotch Fillet Steak which came with a salad and some fries. Also, another glass of wine and a couple of lattes! Again, some wonderfully fun conversation... Really enjoyed myself... and was great to see David's family again!
Then, we went around to Meagan's place and she very kindly and generously donated her barely used Rowing Machine to my cause. Thanks Heaps and Heaps of Lots.
Then the drive home, which seemed to go extra long today... Lots of bad drivers and P-Platers on the road today! Anyways...
So, then we got home and had to decide what was for dinner... well, considering the sizable lunch we had, neither of us was that hungry... so we had toasted sandwiches.. And, bad, I know, I had mine with some sour cream.
OK... well, considering the crappy couple of weeks I've had diet wise...
tomorrow is Weigh Day! Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! (Fighting the need to purge myself before the scales).
So... tomorrow is weigh day and I'm thinking of tomorrow as a whole new start... which is a little silly, but I can't keep sliding further off track. Now I've got the rowing machine, I'm going to give a test-run tomorrow (after David's cleaned it up a bit) and see how I go. The plan is to see how hard it is, see how long I can do it for.. etc etc and work out a plan for use. Probably 3 times a week or so for a while... and with longer stints on it every week.
I need to get back on track with the walking and running too. I need to be able to do these things on my own as well. Don't get me wrong, I still want to do these things with people, but scheduling conflicts is not a good excuse for me not to do something. HOWEVER, I still plan to make plans with people to do stuff because I'm 1,000,000 times more likely to show up if I've made plans with someone to meet them.
Alright, so, thats that.
Well, I've had a long day and I'm working in the morning, so I'm going to veg out in front of the idiot box for a little while and head off to sleep land!
Good Night All.
What happened to the chicken parma? And where in a toasted sandwich do you put sour cream?? With chicken or just cheese? I looooove sour cream which is why I am so interested.
Great catching up today, do it again soon xx
Good luck for weigh in day, if you have gone over, blame the wine and the company :)ggl
Night night xx
Ok.. my toasted sandwich.
First put on some tomato paste or sauce, with a sprinkle of Italian Herbs.. Ham & Cheese, toast... Serve with a a spoonful of sour cream and eat with cutlery (cos it's messy).
Might sound strange but is really, really yummy! Trust me!
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