Sorry I'm late guys...
Let's get today food intake done.. Just Right for breakfast, Chicken & Salad sandwich for lunchy munchy.. One of those slow-cooker sausage hotpot things for dinner... and then I bad, naughty treat... Turkish Delight. My brother come around for a visit... he had been done to the Cadbury factory in Hobart and came back home with a box of 50!! So, he gave me one... and I couldn't resist, cos I love the Turkish Delight... But, I will draw your focus to the top of the package that says "60% Less Fat".
60% Less than what??? Well, after some reading... on the back of the packet it says "per gram than the average of leading chocolate bars"...
What is with food packaging, really?? I mean, these companies can write just about anything they want on these packets and unless you're going to read the Nuitritional Info panel on the back of everything... it's pointless. I like what Kellogg's are doing with their cereal and stuff. I think have the percentages of a recommended daily intake is good... but, unless everything I eat has that percentage thing on it.. I wouldn't be bothered to keep track... It's a good idea.. but, we need some uniformity on labels - and we need more honesty. Don't right 60% less fat than an average chocolate bar... write something like, "Still bad for you, but not quite as bad as a Family Block of Snack!"
There must be an easier way to keep track of your intake. I honestly can not be bothered to count the Energy, Carbs, Fat and Sugar of every single thing I eat every day. Plus, what about the stuff I make at home or buy at a coffee shop - stuff that isn't prepackaged with a nutritional panel printed on the back! A friend of mine at work was telling me about the weight watching points counter. Now.. that also seems like a great idea. Every serving of food as a points value, and depending on your nutritional needs, weightloss goals and including extra points for exercise... this seems great. Now, if the food regulation authority (or whoever decides these things) could get a points value printing on every prepackaged food stuff.. this would be great too!
Then we get to serving sizes... Some of these 'serving sizes' are just dumb! People, not just fattie people like me, eat bigger serves than what they 'recommend'. It's just silly.
So, basically... the whole industry needs to pick a system, whether it be like Kellogg's percentage thing or the Points system... we need uniformity and honesty and maybe obesity and related illness wouldn't be on the biggest killers in Australia. I mean, I know people need to take responsibility for their own health (what I'm trying to do now), but why make it so hard for people.
Anyways, that's my rant about the food industry.. please comment if you agree or disagree with me. Maybe being a recovering fat and sugar addict has made me a bit critical of such things.
Moving on to the C25K running thing... I think I have really hurt my knee. It's been pretty painful for a few days now... I can't lift it up too far, and there's a sharp pain if I twist my leg.. I'm limping when I walk... it's just not nice... so, what I'm going to do is not run again until the pain has gone. I'm still going to meet Damian on the days and I'm just going to walk (which is bad enough) until I'm feeling better. It's been suggested I need to buy better shoes if I'm planning on running - so, once the Tax Return comes in I may just do that...
Alrighty then, I think that's about it. Thanks to all of you that sent congrats and well wishes for our anniversary yesterday, I appreciate it. Please leave comments by hitting the little line that says comments just under this... And, if you've left a comment before.. check back, I always try to reply to everyone...
Good Night All...
Have you thought about getting your knee checked out?
Hope you enjoyed your turkish delight. Doesnt hurt to spoil yourself after all that you have achieved. :)
Hey, just discovered your blog. I'm trying to control a bit more what I eat and I think the best you can do is to look at the nutritional info panel and forget about the flashy marketing words in the packages!
Your knee: are you running on a hard surface? If you do, just don't, find a soft surface (park, etc.) or a treadmill.
Congratulations for your blog, I'm gonna follow your adventures.
Hi Gaz, just wanted to let u know that I've been reading the whole blog and I've really enjoyed it.
Happy Anniversary you two!!!! I can't believe it's been 4 years!
I remember that woman in our band saying "you are a bit chubby..." as it happens, she is dutch (not known for their tact) and religious, which makes her superior to us heathens. I'd forgotten that I wanted to crash tackle her and give her a good smacking! That's so unlike me, I don't usually react like that. You must mean a lot to me! LOL. Getting drunk was the better option anyway!
I'm still up for the wine tour in August, should be great.
Keep up the good work, take it easy to start with but don't give up. You'll find your own rhythm and the kilos will just melt off. And I totally agree with everyone else...don't give up smoking just yet, you've got enough on your plate (sorry that was bad!)maybe just cutting down on what you'd normally have would be a good start.
Give my boy a hug for me and keep one for yourself.
Lotsa love...Kerry xxxx
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