Hello Hello
So, today was a lazy day off. Weeties for breakfast, Toasted Ham & Cheese for lunch and we had Chicken Burritos for dinner tonight! Yummy
And, yeah... a lazy lazy day off. Did a lot of housework.. washing, vacuuming, dishes...
Tomorrow, I'm gonna do a little cooking. Gonna cook some chicken and eggs (which comes first?) to put in sandwiches.. and finish off the housework that I didn't get done today!
I've been thinking.. now this may sound a bit dumb. But I was thinking I should dust off the old camcorder and start filming myself. I kind of video diary that would go along as part of this blog. After I have achieved my goals, I would have a video record of my challenges and victories and a kind of self-documentary of the changes I want to make in my life. What do you think??
On Today/Tonight this evening they had a story with a hypnotist, Paul McKenna, who is in Australia to help people loose weight! Bonus! They were saying how diets don't work and you can only stay motivated to exercise and stuff for a while... and part of the reason for this is because every morning, people look in the mirror and find all the things they don't like about themselves and then head out the door to face the day... and he's right...
I try to avoid the mirror, but he's right in that people focus on the parts of themselves that they want to change. They don't highlight there own greatness. I know for sure that I am guilty of this. It's that whole glass half full thing... And I think people are too critical of themselves. People like to be respected and admired by other people... and those people that are lacking in self-acceptance look for ego gratification from others.
I look in the mirror now I see I have 45kgs to loose, and I don't notice the 5kgs I've lost. I see that little pimple on my nose, not the 99% of my face that doesn't. I see a person that eats too much and too often. I see a person that feels a little useless. I see a person that feels that he could do more with his life and just doesn't. I see a person who wants to have a life, but sits at home watching Star Trek DVDs. I see a person who doesn't have close friends anymore. I see a person who obsesses over the tiniest emotional faults of the people around me.
What I should see is a person who has changed in the last month or so to be more optimistic. I should see a person that has many years in front of him to do everything he dreams of. I should see a person that has good friends and family who love him for who he is. I should see a person with a good sense of humour. I should see a person who is in a loving relationship. I should see a person who can do anything he wants. (Did I miss anything? lol)
And why don't I? Why don't people look in the mirror every morning and highlight all the wonderful parts of their lives. Maybe we would all be happier for it. Maybe we should try and make ourselves physically stand in front of a mirror and very honestly tell ourselves that we are loved. That we are who we are and who we are is wonderful.
We should do this....
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