OK... So, this weeks weight loss in very minimal... 0.2kgs lost. At least it was a Negative 0.2 and not a positive 0.2! I wasn't expecting much to come off this week anyway, I know I've been a bit naughty naughty this week. It's been a month since I started (2days off actually, but close enough)... so that's a total of 5.6kg off in One Month!!! Happy with that.
And, despite the fact I've been succeeding (as far as I am concerned), I have been feeling less and less able to control my cravings. Ever since I had that bloody KFC Zinger burger thing almost a week ago.. I've been fighting the urge to go and buy another one.. I seriously feel like a NEED one... I know I don't. It wasn't even that great last time, but I really really really want. And it is a massive struggle not to get in the car and go and get one. Especially today being pay day. Sucks... I'm a fast food junkie... :(
But, still I've gone without... and I will continue to go without. HOPEFULLY, the next time I eat a burger will be when I don't really want one!
Onto today's food items.. Finished off my Special K for breakfast this morning... Vegemite on toast (Grain) for lunch... and I've had an apple for an afternoon snack. Dinner was naughty again. Like I said, I'm struggling to stay away from the crappy food lately... We had Chicken Parma again... it was delicious, but I feel guilty and a little depressed right now. I seriously feel like crap.. and I don't know if it's because I ate crappy food or something else that isn't fitting into my life... I dunno.
Anyways.. I was supposed to go for a walk this afternoon with Damian too, but my knee is seriously painful... so I messaged him and cancelled - Sorry Damian! The next scheduled walk/run day is Sunday - and I will be going - pain or not. It will be done.
Maybe my mood is a combination of guilt and lack of activity... I always seem to be in a better mood after a walk or whatever... Or maybe it's because I started work early and the first hour and a half of the caller were either assholes or unbelievably dumb. Maybe it's a combination of all three of these things!
Or maybe, it's because it's pay day... We did grocery shopping and paid the rent and now we're broke again.
Who knows? I don't. And it's me we're talking about...
I've got a couple of days off now... so hopefully I can just chillax for a while and we'll see how we go. Alright, I'm gonna head off now, otherwise you might catch my bad mood... lol...
Thanks for reading guys, leave comments if you wish. Really enjoy hearing from you all!
Be proud of what you have achieved!! another loss, that is fantastic :)
What if you attack the craving for the burger by making your own gourmet burger? Lots of fun, will taste ten times better, may not be 100% healthy but will definitely contain less fat.
Not only did you lose weight but you didn't put any on. Well done!!
Love Kendra
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