It's that day of the week again folks!
As I was saying last night... I was very nervous about stepping on those scales this morning cos of my bad days...
Well, guess what?!?! I lost half a kilo!! :) How the hell did that happen?
Like, seriously?!?!?!
As you can see from above.. the usual suspects for breakfast and lunch. Dinner tonight is boring-ass sausages and veges - I'm having a potato. Carbs be damned!
So, after my post yesterday... I tried on those clothes I bought (I never try on clothes in the shop) and that hoodie/jacket thing I bought was heaps of Way Too Big! I have to take it back, it's that big. Lesson of the story = try shit on before you buy it!
The thing with trying on clothes is - I'm fat. I don't like it. For starters, Fat Guys don't get much of an option around here. There's a woman's store that is specifically for the "Plus-Size" gal... and truth be told, I think the clothes in there are quite nice. (Shopping with my mum, not for myself!). Us fat guys get 2 racks in Target or if you're not too fat, you can check out the rack and a half in KMart... If you want to buy something nicer than Target and KMart clothes, well, you better get on the treadmill...cos there ain't nothing around.
Do the people that makes clothes think "Well, we don't need to make good looking clothes for fat guys. If they really cared about looking nice, they'd work out?!"
It sucks. I mean, I always try to look nice... and smell nice... and be tidy and presentable and all that stuff.. (for the most part)... Even I look at some of my fellow fatties and think, well, you're not doing yourself any favors. It's one thing to be unintentionally overweight, but please, for god's sake.. you can still shower... you can wear deodorant... you can find some better clothes... and you don't need "Fat People" shoes, so get some decent ones... lol... God, I'm a bitch!
I sound like the Fashion Police now. People can wear whatever the fuck they like. I honestly don't care.. What I don't like is people assuming that because I am fat I don't care about my own self-image. We do! Or maybe, it's just me. Maybe it's only that Fat Gays that get worked up over this kinda thing and the Fat guys don't really care...
Who knows?!?!
Anyways... that's enough about me.
Successful Weigh In. Happy with that.
"That's All."
- Devil Wears Prada.
Congrats on the half kilo! I'd also like to point out I always notice how nice you smell :D lol xx
lol... thanks... :)
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