So, I went back to work today.. only for 4 hours in the afternoon, but after a week off... that was enough.
I'm still not too worried about what I'm eating, cos I'm still not feeling 100%. Don't worry, I'm not going crazy and eating heaps of junk or chocolate or drinking soft drinks or anything RADICAL like that... But, when I'm sick, I like to eat stuff that seems filling and substantial. So we've been having pasta and sandwiches and potato and stuff I really was avoiding before.
The other reason I don't really want (or feel the need to report) at this particular time, is the doctor put me on these drugs that keep me awake most the night and increase my appetite. And evening snacking has always been the hardest thing for me... I really am trying to control myself and I haven't gone crazy... I've bought some sugar free lollies... some apples... some Frozen Yogurt.. and have managed to stay away from David's chocolate.. (so far, so good).
The doctor seemed to think I wouldn't be on these tablets for a very long time, I'm hoping only a few more days (gotta see her Monday to find out). And then I will get back to being serious about this thing. It's hard when you're not feeling 100% and these drugs are playing with me.
So, anyway...
Damian (running partner) has convinced me to enter the Burnie 10 with him. For those of you that don't know what the fuck that is... it's a 10km run thing they have here every year. This year is the 25th Anniversary and blah, blah... So, Damian and I are gonna do it. Having said that... I don't think the big plan is to run the whole thing. We haven't Really discussed it, but I reckon we'll try to run at least 5km of it and walk the rest. As far as I am concerned... I don't care if we walk the whole damn thing... as long as we do it. That is held in October... the 18th I think... so we've got time to get ready... I'll keep you updated on our progress...
The other thing happening in October is Halloween... we've gone a little crazy in collecting together some stuff for the party in the last coupla weeks. As you can see above, we've been busy with making tombstones (that one is not finished)... and we bought a Skull that just looks beautiful in that hat. We've got a pretty decent collection so far with a couple of bigger items arriving from Ebay on Monday or Tuesday hopefully. We're building and painting and collecting and organising... I am so excited, and it's still 3 frickin months away... things to do before that...
Such as a Wine Tour.. (Meagan - Keep me posted)...
My sister is due to have her baby in about a week...
My mum's birthday is 2 days before Halloween - and she's flying over to Dubai the day between. Why she wants to go to a Muslim country that executes people for being gay when she has a gay son, I will never know. That's definitely an economy I will not be supporting!
Anyways.. For those of you that didn't see me at work today, I've had a hair cut (as you can tell in the pics above). And yes, I did it to lose that extra 150 grams of hair for weigh-in day. Every little bit counts! lol
And that's about it...
Until tomorrow night peeps...
Please leave comments, questions, queries and abuse as always...
1 comment:
I'm so slack, wine tour, how about either the week before grand final (footy in case u were wondering) or the one after?? Think the dates would be either the 2nd last sat in sept or the 1st on oct! And keep up the good work...good luck with burnie 10, stuffed if i would ever do that!!!
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