This eating breakfast and having a shake for lunch is really working for me.. Normally I would skip breakfast and only sometimes have lunch... but the last couple of days of eating breakfast and shaking for lunch, I think, is working really well for me. And you can see by my pic, we've gone back to our meaty goodness with greens! Let's stick to that plan as well! So, Just Right, Toffee shake (new one, not the best flavour) and Devilled Sausages for dinner tonight. David dished up a fair bit of rice, but I hardly ate any of it...
Not much else to report on today... spent the day waiting for a guy to come around and do a quote on a heat pump for the landlord and about half an hour before having to leave for week, he lets us know he can't make it.. well, nice!!! So.. afternoon shift, only three and half hours, but that was enough. Some wanker from Adelaide had a go at me because he asked me for a number but didn't tell me what number he wanted?!?! So, I asked him and he started yelling at me! Well, well...
I still don't understand people... why do it? Why be that person? Is that how you want to be remembered? Is that the kind of thing you want people to talk about you at the your funeral?
"He was such as asshole!" "He'd yell at anyone if you gave him a second!"
Like, really, people... I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Can't we all just get along!?"
There is something wrong with this world, I tell ya... There are so many things in society that need to be changed. When we earn money we get taxed - okay, seems fair. Then, we spend money which we need to pay tax on things we buy (GST for example). If we don't spend our money and we decide to invest it in a bank or a business or whatever, we get taxed on it again. So how much of every dollar that we make, do we actually get for ourselves? I mean, I get that we need to pay taxes to make the system work.. but when the system isn't working and a lot of us are struggling week-to-week and retired pensioners and the sick and disabled are all starving and can't survive... And, the hospitals are over-crowded and under staffed and there are so many problems with the way things are run... why are we paying so much money for a system that doesn't work properly. We need an overhaul, an audit... we need a government financial enema and we need it yesterday!!!
Ok... thats my dribble for tonight...
Good Night All.
speaking of money.. you should of spent some and come over to the mainland to meet Levar Burton!!!... cos i was there... and the whole time i was thinking "hmmnnnn garry would spit chips if he knew i was standing here having a smoke with Geordi La Forge right now.....
lol.. havin a smoke with Geordi La Forge..
You just love making me jealous!! lol
I did see he was gonna be in Australia, but I didn't have the cash... was it wonderful? did you get a photo?
Trying to save for the US trip and Star Trek con in Vegas next year.. so can't do too much geek spending till then...
yes, making you jealous is pretty fun! yeah i ended up getting a photo and autograph from him but i havent scanned them into the puta yet... but yeah it was pretty good.. didnt watch his talk, was too busy talking shop out in the foyer but i did have a few chats wigth him and he was really quite lovely... so US next year huh? you'll have to let me know when your going cos im going to be be over there next year.. doing comicon and then a whole bunch of other things including vegas...
Well, the plan is to head over for the Star Trek Vegas con... and then head to San Fran for a few days... and then to LA for about a week... If we can get the time off work and have enough dollars, we'll head over early to do Comic Con... not sure yet. Should be good... And we'll totally have to geek-out together in the states!! lol...
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