Good Evening...
So it's the Weekly Weigh In... and I was right this time... I gained...
The scales came in at 144.3kg - which is a gain of 1.2kgs
bringing my total weight loss down to 7kgs...
But, we knew this would happen this week - and it's a bit of a motivator to get back on the wagon. Obviously I don't wanna be gaining a kilo a week... so it's time to get back on track and take the rest of my life seriously again...
When I started this blog, it was about not only losing weight but experiencing life more and being happy and fulfilled in various levels of my life... well, I have to say the last few weeks, I have been very happy. I've been (mostly) in a good and positive mood - and I think this is an issue with my weight loss...
People say that they are emotional eaters, when they are feeling depressed they eat emotionally fulfilling (and really bad for you) food to compensate and make themselves feel better. I know I get like this on occasion.... but usually I eat more rubbish and "bad" foods when I feel good about the rest of my life. Is that weird? I guess not. When I feel really crappy and depressed I get it in my head that I can fix it... and loosing weight is a good start to feeling better - so I do the right things...
Does this mean I need some depressants? (as apposed to anti-depressants?) lol. I think not.
So.. I went to work this morning after my bowl of Special K... coffee before work, of course. On my lunch break, my shift got canceled, but I went to Cafe Bliss anyway and bought my sandwich (on wholemeal instead of grain today) and a coffee for lunch and then come home. Because of my crappy result on the scales today... I come home, put a load of washing on... and jumped on the rowing machine... only lasted about 20minutes, but I did it... and then I did some housework and bummed around the house for a while, doing not much at all really.... For dinner tonight... Butter Chicken -- with rice.. but I didn't eat all that rice...
Overall, not a terrible day... but it was a pretty bad result for the week... but, it's done... so all I can do is do better this week!!
So... back on the wagon and let's get this weight off... let's get rid of the crap!!
Hi Garry, Have just spent the morning catching up your blog as I've been too busy lately. Sorry. Bought a new house, have been painting, gardening, building fences etc etc so if you need some exercise come on over, I'm sure I can find you something physical to keep you busy LOL.
Keep up the good work and don't worry about the gain. Overall, you are doing amazingly well. Keep it up and you might even inspire me to do the same (I said might!!!). See you at the hell hole (aka work).
Thanks love. Think I'll pass on the building fences stuff, but thanks for the offer! lol... Wish I could afford to buy a house to do the same stuff...
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