Well... it finally happened. My sister gave birth to a gorgeous little girl, Keira Jane... Both are doing well... those pics taken less than an hour after she was born, tiny little thing. Wonderful.
So, it got me to thinking... I'm getting older... and is having a child something I would consider now or in the future? I guess as I do get older and think about the future and the fact we are all mortal and all here for such a short time, part of me feels that having a child is something I would find comforting when I'm older... I think having a child to carry on as part of yourself is something that is appealing and I think I may regret not having a child when I get older and older.... But do I want to have children?
Probably not for me. I think I would be a better uncle than father... I don't know...
But it's not like it would be that easy for me to have a child anyway... How would I feel about raising a child with same-sex parents? Would my lifestyle and my experience of the world be one that would I want to share and raise a child in anyway? I know some people believe that gay men and women shouldn't raise children... I don't think that. I think that if a child is raised in a loving, caring, supportive and safe environment with positive influences and experiences then there can be no bad... But, that doesn't mean I think I have the capacity to raise a child.
What do you think about same-sex parents? (please don't censor yourself for my benefit.. honesty is always best).
Moving on...
Finished off my Crunchy Nut Cornflakes for breaky this morning. Won't buy them again for a while... cos they's not very good for you and they are sinfully delicious... 2 minutes noodles for lunch today... and David's cooking Spaghetti now for dinner.
I slept in this morning and didn't get my usual amount of caffeine and nicotine before leaving for work... and didn't get a chance to have my coffee from Cafe Bliss before work (which I have Every Day I Work). And, I tell ya... I was in such a foul mood most of the day... I was cranky and I was swearing and frustrated and really felt like hitting someone. And why? Because I didn't get my drugs before work... Caffeine and Nicotine... unbelievable... I felt heaps better after getting some coffee and cigs into me after work... Isn't it bad that my body and my mind are so dependant on these drugs... I seriously felt like leaving work half way through my shift, I felt that bad...
But, David and I are going to the doc to get some quit smoking drugs... so we can get off those nasty expensive disgusting cigarettes. As for coffee, well... I have to learn to drink more of it quicker so I never have withdrawals again! lol.
Alright folks... I'm off... Emily & Ben, if you're reading this... congrats on Keira, she's gorgeous. Maddie and her are going to get into mischief together in a few short years, I bet!
Good Night Alll.
Hey Uncle Gaz! Your little baby niece is gorgeous. Congratulations to Emma and Ben.
On the question you put forward, my personal view is that kids should have a mum and a dad but there are so many examples of kids in happy loving environments of all descriptions, it's hard to say what's right or wrong. Every case should be judged on its own merit. And you have to be totally unselfish and committed and have loads of money...shall I go on? lol! You have to decide for yourselves whether it's the right decision or not, no-one else can tell you.
And that's my little say for the moment.
Love...Kerry xxx
Hey Gaz, Keira is so cute, makes me clucky all over again :-) Damn you for that!!
Mmmm interesting question you ask tonight?! Harry went to daycare with a boy with 2 mums, he was a normal little boy, acted just the same as every other kid there, naughty etc etc :-) I do think the traditional meaning of parents is a man and a woman but tradition has long since left the building!!! I think as long as the family is happy, loving, etc etc who cares what sex the parents are. So many 'traditional' families split up these days, leaving behind some pretty messed up kids..... I know I would rather have 2 mums or 2 dads that showed they loved me than 1 of each who fight all the time and then use you as a pawn in their games!! Not saying this is personal experience but I have seen it done!
The couple I know are great people, have the same parental methods as non same sex couples, discipline when needed etc etc. Kids these days don't think anything is odd with that situation, until that is when some ignorant adult brings it to their attention. I don't think there is the same stigma attached these days as years ago, each to their own. As long as the child still has some other sex influence in their life, an aunt, uncle etc they will be fine!
The couple I know have just had their 2nd child, another boy, both to the same donor so they are biological brothers and so damn cute :-)
If you wanted to have kids i say go for it. You are never ever going to be prepared, never have enough money and never have enough unselfishness or patience but hey, its worth it, otherwise u will always be an Uncle :-) To Harry as well.
Well I have definatley dribbled enough shit now, not going to comment on tonights blog about religion but homosexuality I can without getting to worked up! But that website sounds ridiculous!! Wankers..
Love Meagz xx
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