But I completely forgot....

Last night we were cleaning up for a house inspection (house is clean, so drop around for a coffee...) and I wasn't thinking about weigh in day at all. We slept in this morning, rushed to get ready for work and finished off the couple of things (cleaning related) that still had to be done.. so it was a bit hectic and I completely forgot... until I got to work this morning and thought to myself, "Oh shit! It's Thursday!".. So, I weighed myself this afternoon (147.7kg which is a 0.4kg gain on last week) but I'm not counting it as official weigh in info. I will do that tomorrow morning. But, this afternoon's result seems reasonable. lol.. if a little sad.
So... Back on Track Food Intake Report. As I said before, slept in.. so it was a Celebrity Slim shake for breakfast (a caramel one which is yummy!). Then coffee before work... and after work stayed back to have lunch and catch up with Hannah for a gossip! So for lunch I had a big coffee and a chicken and salad sandwich on wholemeal (they were out of grain bread!). Then I came home and because the sun was out... managed to do some clothes washing and distract myself all afternoon so as not to eat... lol.. But, it worked. It was all good. And for dinner... Chicken Burritos.. I know, we had them not that long ago, but they are Good! Again, the light sour cream, the low-fat, low-carb tortillas.
We seem to go through phases of food. It seems we're going through a burrito phase. The last one I remember clearly was the Honey Mustard Chicken phase. That was a good one! lol
There we go. I didn't have a go on the rowing machine today... I have been using it quite a bit lately, but it fucks around with my shoulder - I just need to harden the fuck up and deal with it! But I'm really tired today. Haven't had a day off work since Tuesday last week (looking forward to Sunday!) and they've all been morning shifts - and we don't go to bed early. We're night people really... so we're up late, up early and usually on my days off I sleep in till 10ish.. I know, I'm a fucking whinger. I complain to much. I don't mean to, I just always seem to. I try to stop myself and I kick myself when I catch myself bitching and complaining... I really do try to stay positive and look at the bright side all the time... but, if you read my post a coupla days ago... I have my emo moments (and No... that does not mean I like Twilight! - I'll never be that Emo!)
So, I have a question about politics. I've bitched about dole bludgers, I've argued against religion, And now I guess it's time for politics. My question is why don't the things that the people want to happen... why are they not done? And, why... Why are decisions made without a vote from the public. My example is Gay Marriage. From what I read and who I talk to it seems that the majority of the actual public either WANT gay marriage or at least are NOT opposed to gay marriage. Yet, because the people in charge of the country like to be "conservative" and are probably scared of gay people because they live in their "White Old Man" little worlds and have no diversity in their life, they make the decision that I cannot get married. If it is a big decision like this that would affect the country... why don't we have a non-compulsory national vote on it? There is not a political party that represents everything I think should happen in the country. There is not a political party that I trust. There is not one I think "Makes Sense" on a lot of issues. There are some issues that need to be addressed. Gay Marriage, Global Warming, Dependence on Oil, Over Medication of children.. we need to have better health care - which needs to include PREVENTITIVE HEALTH for all ages - not just in schools. We need to do something about this keeping the rich rich and the poor poor and have a REAL middle class.
There are some common sense things I don't like, but make sense to me. I'm not a pot smoker, but I think it should be legalised - for TAX PURPOSES. It's illegal now, but I think (tell me if I'm wrong) that the majority of the country either smokes it on a regular basis, or on occasions or have at least tried it. Surely if alcohol and cigarettes are legal, pot should be too.. we could tax it and regulate it and that tax money can go into the health system. We need to get harder on people that drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs. It's stupid and it's dangerous and people should have their cars reposessed immediately. AND my big issue is SEPERATE RELIGION FROM POLITICS. They both have their place in the world (i guess) but they should not be linked together. We should not have polititions that brag about their religion and about going to church. If I was a politition that believed openly in UFOs.. I wouldn't be elected. Maybe all people that live by a "Faith" should be removed from politics. There are so many other things I could talk about, but I've said my bit. Things need to change to represent the people that live in this country AND probably most other countries.... I know the US could use some real health care!!!
Anyway... I've dribbled... I've said my bit and I'm signing off.
Please leave a comment if you agree or disagree. Comments have dropped off lately, so drop me a comment and let me know you're still following... I love hearing from all of you always anyway.
Good Night my friends.
I have an interesting piece of info regarding gay marriage in Australia! Did you know that if you had dual australian/british passports, you could legally get married in Australia! The British Consulate can 'marry' you! How sucky is that! Ridbloodydiculous if you ask me! So basically if you are half British but live in Australia (prob born in Australia) its ok for you to get married but if you are Australian, forget it! How the fuck does our country work things out like that!! I only know this coz a friend of mines son just got married! Now he is Aussie, his husband is also Aussie but his husbands dad is British! What a crock of shit! So Gaz, i think its time you found yourself a british one :-) Love u Dave xx So there you go, my piece of info for you to ponder......enjoy XXXX
That is fucked up!!! How can Australia allow SOME gay marriage, but not all!?!?!
That is bizarro-world Australia!
I could get David to do an accent... would that work??
I think it's time someone in power paid attention to what the public want. I'm not usually one for politics, but please... some of this crap is just plain DUMB!
Thanks for your comment. Haven't read one for quite a while..
Hey son-in-law to be,
I was gonna comment but I didn't get round to it since we were sending each other sms's anyway, but...I think you should start up a petition for gay marriage in the state. Did you know that legislation has just been passed for kids to have legally-recognised same-sex parents (as in mothers) but with no mention of fathers? So I think you should get a petition going because no-one I know is actually against gay marriage. Maybe Bob Brown could be the first signature! Lol.
It'll be great to go on THE wine tour, hopefully I won't be working the next day, it's horrible with a hangover. But the tour should be fun! I'm assuming David (not really my son, LOL!) is not partaking of the wine, so what will he be doing?
Talk soon...Kerry xxxx
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