So... getting back on track today...
Just Right for breakfast... The usual for lunch... and Dave's Noodles Stir Fry thing for dinner, cos couldn't be bothered cooking - bad I know, but, you know... whatever... lol
I was going to have a go on the rowing machine... but didn't. I did the dishes and washing and cleaned up instead. Which is good... plus I rowed yesterday, so I don't feel too bad about that.
OK... So, let's talk plans...
David's mate from work, Daniel, has been trying to get us to go up to his place to do some working out on his equipment...(oops. that sounded dirty! he's like, a dad... so, no dirty!)
So... we're going to do that... David wants to do it as well... so that's good..
Plus, Fran and I are starting walking again... and hopefully Damian and I can get MY act together and we'll start C25K again! Add in the good eating and the rowing machine for 30mins 3 days this week and that's heaps! Yay good!
So.. my midlife crisis is in full swing... I think it's one of those, I'm getting older... looking for some meaning in my life. I'm not complaining about my life, I'm happy with my life... but I turn 27 this year - that's almost 30.. and I guess I just don't know what's gonna happen for the rest of it all. Most people get married and have families and that gives them meaning, I guess.. and I have a great partner in life.. but marriage is illegal for us and neither of us actually wants to have children... that's not it though.. I just feel like there is something missing and I need something to fill that gap... I just don't know...
Anyway.. that was my emo rant for tonight... I'm off... still marathoning Buffy.. last season now.. only about 7 episodes left.. it's getting good. I'm up to date with True Blood too. It's so good and now I'm hanging for the next episode.. every one of their episodes ends with a big cliffhanger.. so you HAVE to watch the next one...
Alrighty, catch ya tomorrow.
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