Guess what?! It has been 60 days since I started this little lifestyle change thing. Today is Day 60. So for 60 days I've been more careful about what I eat and tried (sometimes) to do more exercise and activity. I've hurt my knee, I've had the flu... I now have asthma (which may or may not go away)... and I've set some goals... Burnie 10 in October, Santa Dash in December... Vegas, Baby in August next year... and I've lost 8.2kgs! Overall, I think everything has been for the better... When I first started I felt all these changes in my mind. I felt different towards myself and the people around me. I started paying attention to things I wanted in life and things I could do without and these things, at that time, had to black and white. Either things/people were helpful, supportive and deserved to be a part of my life because they help improve me as a person... or things/people were not and therefore did not deserve to be a part of my life....
I still believe that... but not in Black and White. Some things, most things are gray. (For example lets say Great things are White.. and Bad things are Black). The people around you have their own lives and issues and things going on. And what makes this life interesting is to explore the relationships you have. It's not very often that you will make a friend or be with a partner or have things in your life that are completely White - as in completely compatible. I think the trick is to find the people that are slightly "off white" that can impact your life in a positive way. These people would probably consider you "off white" to their lives as well.
We need to surround ourselves with positive people, positive situations... Positive Vibes...
So, okay... Positive positive positive!
Moving on...
Breakfast this morning was yummy Crunchy Nut Cornflakes - not the healthiest of breakfast options but they is yummy. I actually skipped lunch today... didn't mean to. Had a follow-up doctor's appointment this morning... and then I got home and started doing stuff and the next thing you know... I'm heading off to work... I did have my usual pre-work Latte though. Yum. Thanks Cafe Bliss! And for dinner tonight, Parma with a pasta side dish. Yum Yum in my Tum Tum.
Speaking of doctors.... David and I have made an appointment to see the doctor for this new Stop-Smoking drug everyone's been raving about. Wonderful! We'll be able to save some money - or at least spend it on things that don't give us cancer. Yay! So, that's Tuesday next week and I will keep you posted on that...
Now, I know I was sick and shit and I haven't been extra good on what I've been eating... but I'm gonna try to get back on track tomorrow. My dosage of those drugs that keep me awake and increase my appetite has been cut back... and I'll only be on them for 2 more days. So, I will be being good again tomorrow.. I promise.
Part of having this blog is to make myself accountable, as I've mentioned before... So I promise from tomorrow onwards I will take a photo of EVERYTHING I eat. That's another way for me to be accountable. If I don't post a pic of what I have for lunch or breakfast or dinner or ANYTHING from here on in... Please, someone, leave a comment and ask me why not? If I talk about having a coffee at Bliss before work - Photo Evidence.... This is a must. So, please, if I don't do it and I don't mention why there's no photo - have a go at me.
Alrighty... thats me for the night...
Oh, by the way, that other pic up there is another Halloween prop. We've been building and painting and getting prepared a fair bit lately... thought I'd post some blurry pics to keep you guessing... Trust me, you don't wanna see that in crystal clarity - it's gross. Love It!
Alright folks. I'm off!
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