Happy Monday Everyone!!!
Sorry... Monday's suck, don't they? Most the time. I had yesterday off and I have tomorrow off.. but Monday still sucks. lol... I think it's a mental thing.. it's just a horrible day, really.
Anyways, I didn't have a horrible day. Special K for breakfast, Chicken & Salad on Grain with coffee from Cafe Bliss for lunch.. and dinner was sausages and veges. Very nice. Yum Yum.
Today was a bit of a shitty day. Had a lot of ignorant or just plain dumb people calling in today.
How hard is it to pay attention to the person YOU called? How hard is it to actually know what you're looking for before calling for help? How hard is it to be polite & friendly? How hard is it to accept that some 'phone numbers' (just phone numbers, not something Massively Important) may not be listed? How hard is it to understand these sentences:
They don't have an office number listed, they have a customer service line?
Which part of Telstra are you after? Home phones, Business, Mobiles?
There is no listing for that particular coffee shop.
I mean... from what I can tell, people just don't understand simple English or just don't give a shit at all. When they are assholes, what I want to say is, "Sorry? Did you say you called for the number of someone who cares?"
Anyway. Moving On.
I still haven't tried to quit smoking... But, I guess I will... eventually. But, as some of you have said in your comments, it's not my first priority. My weight and fitness level is what is important at this point. And, that's true.. and I totally know that... so it's all good... we shall see.
As for the C25K program... I've been putting together a music track so that I can do my 4 week warm up to C25K. I really think this will be heaps better for me, because I will actually be able to achieve these results because they're not so intense from the start. So, I'll be starting this in a couple of days... The plan was to start it tomorrow, but scheduling conflicts have come up and I will just be walking tomorrow instead... but any movement is good movement, so it's all good!
Alrighty then... that's about it for tonight. I'm tempted to start that religious debate I spoke about a week or so ago.. but, I might leave that decision up to you guys. Are any of you guys kinda religious at all? Does anyone actually want to have a discussion on this topic, because I would love to... maybe I should put this in the forum.
Speaking of the forum (link to the right there...) I was hoping some of you would like to share some stories and we can have some good discussions or debates or just jokes or something..
Okay.. So I'm heading off now. I'll update again tomorrow!
Good Night,
I won't make any comments on here as religion is quite a touchy and somewhat passionate subject but............oh the things I could say!!!?!?!??
Ok..I will start it! Is there really a god...I dont think so! People tell me god only takes the best...but why would you leave all those arseholes in this world who hurt children and murder and all those other things. I lost my faith the day my father died, and to this day dont think I will ever get it back. Another think that made me think its all made up, is when those children in that kindergarten were shot down, Port Arthur is another thing...so tell me...is that what god had in store for them...would love to know the real answer.
My dad was the best..he raised myself and all my siblings single handed, he was not just our father, he was our best friend, and people tell me, he died at only 55 as it was god's will. I say this is bullshit. To die and leave 3 young boys who never had the years I was so blessed to spend with him...
Ok..that is what I say on the subject.
Garry..back to the main reason we are here...I am so proud of you..and you are allowed to have a treat now and then. I thoroughly enjoy reading all that you write. :)
Hey guys...
Jenny, I copied and pasted your comment onto the forum. Listed under Misc. "Religion. Fact or Fiction?"
Anyone care to respond or comment?
Discussion is encouraged..
Hi Garry - I don't blame you if you don't remember me, but I've been visiting your blog for a while and do enjoy hearing your thoughts, congrats on what you've achieved so far too.
As far as religion goes - I'm about as atheist as you can get. It's difficult to put into words - but the very concept of a supreme being is just impossible for me to get my head around. For me, it's like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. For a while when you're little, as far as you can tell, everybody tells you they're real and you just accept it...until you get older and wise up and that's the end. I felt that way about religion in general, the more I grew up. Perhaps it's just how we're wired, or how we're raised as children. None of my family are religious but then, they also never would have suppressed any interest I might have taken in religion. I made up my own mind, and feel totally comfortable with my beliefs (or lack thereof). I guess that's the most important thing - believe what you feel is right, not what someone else says you should believe. Your mate Jenny made a lot of good points too.
Anyway - there you go :-) Bye Garry
Hey Josh
Thanks for leaving a comment and I'm so glad you've been enjoying my blog...
I've been thinking and thinking and thinking trying to remember a Josh C.. I'm so so sorry, I feel really really bad, I honestly don't remember you're name. Refresh my memory???
On the religion topic... I really agree. My family was never very religious but I went to a catholic school and I remember going to church when I was pretty young.
I agree with you.. It's impossible for me to comprehend it all as well. I find it even harder to understand why people have faith. I cannot understand how words in a book have so much power over a population. People live and die and go to war over these words.. In the same light, why is there no Church of Harry Potter? Surely more copies of those books have sold over the last decade?
The idea of god is for children and old people, i think. (I really hope I'm not offending people, but, these are my opinions). Like you said, like Santa and the Tooth Fairy.. And old people seem to need to feel there is something after this life to look forward to. I think you should live you're life to the fullest, so you're not hoping for something better after.
So, that's that. Thanks heaps for contributing.. I hope you feel like commenting again in the future... please refresh my memory, because I feel really bad...
Garry :)
It's been four years more or less, so don't feel bad! We chatted a bit and met once, I think it was actually really shortly before you and David first hooked up. I got your email you sent out to everyone about your blog so I must be still floating around in your contact list somewhere. Which is good!
Hope that jogs your memory a bit! I'll include a URL this time too.
Hey Josh
Now I remember you!
How you been?
If anyone is actually interested in religion... there's a great new movie..if you can find it, called Religulous.
Check it out. It is very funny. Very entertaining... and a little bit educational. It's truly a great film and I recommend it to anyone, interested in the topic or not, as it is truly great!
Anyone seen it?
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