A weekend off... that's nice for a change...
So, I've had a very lazy day. Now, yes... that breakfast picture in Nutri-Grain. Now, they advertise that they are 'Carb loaded'... but i checked.. and the carbs aren't that high... so they were fine!
Lunch was just another sandwich - didn't really feel like lunch, but knew I had to eat something! And dinner was Beef Strog - which turned out kinda runny... but was deliciously slow cooked. I had mine with broc and beans... David had a mass pile of pasta. So, all good. I feel a bit peckish tonight, so I'll probably have 2 fruits I've got in the fridge. Or something.
Now.. I've had a lazy lazy day. Watched a bit a TV, did a bit of washing... bit of housework! Not really exciting but things need to be done...
I still haven't thought of anything to 'collect' for reward things. Anyone got ANY ideas??
Damian (co-worker & occasional 'boss') suggested a website for me. c25k. So, I googled it. And, it's a 9-week program designed to get you from Couch Potato to 5k runner. Hence the C25K. Sounds good to me. Now, being as big as I am... I'm thinking I may need to lose a little more weight before I give this a real decent go. Having said that, I don't want to procrastinate too much. I might do the first week of the program for a week or two to get me started. I will definately keep you posted on this.
I've also been trying to find my old pedometer. I read a thing saying that 10,000 steps a day is considered to be a healthy 'active' lifestyle... I'm curious to see how many steps a day I do.. with and without going for a walk.. to see just how "inactive" I really am.
My motivation comes and goes, I tell ya. After just over 2 weeks of not eating any chocolate, soft drinks or really anything sweet... I'm kinda really craving something sweet. For some strange reason... I have an urge to make some Golden Syrup Dumplings. Yum Yum... Luckily for me we don't have any golden syrup... So, I might have some fruit and hope that satisfies my crave.
The reasoning going on in my head goes something like this:
Fat Garry "Go up to the supermarket, get some syrup and make the freakin dumplings. You're not hurting anybody"
New Garry "Yes I am... I would be hurting myself."
Fat Garry "Not really hurting. You're not causing pain or suffering to another person. No one will think you're a bad person for having dessert."
New Garry "But, I don't really need it"
Fat Garry "But, you want it, don't you? You want it bad!"
New Garry "Yes, I want it..."
Fat Garry "Well, eat it."
New Garry "No."
Fat Garry "Do it. Do it."
New Garry "Noooooooo!!!!"
And then repeat!
lol. It may sound strange, but Fat Garry and New Garry don't get along very well. Fat Garry's kinda an arsehole to New Garry... he's the little red devil that lives in belly going "Feed Me Sweeties!"
Anyways, I've exposed my mental illness and delusions... and before I say something else that should be inside thoughts, I better sign off and say Good Night.
So... Good Night.
1 comment:
Hope you both had a good nights sleep last night LOL
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