Well... I did it. We got the canyon around 11:00am. Walked up to the top on the "20minute" walk. It took us a little longer than 20minutes, but we did pretty good. Beautiful up the top there at the lookout. Then.. we had a look at the sign up the top there, and saw there was a walk down and back up to the car park that was "35minutes". Well, dad suggested we do that.. and I reluctantly agreed feeling pretty good about getting to the top in the first place. Oh god that was a mistake!!
It's almost 600 steps to the bottom... which we did pretty good. The knees felt like they were gonna break or give way. The steps themselves are quite small and they were slippery, so we took our time. I was sweating and sweating. And once we got to the bottom and crossed the little bridge... the challenge to get back up was on! And, I thought I was gonna die!!
My chest was pumping, my heart was racing, I had pain in my shoulders and chest, I could barely breathe. And, I was appalled at myself. I was so shitty at myself for letting myself get so fat and out of shape. It was a major challenge to get back up to the car park, but I did it. (I didn't have much of a choice, really, did I?)... But, it was done. I had done it.
Dad was motivating me all the way... As he said, it's a pretty hard haul up that hill, and quite steep. He said he wouldn't want to do it with an extra 60 kilos on him. And I did. So, I felt pretty good about that.
Mum had packed us a picnic lunch (She's a Good Mum!), so we had egg and bacon sandwiches. Now, that may sound bad, but mum made mine with grain bread... and there was hardly any bacon in the mix. They were delicious!!! We got back home and I was fucked! And, I still am!
For dinner tonight, leftovers from last night, on a hot potato - Delicious! I almost didn't have the spud, but, you know... I'm not on a strict diet - I'm just trying to change my overall eating habits so I'm not filling myself with deep-fried badness and take aways - so a Microwaved potato didn't seem that bad!
So, that's it. I put some photos and a video up from the canyon. That warning sign I've posted a pic of was at the top next to the lookout, and it made me laugh. The little man waving his arms.. and down he goes.
Anyways, we're gonna put Deliverance on and listen to some banjo. So, Goodnight all...
Remember, post any comments or questions, or just say Hi!
Well done!!!!!
Photos are good. Isn't it amazing what we can do when we set our minds to it.
You should feel proud of yourself, as today was an amzing hurdle for you.
On ya Garry. I'm very impressed. Dave and I have done that walk and I feel your pain. Not a walk I'm in a hurry to do again.
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