Let's talk about food... Nutri-Grain for breakfast.. That's a tomato and cheese toasted sandwich for lunch.. Now, dinner was a budget option... It's some leftover pasta sauce from the other night on top of a hot potato with broc and beans...
Last night's post led to some wonderful comments, both agreeing and disagreeing with me. Which is great! I love a good debate.. I love to hear everyone's opinion on any issue really...
I guess I should step in up a notch and start a debate on Religion tonight...
Let's not. I might leave that for another time... Let's not start another religious war online... lol.
So, we'll talk about me instead - another great topic - lol.
This morning I got dressed up (as you can see in the pics above - Special Thanks to Jaci!!!) for my first C25K session. The first week on the program is 3 sessions of 25 mins. 5 minute walk to warm up... then 60 seconds of jogging, 90 seconds of walking repeated for a total of 20minutes.
So, I met Damian at Romaine Reserve this morning... and.. OH.. MY.. GOD.
When you read 60 seconds of jogging, you think "yeah. sure. no freakin problem!"
It WAS a problem... The first jog started I think I made it for about 20, 25 seconds... and each jog after that was shorter. I was totally out of breath... it was bad. But everytime I was supposed to jog, I tried.. I at least did something.. and that's the main thing right, trying...?
Just so you know, Damian did a lot better, jogging for the total 60 seconds each time! Well done D-Man!
But, just because it was hard doesn't mean I'm giving up! The plan is 3 sessions a week, so that's what I'll do. I may have to do the first week for 2 or 3 weeks, but who gives a shit about that?!
The plan is to be fit and able to jog for 5km by the end of the year. Which gives me 6months to do a 9week program... lol... As a test/accomplishment for myself, I plan to enter the Christmas Santa Dash thing they had in Ulverstone last year (if they do it again this year) which is for charity... I'm not gonna give up just because it's a little hard!
Now, smoking issues. I think smoking is affecting my ability to do the jogging. I start wheezing and I'm out of breath way to early.. sounds terrible, so I think I will try to give up. Stopping smoking isn't my main priority at the moment, so I will do my best - we'll see. I'll keep you posted!
I may or may not walk into work tomorrow.. and the 2nd C25K session is Thursday (which I will definately do)...
Anyway, I may leave it there for tonight... As always, comments welcome and appreciated.
Feel free to keep commenting on yesterday's blog as well. Seems to be a topic people are interested in.. on both sides of the debate.
Have a wonderful night.
Hi sweetness another day well done, congrats on starting the running thing with damien. As for the smoking know exactly how u feel on the lungs issue BUT lol having said that be very careful you dont try to do too much at once, maybe u could try to say cut out smokes at work or after a certain time of the day, it will help a little and be lots of help when u r ready to fully quit after u have achieved ur fitness goals, just a thought..
anyway well done xxx
oh oh oh and I forgot to say looking a treat in the hat lol
lol... thanks for the advice on the smoking issue... I'll keep you posted on how I do...
And, I've always thought of myself as a hat person! lol
Leave the hat at home next time.... Lycra shorts and mesh singlet are bad enough....lol
You did well with the running... you DID run, and thats the main thing... each time we were to run, you did... you didnt give up... would old Gazzy have given up?? Probably not, coz old Gazzy wouldn't have been there!!
Well done and I'll see you on Thursday.... but beware the "pants" excuse isn't going to wash a second time!!
Yeah, no way would Fat Gazzy show up for that!!
I'm going shopping first thing Thursday morning for appropriate pant-wear.
Thanks for the encouragement!
GOOD LUCK with giving up smoking! I attended a smoking cessation evening last week for GPs and pharmacists and it was really good. Two issues: nicotine addiction and the physical habit. I think you should make a plan to help with motivation before making the big attempt. Any ideas yet on how you will tackle it? If you want to talk about it at all, please come see me or call me or whatever. There is a new drug on the market now which we've been having a lot of success with.
Love Kendra
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