The Sunday Blog
Been a pretty average Sunday really. Not much done. Had a short shift at work this morning. Lovely Mini-Wheats for breaky, toasted ham & cheese (lite) for lunch.. and caved in on Chicken Parma for dinner (also lite cheese). I had mine with salad, while David had half a plate of chips with a jug full of gravy! lol.. (I may be exaggerating a little).
The above picture I found - made me laugh! "He's luggin it".
The more I thought of that picture, the more terrible I feel for posting it. Poor guy. Just think of the above as 'truth in advertising'. That's how a McDonald's poster should be. With a Government Health Warning. "This burger contains SUGAR. Sugar is an addictive substance that can cause lazyness, obesity, heart disease (blah, blah)." Maybe Fast Food and Junk Food should have warnings on it - warning consumers about just how much crap is in there food!
Moving on...
Why is that people that call people for help, make it difficult to be helped. My co-workers reading this will understand... It makes no sense. I wonder if these people treat other people that are trying to help the same way?! Like a doctor. Imagine one of our customers going to the doctor and treating him like they treat us!!
Doctor "How can I help you?"
Patient "I have some pain.."
Doctor "And, where is the pain?"
Patient "Sort of around, near my back."
Doctor "So, is the pain on your back? Is it your lower back?"
Patient "It's just a sharp pain, can you fix it?"
Doctor "Well, Is the pain in your lower back?"
Patient "Listen to Me!! It's a pain, around my back and I want you to fix it"
Doctor "I can't fix it until you tell me what the problem is."
Patient "For fuck's sake! How hard is it!?"
Doctor "Not hard at all, if you answer my questions, so I can help. And please don't swear."
Patient "Don't talk to me like that! I'm the fucking customer! Who's your boss!?"
It's hard to believe that people would be like that to their doctor. Why be rude to people who you've asked/paid for to help? Why be rude to anyone?? Especially someone you don't know, and who have done nothing to piss you off. It makes no sense to me at all. And it's frustrating.
I think I was born in the wrong decade. People seemed (according to TV, movies and books) to be so much more polite and friendly back in the 50s and 60s. What happened?
We've come forward so far in term of racism, homophobia, etc. We have an African-American in the most powerful political position in the world, the US presidency. Same-Sex relationships can now be legally recognised (even if we can't get married yet). We have a massive multi-cultural population in Australia. I mean, on paper, we're such an advanced and civilised world. Yet, if you smile and say Good Morning to a stranger, most of them look at you like you're going to mug them or something. It is just bizarre. I was at my coffee shop (Cafe Bliss - the best!) before work a few weeks ago and this 90 year old nanna came over and started talking to me. She's was just delightful. She was saying she's just moved back here from the mainland, because she grew up here and her husband had recently passed away. She said she was loving being back and was ready to party. She seriously said she was ready for a party. She said she may be 91, but that won't stop her from having a good time and partying. She was adorable!
So, anyways, my point is... if there is one, that everyone is on this planet for a short time... The best experiences in life are the human interacts that we have every day with loved ones and with strangers, and most people close up and don't take the time to meet and know and learn and share. I'm guilty of this sometimes myself. But, at least I'm always polite and friendly. You never know if that person you smile at and say good morning to every day could just be the best friend you've ever met.
Well.. that's my thought of the day. Some shithead customer at work pissed me off today and it made me think... lol..
I've dribbled on long enough...
Remember to post comments, I love hearing from all of yas.
Tell me about a stranger you talked to once that was memorable. Did you keep in touch? Was it a one-conversation relationship? Did you fall in love and marry? Tell me some stories. I love to hear people's stories. So, let's share some...
ahh totally inspirational and well said..dont have any stories to tell ya though sorry as I am usually the one that smiles at everyone and dosent get one back hehe as for the comment on the doctor sounds like our conversations on the phone everyday lol I think most round our lil town are friendly but hit the mainland and its like hitting a brick wall no one looks at you and to smile pfft dont be silly that look at u as if u just left a looney ward lol any way keep up the good work u r doing great and hey dont change ur a great bloke
De xx
Have to agree with Dee...deep and meaningful.
At the moment am too tired to think of stories to share with you, but will think of some.
Have a great day tomorrow. :)
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