I present to you...

Well, as you can from the pictures above... I caved for a few slices of Pizza!! And, I regret it. It wasn't even a impulse... I thought about it... and I decided, an hour and 20 minutes before I finished work that I would break all my new rules and eat pizza... and, I Regret it... a lot.
My day went like this: slept in, ate breakfast, checked emails, got ready and went to work, decided to be a big fat pig, come home, ate pizza, cried... watched TV... had a craving for something sweet - ate some Celebrity Slim sugar free lollies.
So.. today - BIG FAIL!
I am truly upset with myself. I joke about it of course.. I said to a couple of people at work before I left, I'm going to have pizza tonight - so it'll be the blog of shame today... And, it's crap..
So... where do we go from here?? Well, the war is not over. The sugar, fats and melted cheesy goodness can not win this war!!
It's all about willpower isn't. We all know what we should and shouldn't eat. And, as I fat person, normally I don't care. For years it has been more about what I like to eat and what I can afford to eat. Well, this attitude must be changed. And tonight is an example of the fact I still have work to do. I need to stop thinking to myself...
"Well, no one gets hurt if I eat pizza, so what does it matter?"
"Other people can eat whatever they want, why can't I?"
"Pizza is better than Salad."
These are all false.. (except maybe the last one, pizza is pretty good)
On the positive side of today, i ate breakfast, i ate the sugar free lollies instead of chocolate, i still didn't drink soft drink... so, a couple of positives...
I'm not going to give up. I did the wrong thing, I sabotaged myself, I feel guilty and horrible. I feel like a big fat pig, lets be honest...
But, it's not over yet. Not until the fat pig squeals, and I haven't started singing yet!
Let's look to tomorrow...
Hopefully you dont have many days like today.
Oh love. We should walk together.
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