Well, as I predicted... I did not walk this morning. After my entry last night, I even loaded some music onto my mp3 player so I'd have something to listen to... but I slept in... maybe I should go to bed earlier!!
Breakfast was Just Right, had a delicious chicken and salad sandwich on grain from Bliss for lunch and a sausage hot pot thing we found in the supermarket for dinner tonight. Again, I had mine with Broc and Beans - David had mashed spuds.
So, doin pretty good with the food stuff I think..
Read a study thing (I've been trying to absorb info on weight loss and crap), and it said that it takes most people 28 days to change their habits. So, today is day 19. But, I think I'm doing pretty well anyways. I'm not trying to avoid things as much as a couple of weeks ago, I just don't want to eat that stuff. But, 28 days of routine should turn that routine into habit.. I found it curious.
Now, c25K. That running thing I was telling ya about. Well... I'm starting tomorrow. Damian (who just loves being mentioned on here!) and I will be doing it together... (He's married, no dirty jokes please). So, we're meeting up tomorrow to do day 1. I'll let you know how we go! Wish I had some wrist sweat bands, headband and some 80's workout gear! Might need to get on ebay for some workout stuff! lol.
I was gonna bitch about rude people on the phone again.. but we all know that people just don't give a crap about other people... it's just crap isn't it, really?
How can we change to world?
The other thing I wanted to dribble about was the unemployment benefit. Now, what I want to say, may annoy some people and people may agree or disagree... but, it's my blog and my opinion and would love to hear whether you agree or not, so leave a comment...
Why is that people on the dole get cheaper movie tickets, cheaper medication, cheaper holidays, etc? I mean, really... Why? I understand if you are unemployed, you still need to pay your bills and rent and all that stuff.. but, why is it that people who are long-term unemployed can visit the mainland cheaper or see a movie cheaper?
I have no issues with people on sickness benefits (legitimately) and their carers getting this kind of benefit. I have no issue with the family assistance stuff... single parents need help, all that stuff is fine. But people that are unemployed for 12months or more, and are not really looking for work... why do they deserve these 'entertainment' benefits?
Why are we not rewarding the people who have a job with these cheaper entertainment and holiday benefits? If you are employed for 3 months, you should get a TaxPayer Card that entitles you to a discount on movie tickets, airfares, Spirit of Tassie tickets and whatever else. Maybe if we cut out these 'fringe' benefits for unemployment and switch it over to Tax Payers, people would be more motivated to gain employment and keep it.
Now, I'm not just saying this because I am employed and I want benefits... I thought the same thing when I was unemployed.. and will think this if I become unemployed again. I just do not understand why people who don't contribute to society (ie. pay tax) get these benefits, while the people like me (and most other people I work with) struggle to make it week-to-week and have to fork out the extra cash for entertainment or a holiday... while the people who live off our tax money, get these things cheaper! I mean, does that sound backwards to you?
Anyway, I think I've said my bit. LOL... I don't even know why I was thinking about it today, but I was. So, I thought I share and get some other people's opinion on the topic.
Oh... By the way... That picture up there is JohnnyDepp as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, due for release in 2010..
Alrighty, thats my bit. I'll post tomorrow.
Good Night All.
`hi ya sweetness thought i would just tell u that u are doing a bloody marv job, proud of ya u should be proud of urself as well.
28 days thats interesting changes to routine, let me know how that works out.
De xxx
thanks love. xoxo
Well..I think this is the first time that I will disagree with you. Have you tried living on $170 a fortnight unemployment. That is what my son gets for unemployment, he is 16. Also single parents get all those benefits as well, and they dont get much as well. All I can say..is thankgod for the discounts that they have. I think until people are in that situation it is very hard to understand. Also most unemployed have tax taken out of their payments.
Oh well..that is what I have to say on this.
Now to the main reason why I read your blog: you are absolutely going great :) Good luck to you and Damian with the running. Cant wait to read more about it.
Hi Gaz, I agree with everything you said tonight. Its not the legitimately needed dole recipients I have a problem with, its the ones who can still smoke, drink and god knows what else that refuse to pay their bills because they say 'I'm only a pensioner you know'....Well so f*^king what, I work, pay a mortgage, pay bills and can't really afford it either but you will never here me say 'I work you know"!! They need to get over themselves and get off their lazy arses (unless they physically can't, and that's fine) and realise you shouldn't get something for nothing, its not damn fair! Don't even get me started on single mothers with 4 or 5 kids all tho different fathers!!!!!!!!! AAARRGGGGHHHH!!
Ok.. obviously some of us have some opinions on this. That's cool...
Jenny, I was unemployed for close to 18 months before I started working at Excelior. And before working at Excelior the longest job I ever has was 6 months, so I was on the dole for a long long time. So, I have survived on the dole. I know that it is hard to make ends meet on such a low amount of income and that you go without of a lot. Now, if it was a 10% discount on electricity costs or groceries or some kind of Living Expense, I would agree. But, I'm only talking about the Entertainment and Holiday benefits. A trip to Melbourne on the Spirit for a weekend away would be significantly cheaper if I was on the dole. And, movie tickets are cheaper.
What I'm trying to say, is that people work to be able to afford to go to the movies, go on holidays and do these sorts of recreation things. So, why is it that the people that work to afford these things have to pay more for it?
Meagan, I can understand your frustration with the Single Mothers with 4 or 5 kids to different fathers. It is frustrating that people would have CHILDREN, because they get payments. Having said that, not all people on Single Mother payments are in that position because of their choice... and I can't think of a way you could take it away from the people who don't deserve it and leave it for the people to really need it.
As I said before, there are legitimate reasons people could be on the dole... with the Global Financial Crisis at the moment - it is harder to find a job. I'm not talking about those people that are genuinely have lost their job and are looking for another. It's about those people that have been on benefits for a year or more and have not made a genuine effort to gain and retain employment.
Anyways, I welcome further discussion, so please keep talking...
Wow, well this is the first time I feel I need to make a comment.
First I will Say you are going well Garry, keep up the good work. Are you enjoying having home cooked meals instead of lot's of take out? Good luck with the running thing.
Ok, now about the dole thing...lol.
I can understand your frustration that if you make your own money working, you have to pay more for things, it hardly seems fair. However I think you will probably find that although those on a health care card get a discount at the movies, the majority of those people probably don't go anyway, as they still cant afford to spend the discounted price on tickets. Me and my husband have been on benefits before and got paid less then what our rent was in a caravan! lol....that really sucked, definately no cinema visits then!lol.
Also, I think you will find that the tickets on the spirit of tasmania are full price for dole recipients, the only people who get a discount are pensioners with a pension card, those on the dole with a health care card have to pay normal price.
Being back on unemployment myself now that Ben is unwell, things are much tighter. I am very thankful for the discounts on medicine, as at one stage Ben was on 5 different medications, i dread to think what that would cost at regular price. As it is there are two other medications he should be on, but isn't as they are not covered and are really expensive and we just cant afford it.
Ok, now for the single mother issue. Please don't be so judgmental when it comes to mothers with kids to different fathers. Remember that there is a man who helps get her pregnant in the first place, or several different men in cases of multiple children. Aren't these "fathers" just as bad?. Yes the mother gets money to look after the children and in some cases the mother doesn't spend it wisely, but that said, there are plenty of people who are employed that don't spend their money wisely or look after their children properly.
Anyway.. I think their is always going to be different opinions on these issues as we are all different. We all mold our opinions from our own unique experiences, which are always quite different to our neighbor.
Thanks for your comments Em. Now, you and Ben, I have no problem with. Ben is sick. Like I said, if you are sick or a carer or can not get work despite your best efforts, then I have no issues. It's those people that take advantage of the dole and just keep collecting it because they can. As you know, I lived on the dole for a long time, and I have heard people say that they don't want a job, cos they get stuff cheaper while on the dole.
As for the parents. Yes, the fathers are bad as well... But, if you are the type of woman who gets pregnant 4 or 5 times all from different fathers - shouldn't you have learnt your lesson and slap on a condom? I know the men are bad as well, but the woman knows she can get pregnant and if she's been pregnant twice accidentally, shouldn't she be more careful and not allow herself to fall pregnant a third, fourth, fifth or sixth time??
As far as people being employed and wasting money and not looking after their children. Well, you're right. But those people have worked for their money and their is no way to regulate how they spend it. The dole is basically a gift and should come with expectations that the right thing will be done.
Medication should be cheaper for everyone. As you say, you can not afford some medication that is needed... well, me being a worker, could not afford these either. I have no excess cash to spend of anything...
That's my point. You and I probably get a similar income, I work for mine, you get sickness allowance. That's fine, but if we go to the movies together, I pay $15 and you pay $10. We both need some antibiotics or something, you pay $6 or $7 and I pay $20+.
But, thanks for writing. I appreciate the debate, and I honestly do like to hear both sides of the issue... so, if you or anyone feels like leaving more comments, I welcome it.
Hi Garry,
Hi love. I agree with you on the unemployment issues. However I think there are other means that the government could try to help out unemployed people more.
I think there are heaps of people with mental illness who should be on disability pensions but are not because they are discriminated against by the system and society in general (I could rant about this for days, seriously.).
How about food vouchers? I really think a lot of unemployed people struggle with making ends meet because some priorities are wrong eg. Movies and DVDs, cigarettes and alcohol rather than food and clothing for children. When I worked in Burnie, the number of people who thought they were entitled to a temporary account for their medication but had money to spend on hair dye was ridiculous.
I hope I don't sound biased. I am not. The system is a bit screwed, but the larger picture is our society, and frankly, it doesn't work. Unemployed people who are not looking for jobs are in this situation because their peers, their parents and society do not expect it of them, the values have not been instilled. They lack motivation to find jobs because they have not been taught.
On a lighter note, I have really enjoyed reading your blog so thanks for posting the link on Facebook. I really miss you too. I'm really proud of the way you're dealing the food and exercise goals you've set yourself. Good luck!
Love Kendra
Hi Kendra...
Glad to hear from you, and glad you've been enjoying the blog.
You're right about the system being screwed. I agree with you on the mental illness pensions, etc. I think there are a number of people who suffer from various mental illness that do not want to admit it to themselves, let alone Centrelink. There's a stigma attached to it. I remember when I was diagnosed with Depression and when you hear the doc say these things, you feel this sense of shame - which is so wrong. But, it's the stigma of the word.. that's all.
I think there is a lot of room for improvement of the system, but I'm not sure who will fix it or how.
Hopefully, as the people of our generation get older and get into more powerful position in government, things will change.
Global Warming, anyone?
Anyways, thanks everyone for the comments... Loving the interaction with you all.. Keep it up.
Garry xoxo
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