Let's get the food talk out of the way:::
Breakfast was Special K Advantage. Ate it. Didn't like it. Special K is good.. but this was not!
Coffee before work, Lunch was noodles again - i like 'em, what can I say? And for dinner, we had a yummy yummy Satay Chicken Stir-Fry...
Ok. Good, Good. Moving On...
It's Day 10. I don't know why I keep track of how many days. If I was more sensible, I should be counting how many days since. What I am doing is beating an addiction. Sure, it's an addiction to food, not drugs or alcohol, but food is addictive as well. My day count should be, "it's been 7 days since my last pizza". Doesn't sound as dramatic as "it's been 2 years, 3 months and 4 days since I last shot up heroin.". But, I'm not about to become a junkie just so I have something bigger to quit!
I was reading someone else's blog today, and he had a quote... "Only boring people get bored."
That got me thinking. I feel bored a LOT! Does that make me a boring person? I guess that is probably true.
This lifestyle change that I seem to be going through, has made me want to do things that I haven't wanted to do in a long time. Making plans to go walking up a canyon is very out of the ordinary for me. I want to wander around the town and parks and beaches with my camera and take photos of random things I find interesting. I want to join a class, a theatre group... I want to experience more of my life. I seem to be one of those people that are always waiting for something to happen instead of making something happen, and that is another thing I want to change.
I sound like I'm going through a mid-life crisis!! I sure hope not, I'm only 26. I don't want my life to come full-circle at 52.
I'm sure I'm not the only person that feels like they could do more to experience everything. I've always wanted to travel... I've wanted to visit the US since I was a kid... but, there's a lot of TASMANIA, my home state, that I haven't seen. Why? What is about people that stop them from traveling around their own state? My folks went down to the south end of the state a few weeks ago and they did a short-tour thing while they were there. The guide person asked them where they were from, and was so excited to have a couple of 'locals' there!
So... healthy eating, more exercise, more Experiences...
Let's see what we can do!
See ya tomorrow!
Live Long and Prosper..
(I'm such a geek!)
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