My legs! I'm talking about my legs being so stiff. They've been sore all day.. too much work yesterday apparently. No, no... not enough every other day. If I did a big walk like that once or twice a week - I wouldn't be sore. lol.. Fuck that!
So, this morning, I had my Special K Advantage again. I know I didn't like it last time, but it's there, and it's healthy so I shut up and ate it, like I was always told as a kid. ("Kids in Africa would kill for a bowl of Special K Advantage." - "Well send it to them, cos I don't want it!")
For lunch, just a sandwich, nothing exciting.. and Devilled Sausages for dinner. I couldn't even eat it all. Ate 1/4 of the rice and 3/4 of the sausages and was stuffed full to the forehead! But, yummy yummy...
So, dad was telling me about this new study thing he read. Now, I'm going to explain this like a 3 year old, cos it's the only way I understand it. Please no jokes about my IQ - lol. Apparently when you've stopped eating heaps of carbs (like I have) it sets your metabolism on Medium, right? Now, if you binge on, say, a McDonald's burger after a week or so, you're body freaks out and goes "Shit! Heaps of carbs! Work, Work, Work!" and sets your metabolism on High. Then, for the next 3 or 4 days, you've stopped eating all those carbs, but you're body's still on High cos it's set to Red Alert after the McDonald's incident of 3 days ago.
Did that make sense? Well, it makes sense to me. Now, having said that that makes sense to me, I am not going on a take away binge anytime soon. What this means to me, is that I can have more carbs than normal one night. For example, I can have spaghetti or lasagne (my fav) or something.
But, I'm hesitant. I'm worried, because sometimes, it takes all my strength not to go to cupboard and steal one of David's chocolates or get that piece of cake from the coffee shop for afternoon tea. Or anything like that. Remember what I was talking about when I started this. Fatty, High Carb and High Sugar Food is addictive - and that's what I'm trying to break. Having a Big Mac or something this soon would ruin everything - at the moment. If I was addicted to cocaine and hadn't had any for 2 weeks - I wouldn't reward myself with a line now, would I? No! Of course Not! So, why would you do that for food?!?!
So, what do I do? My vote is - Fuck the metabolism. Keep away from the Evil Foods of Fatty Death!
Tomorrow is the 2nd Weekly Weigh-In, and I'm nervous again. I did almost kill myself walking yesterday, I have been pretty good with the food this week (parma aside - thanks for that guilt Meagan!-lol). So, we shall see. Fingers crossed. Even if that number only comes down 100grams, I will be happy... 0.1 kg loss is still a loss... But, No Matter What, I will not give up this fight with weight.
"Never Give Up, Never Surrender!"
Remember, I love hearing from everyone, so keep the comments coming.
1 comment:
Hope your legs are feeling a bit better by now. Did you get the Electric Soda what Leanne mentioned. It works a treat.
I agree fully with you about sticking to the way you are doing it, as you are going great!!!
Am now waiting to hear from your weigh in. all will be fine.
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