Well, as I predicted... I did not walk this morning. After my entry last night, I even loaded some music onto my mp3 player so I'd have something to listen to... but I slept in... maybe I should go to bed earlier!!
Breakfast was Just Right, had a delicious chicken and salad sandwich on grain from Bliss for lunch and a sausage hot pot thing we found in the supermarket for dinner tonight. Again, I had mine with Broc and Beans - David had mashed spuds.
So, doin pretty good with the food stuff I think..
Read a study thing (I've been trying to absorb info on weight loss and crap), and it said that it takes most people 28 days to change their habits. So, today is day 19. But, I think I'm doing pretty well anyways. I'm not trying to avoid things as much as a couple of weeks ago, I just don't want to eat that stuff. But, 28 days of routine should turn that routine into habit.. I found it curious.
Now, c25K. That running thing I was telling ya about. Well... I'm starting tomorrow. Damian (who just loves being mentioned on here!) and I will be doing it together... (He's married, no dirty jokes please). So, we're meeting up tomorrow to do day 1. I'll let you know how we go! Wish I had some wrist sweat bands, headband and some 80's workout gear! Might need to get on ebay for some workout stuff! lol.
I was gonna bitch about rude people on the phone again.. but we all know that people just don't give a crap about other people... it's just crap isn't it, really?
How can we change to world?
The other thing I wanted to dribble about was the unemployment benefit. Now, what I want to say, may annoy some people and people may agree or disagree... but, it's my blog and my opinion and would love to hear whether you agree or not, so leave a comment...
Why is that people on the dole get cheaper movie tickets, cheaper medication, cheaper holidays, etc? I mean, really... Why? I understand if you are unemployed, you still need to pay your bills and rent and all that stuff.. but, why is it that people who are long-term unemployed can visit the mainland cheaper or see a movie cheaper?
I have no issues with people on sickness benefits (legitimately) and their carers getting this kind of benefit. I have no issue with the family assistance stuff... single parents need help, all that stuff is fine. But people that are unemployed for 12months or more, and are not really looking for work... why do they deserve these 'entertainment' benefits?
Why are we not rewarding the people who have a job with these cheaper entertainment and holiday benefits? If you are employed for 3 months, you should get a TaxPayer Card that entitles you to a discount on movie tickets, airfares, Spirit of Tassie tickets and whatever else. Maybe if we cut out these 'fringe' benefits for unemployment and switch it over to Tax Payers, people would be more motivated to gain employment and keep it.
Now, I'm not just saying this because I am employed and I want benefits... I thought the same thing when I was unemployed.. and will think this if I become unemployed again. I just do not understand why people who don't contribute to society (ie. pay tax) get these benefits, while the people like me (and most other people I work with) struggle to make it week-to-week and have to fork out the extra cash for entertainment or a holiday... while the people who live off our tax money, get these things cheaper! I mean, does that sound backwards to you?
Anyway, I think I've said my bit. LOL... I don't even know why I was thinking about it today, but I was. So, I thought I share and get some other people's opinion on the topic.
Oh... By the way... That picture up there is JohnnyDepp as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, due for release in 2010..
Alrighty, thats my bit. I'll post tomorrow.
Good Night All.