Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Plans, Plans, Plans

OK... First things first... computer will still not let me upload pictures. Sorry guys.

The Food Report: Breakfast this morning... I finished off the Nutri-Grain that I had left. I had my last tablet of that stupid steroid thing I was on... coffee, coffee, smoke, smoke... went to Cafe Bliss and bought a coffee.. and had a smoke, and a smoke, and another smoke.. and started work...
Got home, coffee & smoke. Made a sandwich for lunch - Ham and Cheese on grain bread.. and for dinner tonight we got a bit extravagant and had... Wait for it... it's special... we had Sausages... with a hot spud and some greens with a bit of gravy... yum yum.

So today we've been planning out the rest of the year... like... till Christmas. People want to know what we're doing and when we're doing it and all that jazz... so we've been scheduling. How much fun is that? Birthdays, Halloween, Mum goes overseas, more Birthdays, Bucks and Hen's Nights, a Wedding, more birthday, another birthday and Christmas... It just seems like it never ends. I mean, it's nice to have things to do and I really enjoy catching up with family and friends and having fun and a couple of wines and whatever... but, scheduling for 5 or 6 months... crazyness. Let's all hope it works out how we've done it! lol..

So it's weigh in day tomorrow... and it's gonna wake me up a bit. Since I got sick haven't been that good... and I realise this... and tomorrow.. I know I'm gonna have gained.. it'll be my new beginning - again. Start back into the running next week (Damian - hope you're reading! lol). Hopefully get the treadmill soon enough too...

Money sucks. I've been trying to do a budget for a while... I hate trying to figure out who gets how much of the money I worked for and how little of it I have left for stuff... Communism has it's upsides I think! lol - kidding! God, no!

Does anyone watch True Blood? I've just started watching Season 2 of this show... and it is absolutely fantastic. If you like vampires and stuff and haven't seen it, track it down, because it is really, really great. If you're a Twilight fan though, it may be too hardcore and adult for you... lol... Twilight is tweeny - did not like - sorry... I know heaps of people like it, but, seriously... it's pretty weak.

So, what else been happening? Not much... So, with all these plans at least I know what I'm doing.. add in running and work outs and stuff.. and things should go swimmingly. Hopefully, I'll be all slimmed down for the wedding in December... wanna look my best. I know David will scrub up nice in a suit!

Alrighty, I'm off... Comments please people.. haven't had any for a couple of days - but I've had people talk to me about the blog, so I know you're reading... let me know... Leave a comment. Abuse me, Question me.. whatever... love to hear from you all! Good Night. See ya tomorrow.


GGL GGL said...

OMG you dissed Twilight, how extremely rude :-) Just who do you think you are?!? ggl ggl ggl

But seriously how did you not love it, its the best LOVE story! Not so much a vampire movie than a love story and who (you included) would mind if Edward came knocking on their door. I for one wouldn't kick him out of bed for farting......ha ha ha :-)

You guys sure do have a busy couple of months ahead, but it looks like u haven't included WINE TOUR in the plans!! So add that in Mister.. I sense a few drinking sessions coming up which isn't going to help with your weight loss. You will just have to stop eating altogether so that you can drink ggl ggl

Anyway thats my abusive commenting done, enjoy and see u soon.......MEOW MEOW MEOW pmsl

Love Me xx

Garry Wakefield said... make me laugh!

Yeah, no... didn't like Twilight. I get that it was a love story, but it was boring... seen many better love story and many better vampire stories.. didn't like it... and I don't like Edward at all, he wouldn't even get an invite through the door... all scrawny and pale and sooky.. he's a little bitch! lol.

Anyways... I haven't forgotten the Wine Tour.. just forgot to add it in there.. when are we going again? I'm really looking forward to it, actually!

And.. yeah, no food. just alcohol! ggl. that'll work! ggl.


MEOW MEOW said...

OMG really, Edward, what is wrong with you?!?!? Although Jacob is much nicer to look at, all dark and muscly and that but Edward is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice :-)

Garry Wakefield said...

Edward is soooooooooooooooo boring!

I think Jacob was nicer tho...

Dunno... was shit...

So, have you seen True Blood?

SIL said...

Edward is not attractive in the slightest! Finally somebody understands this haha

Ggl Meow said...

Nope, if its gory I would hate it, scary things terrify me. Had to walk out of The Grudge, was shitting my pants!! :-) If its Buffy like I might like it!

Garry Wakefield said...

Buffy is pretty tame compared to True Blood too... It's got a fair bit of sex in it.. (google search Ryan Kwanten - True Blood)... And they don't shy away from the gore and blood... but it still has an awesome story as well (and yes, it's a love story!)

And, thank you SIL... Edward is a little bitch. The End.

Josh C said...

Omg! I LOVE True Blood!

My best friend gushed about it for ages to me, but when she told me it had vampires in it, straight away I thought of Twilight and how embarrassing that looks, and so I never took much notice.

Then I thought 'what the hell' and put the first episode on, and now I'm completely hooked. I got up to episode 4 or so of Season 2, and I still have more to go, but then Kev bought me season 1 on Blu-ray as a present and so we've been watching one episode a night of that this week. I've decided I'll wait until he's caught up before I watch the rest of season 2 - I can't wait :-)
