Hey guys, just a quick update tonight. I have a headache, I've had a bit of a stress attack today and The Amazing Race finale is gonna be on soon and I don't want to miss it!!
But, today is weigh in day! So, I woke up this morning thinking I was gonna have a gain. But, I got on those scales and I was 139.9kg.... That's a 0.6 loss for the week, bringing total loss to 11.4... AND, The Best Part... I'm out of the 140's!!!! Ok, so I'm only out of the 140's by 100grams, but that is SO NOT THE POINT!
So, happy with that. I realise there's still a bit of work to do... but, I'm still keen for the whole thing. I just wish I could feel a change in my body, I don't. That's why I've been thinking of doing some weights or joining the gym or something. I still feel very much like I did when I started... but, I do feel happy that those numbers on the scales are coming down.
I haven't thought about what else to put on that goal board... anyone got any suggestions?
I think I also need to work on accepting my body for the way it is... I don't mean size-wise, after all these years of being large and getting larger, my body is scarred from being abused. There are parts of me that I don't like that I wish I could change, that I know is impossible. I need to learn to accept these things and focus on the things I can change. (Sounds like I've been to AA). I know for instance, that no matter how much weight I shed and even if I workout everyday and get really buff and muscled... I will still have the stretch marks of obesity. They can not be taken away. I will always have scars and I need to accept my body for what it is. I need to be comfortable in my own skin and accept me for who I am. I think this is the key to self-happiness.
Anyway, that is my short post for tonight.
Thanks for all your support guys and I hope to see some comments tonight! I'm out of the 140's people - Say it with me now - FUCK YEAH!
Hey you, just a quick congrats...you're doing SO well! I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment with the horrendous shit going on next door! The bloody phone hasn't stopped ringing and I'm tired and headachy and now I have to go to work. :[
Talk later. Kerry xxx
Well done...:)What an achievement!!!
Hey Kerry... I'm not surprised that you're preoccupied... jesus what a shock?!?! Would freak me right out I think... so, hope you're doin ok?! Also, Hope Brian isn't too upset about today's outcome! lol Feel free to remind him it's only a game if need be.
Thanks Jenny! Pretty happy with the result... don't know if next weigh will be as effective. But, we'll see!
Thanks for commenting guys! Appreciate it!
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