So the new program has begun. I'm on the Trim in Six. Website is alright (doesn't seem very active with people)... should get a phone call from a dietitian next week or week after. I gotta keep a food diary of everything I eat, when and how I feel at the time, including a Hunger Score of 1 (being not hungry) and 3 (very hungry).
Another awesome part of this whole "getting a doctor involved" thing is, the clinic referred me to someone for an Activity and Exercise program thing and I get 6 free sessions with this guy... HOWEVER, he is in Launceston and as I am eager to get going, I'm heading back to Launceston next Friday to have an appointment with him! So, not looking forward to the 3 hours of driving (there and back) just to do a bit of exercise, but I want to do what I can, so I'm going... And hopefully we'll work on some stuff I can do every day to get more active overall. Will keep you posted on that...
So, it's day two on the drug and I'm feeling a bit different... for breakfast I had Mini-Wheats (so over Just Right at the moment)... but I didn't feel hungry at all... but, I ate them.. and for lunch I had some leftover pasta crap we had in the fridge, there wasn't that much of it, but I feel fuckin full now... Like, I over ate - when normally I would've eaten that and went looking for something else... So, I'm guessing that either the drug has started working OR I just wasn't as hungry as I thought OR the food was off and I'm going to be throwing up all night! LOL... Fingers Crossed it's the first option, yeah?! And for dinner tonight we had chicken burritos - lots of salad... only ate 2 tried for a 3rd - got about half way through it. Considering I usually have 4... good times!
And I have been drinking lots of water today (like, I usually drink 3x750ml bottles)... One of the side effects is Dry Mouth - and holy jeebus... Water is like my best friend right now!
I've been thinking about my goals and this USA holiday thing... and part of this program is setting realistic goals. I know I would enjoy this holiday if I left tomorrow, but I seriously want to be able to do some stuff over there, that I just can't do PLUS SIZED... and financially, we're not in a great place right now... so I'm thinking of postponing the USA trip till August 2011. The other reason for this is because the big reason I want to go is for the annual Las Vegas Star Trek convention (GEEK, Remember!?) and in 2011 the next movie comes out... so it's more likely that the current stars of the films will be there... I think 2011 is a better goal... I can set a realistic 23 month goal of getting down to a healthy size (I do need to lose about 50kgs) and getting fit so that I can do the Grand Canyon and stuff... Thoughts?? Opinions????
And thats about it for tonight.... Wish the weather would clear up so I could get out and do some exercise and walking and ANYTHING really... I really need to get my treadmill off layby! Damn Money!!!
Good Night Folks,
Hey Gaz, it was great to catch up with you guys this week, it's always good to see you.
I'm so proud you've lost 8.8 kilos, that's fantastic! You possibly should reward yourself at each ten kilo milestone. Maybe buy a new piece of gym equipment or something in lycra? LOL!
Hope the drugs are going to work for you, sounds like they are starting to already.
I think the decision to postpone the trip is a wise one, at least you'll be able to save up for it.
Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Lotsa love...Mum 2 xxxx
From one Reductil user to another, they are working :-)
Thats how they help, by sending signals to your brain saying your full.
Sounds like your doing well!
I bet you will defently be at the 10kg loss by 1 week of useing Reductil.
Postponeing your tip is good cos everything is more exie when your plus sized too and you wont have as much fun as in when your fitter :-)
Kerry - it was good to see you guys again, as always! And, I'm thinkin the lycra is a great idea!! I would finally be able to publish that "Gazzy in Tazzy 2010 Calendar"!!
Sarah Jane - Thanks for leaving a comment. I'm glad to have a Reducil-Buddy! Stayed tuned for the weigh in result on Thursday night - fingers crossed you're right I get to the 10kg loss!
And, I think you're both right about the waiting for the USA trip! Better financially, better physically. I will have more fun if I'm fit and confident to do things I Wouldn't OR Couldn't do right now!
Stay Tuned! Good to see some comments on here again! Been quiet last few days!
Hi Gaz, pmsl at the water thing! The person I know had a bottle permanently attached to her lips, thought she was going to have to get an IV drip attached! Glad its working. What time you heading up on Friday? Let me know
Love Meagz xx
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