Well, what a great couple of days!
Tuesday morning... a little sleep in.. Just Right for breaky, we packed our bags and hit the road for Launceston. (We actually skipped lunch, not on purpose or anything - just kinda forgot about it, lol). So, we arrived... had coffee & a catch up with David's mum. Then we did a bit of shopping... a couple of cheap-o things from Bunnings we needed for Halloween and a little window-shopping. Back to David's mum for a couple of glasses of champagne and a home cooked dinner with Vegies!! We got up nice and early, Celebrity Slim shake for breakfast (I took them with me cos I skipped breakfast last time)... and then we headed over to The Gorge for a walk... was lovely. Didn't do the whole loop around, cos we were on time constraits but we'll defiantely be going back when the weather warms up a bit. So, we stopped at the cafe and had a coffee up there. Was lovely. As you can see, my plan to have weekly photos of myself has started! There I am at The Gorge with David's mum. Then I headed off to the doctor (more on that in a sec) while David went and got a suit for the wedding with his brother. Then a late lunch with Meagz... which was lovely... I forgot to take a pic of the food - so you got a pic of an empty plate... it was a Turkish Bread sandwich thing with sun dried tomatos, chicken, avocado and cheese - yum yum... and of course MORE WINE! Was lovely to catch up and gossip and chat! Had a great time..
Then we came home... we stopped at ETC so I could get a take away coffee, otherwise I woulda fallen asleep in the car I think....
So... Doctor's Appointment. As you regular readers would know, Meagz set up the appointment for me to see a doc who has access to a program called "Trim in 6". Basically it's an appetite suppresant used with a exercise and diet program thing with online and phone access to nuitritionist and dietitians. He said if I was local I would have an appointment every 2 weeks, but because I'm so far away... I call them every 2 weeks to let them know how I'm going and need to go up to Launceston every 4 weeks for updates and checking, etc etc for about 6 months (hence the 'Trim in 6"). So, it sounds great! I haven't read through all the info they gave me or registered online for it yet... but plan to do all that tonight...
With Spring here now... and my new doctor approved plans... I can see silver linings all over the place. The weather isn't exactly great at the moment, but it's Spring dammit, so the sunshine can't be too far away! And when it is, I'll get out more... and do stuff. Dad is keen to explore some old walking tracks we used to visit when I was a kid and I'm keen to walk just about anywhere... so I think the change in season and a couple of great days has put a new spring in my step!
But it is weigh-in day tomorrow, so we'll see how I go... I did drink a bit of wine over the last couple of days... skipped lunch yesterday, late lunch today and I'm so not hungry for dinner tonight... we'll see anyway. I don't much care what result I get in the morning, cos I'm actually feeling pretty good right now! So, fuckin, Yay for Me!
Also planning a big Spring Clean of the house. We've got 2 spare rooms full of shit, not to mention the shed... and it's time to get rid of the shit we don't need. Clutter, clutter everywhere! Plus, the kitchen could do with a good scrub through and clean out.
And, it's only about 4 weeks till the Wine Tour and about 8 weeks for Halloween!! So, some stuff on the horizon to look forward to aswell!
Alrighty, I'm signing off while I'm still on a high...
Thanks for reading... enjoy the photos, leave your comments... I will respond..
Good Night Everyone!
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