Today is the ONE HUNDREDTH DAY of my 'lifestyle change'! 100 Days!!
So, I've included a couple of pictures from our work Christmas Dinner (2008)... it's the best indication my "Before" weight... and I've posted up a photo I just took, so you can compare the difference... well? I can't really notice much... can you?
100 days ago I decided to stop being the fat lazy guy and to start this blog. To be honest, at that time, I was unsure if I would stick with it and actually change. I've started weight loss and exercise things countless times before and they never stick... but this time, with the encouragement and support of all of you, reading and commenting and helping and Everything... I've managed to shed 10 kilos and am still feeling committed! If not more committed now than I was when I started.
I set my alarm early this morning, got up at 6 and headed straight for Teddy the Treadmill. I sweated out a 30minutes hard walk and pushed and pushed myself to do it harder and longer. I imagine Thin Garry on one side of me telling me I can do it and Fat Garry sitting on the couch on the other side of the room yelling at me to stop and join him for a smoke... Thin Garry wins again!! It was a great way to start the day and I'm thinking I'm going to keep doing the first thing in the morning thing... I feel more awake and energized and happier with myself for putting in that effort.
Most of the 10kilos lost over the last 100 days has been from changing my diet. 100 days ago I would skip breakfast and if I was at home for lunch, I would have deep fried chips or some other junk food crap that was in the house... we'd eat some high-fat, high-calorie dinner - usually some form of take away food and follow that up with a big block of chocolate to munch on for the rest of the night while sitting in front of the TV.... Disgusting really, but that was what I did. Now.. it's different. Now, I make smarter decisions with my food choices... while not sacrificing everything. Depriving myself of something completely would make me want it more...
Having said that, I've not had soft drink of any kind for 100 days and I've had maybe 5 or 6 "fun size" pieces of chocolate... Not bad considering it used to be a block a night and a 2 litre bottle of Coke Zero!! Crazy..
I feel better... I don't feel as lethargic as I used to. Old clothes that used to be tight have started getting looser and some clothes I couldn't wear are fitting again...
Overall I think my life and my confidence has improved. There is still a ways to go, but I've set more realistic goals and I have some great help from professionals, friends and family that are providing fantastic support and encouragement and I know that I can reach my target and it doesn't really matter how long it takes as long as I stay on track...
I want to say Thank You to everyone who reads, everyone who comments on here, on facebook, on email or in person. You have all been great support and I honestly would've given up long ago if it wasn't for people caring enough to help, encourage and boost my esteem. I appreciate all of you taking the time and making the effort of being involved and really hope you all stick around for a while yet and follow me right through to the end result...
So, Thanks Again... And Good Night...
I'm so proud of you! :)
Thanks love! :)
can def see in the face that u have lost weight, just think what a difference another 10 will make, u will really start to notice then. well done xxx
Thanks De.
I'll be Dead Sexy after another 10!! lol...
Thanks for commenting, appreciate it!
Gazzy. xoxo
I found your blog again. Good on ya Gaz. Look'in at ya today and can see a big difference. You're a lot happier too. Great stuff. Thanks for the fathers day comments and I hope you read my reply back there. Dad.
Thanks Dad! I read you're reply and just have one thing I can say back...
Star Wars... pffft!
Hey Gaz, there's definitely a difference in the photos - you had more hair then! LOL!!!!
Sorry, couldn't resist that one!
Seriously, you have done a fantastic job and although you still have a way to go, your mindset is different now and that's half the battle. I think you're more happy and confident now too. Not the shy creature that I first met, that's for sure!
Keep going, you should be proud of yourself!
Luv ya...Kerry xxx
Congratulations on 100 days! You sometimes mention how long it's taking and seem a little frustrated by it but I really hope that you can see how fantastically you're doing. It takes great dedication to stick to something new for 100 days and you've done it.
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