Hello all
Launceston today for my appointment with the (I found out their official title) 'Exercise Physiologist', Travis and a Uni-Student who is studying, Jason. Was really good, really encouraging and just really helped to talk and ask questions and get some advice and stuff on this whole lifestyle change thing... I told them about the blog and how I've already lost almost 10kgs and everything and they were pretty impressed that I've lost that much from mainly diet change. But, as I was saying in an earlier post... I really need to get in more exercise.
They took my weight, height, BMI, Blood Pressure.. measured my chest, waist, hips and thigh... and then we did a 'fitness test' on a treadmill with a heart rate monitor... testing how my heart and breathing and how I felt at different speeds and to check recovery time, etc. Gave me a good indication of where I am at the moment, fitness wise... and how much work there still is to do.
Then came the planning. I'm having meetings with them every month when I have appointments with doctor... So, we made plans for the next 3 weeks... and the plan is:
Walking min. of 4 times for 30mins, altering speed and at an intensity score of 5 or 6 (out of 10).
Rowing machine 3-4 times per week...altering speed... slow...30 secs fast...1min slow...etc.
Plus, when I get the 'Biggest Loser' DVDs to use them.
Vary these activities to be a minimum of 30minutes of activity at least 5 days a week.
And that's the plan. Happy with this. Turns out uni-student Jason is a local to Burnie and knows of a circuit program going on somewhere in town and will email info if I would like to do that... so, we'll see about that. Dunno about doing stuff with other people I don't know yet... that's kinda why I haven't joined the gym... don't really feel confident around people yet. But I will have a read and check it out... and think about it, seriously...
Mum and Dad took me over to Launceston... being supportive. They've lent me their treadmill! So, they said I can use it till mum gets back from Dubai, which isn't till like, end of November. So, I've got it for a good couple of months... and by then the weather will be better... and Yay!
So, food... I didn't take any food photos today, I'm sorry... Mini-Wheats for breakfast this morning and then mum and dad took me out to lunch at the Star Bar... for budget reasons (and my first choice being un-available) I chose the Chicken Parma.. and I actually act the salad it came with - ok, I ate the chips it came with too, but hey... And for dinner tonight, not really hungry, so I only ate a small portion of Honey Mustard Chicken with Brocolli and Beans - said no to the rice!!!
So there are plans. After posting tonight, gonna set up some plans for what days to walk and exercise and stuff... and meals... so I know what's ahead for the week... AND STICK TO IT!
Alright folks... Any advice, tips, ideas... anything at all... leave a comment. It's great to hear from you all and any comments are appreciated!
Have a great weekend!
Hey you, that programme sounds amazing. I've never heard you sound so positive! It feels weird to know that you were in town and I didn't get to see you but sounds like you'll be backwards and forwards a fair bit in the coming months, so we'll see more of you.Keep up the good work.
Love...Mum 2 xxx
Yeah, I am feeling pretty positive about the whole thing, so that's great. David's been really good too the last few days... hasn't had chocolate in the house for almost a week!! How's that?!?!
And, I'll be back and forth a bit... will keep you posted when I do come up...
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