The usual suspects for food intake: Ravioli with a Stir-Through Sauce.... find I'm checking labels for calories and shit... Guess that is good. Still not really counting, just trying to be aware of how many I'm consuming... and making sure I don't go too far over my 1700 that the Trim In Six program has set...
So, was nice to have a day off today... despite the drizzle of rain around lunch time, David and I went down to Romaine and went for a walk... Big Lap, Short Lap... about 30 minutes. Was good to get out of the house and walk again... but it's been a while since I've walked... and I felt how badly I had lost what little I had built up. I couldn't imagine running like I was a few weeks ago...
I was watching The Morning Show this morning and they had some of those stupid infomercials for exercise equipment and stuff. Got me to thinking (I know, I know)... Why would there be any help from the government when it comes to realistic advertising on Diet Products, Exercise Products and Equipment or even HONEST food labeling including Serving Sizes?? The Diet and Exercise industry in Australia (in the WORLD) must be a multi-million dollar industry... and when people are buying - they're paying taxes!!
They bend the truth about food so we get fat... then they put these wafer thin women and hunky muscle men on TV as if they're the average person and us fatties feel like crap... so we see an ad for the new "Cardio Twister" or "AbKing Pro" or "Tony Ferguson" or some other "Miracle cure" and of course we're going to buy it. If we're stupid enough to spend our hard earned cash on food that makes us fat and sick... why wouldn't we spend money on something that cures our obesity in a "Money Back Guarenteed 30-Days".... And of every one of those products, the junk food, the miracle cures.. we're paying taxes...
I mean, I guess these things have some sort of use.. Chuck Norris' Total Gym is actually something I'm seriously considering buying... AND any movement of the body and physical activity is good... but the "real customers" they have on these commercials tell us they lost "massive amounts of weight in such a short time all thanks to the {insert any equipment}".
It doesn't matter how much swinging you do on the twister or hawaii chair... If you eat large amounts of calories, fat, sugar, alcohol... whatever... you're not going to loose weight. (Please, leave a comment and correct me if I'm wrong). It just seems to me that a "Healthy Lifestyle" and "Preventative Health Care" isn't around that much. I know they have those "30 minutes a day" ads and similar things - but, fuck doing 30minutes exercise, when the next commercial I see says I can loose 10kgs by swinging on a chair for 3 mins a day!!! I'm a fat lazy person... 3 minutes is enough!!!
But, There's the problem... and I'm not going to offer a solution, because I don't know what they solution should be....
BAN all High-Fat, High-Calorie food...(You just can't do that!!) EMPLOY more fat people to read the news and act in soap operas and host TV Shows, shouldn't a TV community (such as Summer Bay) reflect the ACTUAL community and have a diverse range of size, shape, colour, ethnicty, religion and sexual orientation???... Encourage PREVENTATIVE health... Tax Breaks for people who go to the gym or have signed up to a government funded weight loss program... Employer incentives such as Tax Breaks for employers who pay for employee gym memberships or have health & lifestyle initiatives in the workplace...
I don't know... I just think that there is more that the media and the government could be doing to help those people who WANT help... And preventing an obesity crisis - I mean, the bigger we are, the more health care we need (now or in the future) and that is paid by our taxes. So, maybe if we were all healthy and fit there would be more money for education, homelessness or some other kind of assistance.
That's my gripe for today... and I'm leaving you with some of my FAVOURITE infomercials... Enjoy!
Which ones are you going to buy??
Which ones are you going to buy??
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