Let's do the food report and then we can move on...
So, Just Right for breakfast, Toasted Cheese on grain for lunch... We had Chicken Carbonara for dinner tonight and I had a glass (actually 2 glasses) of wine.
Today was a day off... I slept in, I woke up, I ate breakfast drank a couple of cups of coffee, checked emails and facebook and blog comments... and I jumped on the treadmill...
(Yes, you read that right, I actually did some exercise...)
I chucked on an episode of "Defying Gravity" (new Sci-Fi show - good times) and turned on the power switch to Teddy (Treadmill shortened to Tready shortened to Teddy). I set the speed to something that was a little faster than I walk normally, determined to make it work... I set the timer for 30minutes.... After 5 minutes Fat Garry started talking to me...
Fat Garry "You can't breathe already, huh? Might as well give up now..."
Thin Garry "No, I'm going to do 30minutes."
Fat Garry "You're gonna try."
Thin Garry "Well, yeah... I'm gonna try."
Fat Garry "Exactly... Try and Fail."
Thin Garry "The point is I tried."
Fat Garry "No, the point is you'll give up in another 5 minutes..."
Thin Garry "So I should just make another coffee, have another smoke and deal with it?"
Fat Garry "Yeah... that's right... coffee and smoke..."
Thin Garry "Hmmm..."
Thin Garry turned up the speed and kept at it. Thin Garry fuckin left Fat Garry back at the starting point... Thin Garry did 30minutes at different speeds and was pouring sweat for the last 20minutes and didn't stop till the machine counted down to zero and stopped itself. Thin Garry took on Fat Garry and won!! Great Success!
To be honest, I woke up feeling pretty crappy... over-slept, my back was sore, I felt tired and whatever! I forced myself onto that treadmill determined to do it and I did... and you know what? My back felt better afterwards... I felt awake and ready... and I cleaned the house. I vaccuumed and washed clothes and I sorted out our wardrobes and shit. I felt like I really had energy. I even did 10 minutes on the rowing machine!! So my big discovery for today was that doing a hard(for me) 30 minutes on the treadmill is not only good for my weight and what I want to achieve... it's a good way to energise myself! I kinda want to get back on it now...
Anyway... my point is I'm feeling good and on track and determined to make all this work. If I'm not going to put in the effort to walk on Teddy and eat better and everything else... I'm just wasting time, effort, space and money...
My birthday is a couple of weeks before christmas, so I'm thinking of asking my family and that to give me money instead of gifts so I can collect it all up and buy some exercise equipment... like a total gym or some weights or something... I will have to set up the spare room if I get anything else, cos at the moment Teddy's on one side of the lounge room and the rowing machine is on the other... plus the computer lives in the lounge room, so it's starting to look a little crowded in here! Oh well...
Alrighty folks... I'm going to head off now... Check back tomorrow, I want to do something special for tomorrow night's post... hmmm... thinking cap is on.
Catch ya on the flip side homie!
Hey sweetness congrats, u did fantastic, even I put in an effort today, did the gardening had to laugh cause now my butt is sore lmao bending over im guessing.Anyway good on u thin garry and sucked in fat garry..wont be long and fat garry will be gone for good.
xxx De
Hey Gaz, I think you've discovered those little things known as "exercise endorphins" which are responsible for the "high" you feel when exercising. Some people say that it's as addictive as taking drugs!!! Not that I'm likely to find out anytime soon! Although, with the warmer weather we've been working our butts off in the garden and I know where you're coming from De! Lol.
Go Thin Garry!!!!!
Love ya...Kerry xxx
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