Hello everyone
So, I know I'm bad. I'm sorry. I haven't updated since Thursday's weigh in day post. As you read, Thursday's weigh in was a success... and you would think that breaking that 140 mark would be an incentive to keep going... that was a big deal for me... However, honestly... I've been bad the last few days and I guess that is one of the reasons that I haven't updated.
When I say I've been bad, I haven't over-indulged in anything.... just haven't eaten the right things for dinner. Still doing the right thing for breakfast and lunch and staying away from soft drinks. But when it comes to dinner in the evening... I've been making bad choices. Since Thursday, we've had KFC and Pizza... and the rest have been things cooked at home with chips and shit. So...yeah, bad...
In my slim defense, I picked the grilled chicken from KFC, not the deep fried stuff. It's got a lot less fat in it (I researched). When we had pizza, I select 'Classic' instead of 'Deep Pan'. Less carbs, less calories etc.
But that's not the point. The point is, I've made bad choices. I was faced with the decision and I caved. And, I do feel guilty.. I feel guilty now, but I think I will feel more guilt when it comes to weigh in day this week and I don't get a loss. We'll see.
I have been sticking with the treadmill though. I did my 30mins on Friday, Sunday and this afternoon. I know I need to do more than this though and I need to find the motivation within myself to actually DO MORE. And I will. I received my package from Amazon.com, my 4 Biggest Loser DVDs... Boot Camp, Cardio Max, Power Sculpt and Yoga for Weight Loss.... I only got these this afternoon so I haven't checked them out. But each one has 3 levels and says it's a 6 week program each. So, if I can get moving on these with the different levels and mix and match them so I can keep it different and not boring... I think they will be great!!!
So, bad things have happened... and now what? Well, I need to get back on track. I think the key to staying on track is keeping life in general at a positive level. I will admit that since Friday I've been a little stressed and been thinking about a lot of stuff in my head... So, emotionally I feel a little drained and I've been working... Saturday I did 13 hours... But, I need to find and focus on the positive parts of my life and really need to start shedding some of the negatives. Which isn't as easy as it sounds...
But, the wine tour that I'm partaking in is happening this weekend and I am looking forward to it VERY MUCH!!! Should be great... and you should expect to see some photos from it as well. Also, I've started giving out the invites for our Halloween party, which is cool, people are getting excited, which just makes me more excited. There's still a bit of stuff for us to make and paint and build and set up... but we're getting there and it's only a month away.... Yay.. There will be lots of photos from that one as well...
Alrighty, well I have admitted my sins of the last few days... and I guess I should sign off for tonight. I would love to see some comments, please feel free to be harsh!! lol
Have a great night everyone!!
nothing harsh to say, so u didnt stick to the "perfect diet" so... u stil age well for most of the day and u exercised..did u do that before? nope..perhaps the reason u did eat a few of those things is cause u are craving them, have u thought of perhaps choosing one night a week and having that treat? still eat right during the day, perhaps even a lighter lunch of fruit or yog etc and have that takeaway with ur partner.just a thought.But dont beat urself up over it, cause that puts u in a downer and we both know that downers make us eat more...so focus on the things u have done right and there are still lots of those this week.
take care
De xx
Oh and that was eat well not age well lmao
LOL... Are you saying I don't age well??? LOL
Thanks De!
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