I wrote a blog entry this afternoon all about how disappointed I was with some people and their ignorance and unjustified fear of gay people... and it really put me in a bad mood. I decided not to publish it as I would prefer to not think about these bigots. I do want to say, and I mentioned it on my Facebook page, that there are 6 Billion people on the planet and not one of them is exactly like you. Diversity makes life interesting and fun and is the spice of life, so instead of living in fear and judgement of someone or something that challenges your preconceptions... learn about it, meet it, embrace the fact that we are all individuals and we all want the same thing out of life. We all want to be happy and loved and we all want the world to be a safe and wonderful place for everyone to live as equals.
And that's all I'm going to say on the topic... for now.
OK. Food Report: Special K for breakfast, toasted sandwich for lunch and a beef hot pot slow cooker thing for dinner tonight - added a couple of vegies and served with a hot potato and greens. Yummy. And the exercise report.. got on Teddy again this morning... and was sore. I wanted to give up after 10minutes, but I kept going and I did my 30minutes. I vary my speed during the 30minutes, but today I pushed myself and changed my lowest speed and my highest speed up 0.5 - and I felt it.
While I was walking, I was watching the season 2 finale of True Blood... and OMG! It was fantastic.. but, as always with that show... it ends with a cliffhanger, so if you're a fan and you're about to watch, be warned.. It'll be months before we see what happens next.
While I'm talking TV... the US Television Season is beginning. A couple of shows have already started... Supernatural is back and it is great... the all new remake of Melrose Place has started and I must say, I kinda liked it. I never watched the old Melrose, so I can't really compare it, but it is kinda lame, but it knows it's lame, so that makes it not lame... does that make sense? It has fun! AND Glee is on... if you haven't seen it, watch it... it is just great fun and makes me laugh so much. Recommend it to everyone! But, all my favourite shows are still coming and I can't wait to see Dexter as a Dad! And I can't wait to find out who Mike actually married on Housewives! OMG!
Last night on TV there was a special, 10 Things You Must Know to Lose Weight. It was alright, some of it was common sense, some of it you knew it was good but didn't know why and some of it kinda surprised me. So, here were the 10 things they said:
1. Don't Skip Meals. (Already knew that - and I don't!)
2. Use Smaller Plates. (Had heard of this before - doin' it!)
3. Count Your Calories. Pick the lower calorie alternatives. (Well, I'm not officially counting, but I keep myself aware of the calories I eat and try not to go over the recommended 1700)
4. Don't Blame Your Metabolism. (Well, we've all done that! And, I'm just big-boned! What they mean is, take responsibility for your size! Done That!)
5. Eat Protein. Keeps Hunger Away. (Good advice - will do!)
6. Soup - Keeps you feeling fuller for longer. (Well, this surprised me. I did not know. As long as the soup you're eating is a smooth think even consistency, it stays in your stomach longer!)
7. The Wider the Choices - The More You Will Eat. (Variety is the spice of life, but you're more likely to eat a bit of everything if you have too many options. So, don't get crazy with variety!)
8. Low Fat Dairy helps to Excrete Fat! (Apparently dairy will collect up some fat cells and excrete them out, instead of letting them stay in the body! Good, I love Cheese!)
9. Exercise! It gives your body an afterburn! (So, when I'm on my treadmill my body is using carbohydrates to fuel my workout. Then my body needs to use the stored energy (fat) to keep everything running. This afterburn can last 22hours after a workout!)
10. Keep Moving! (Park at the back of the carpark, not in front of the store. Get off the bus a stop earlier and walk that extra little bit. Walk around while on the phone instead of sitting. This 'incidental' exercise can make all the difference!)
So that was the 10 Things... and I took them all in... and we'll see how we go...
Anyways, I think I've written quite enough for tonight... What do you think of my Halloween Costume there? The Dark Spiderman never looked quite so round when Tobey Maguire was in the suit! LOL
Comments welcome, as always... Good Night...
1 comment:
hey garry, love the spiderman suit.
looking good man, proud of you.
anna xx
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