Let's do the food report first: The usual work-day... mini-wheats for breakfast, latte before work, celebrity slim shake for lunch and beef strog with broccoli and beans for dinner. I bought some fruit the other day (apples, pears and strawberries) but they've been sitting in the fridge, cos I haven't felt like snacking... at least if I do I've got something there that isn't chocolate!
Can't believe I haven't had soft drink for 93 days! That's crazy in my head... we grew up drinking soft drink with dinner EVERY NIGHT... it was our thing... And chocolate was our other thing... we all love it... I've had, maybe, 6 fun size pieces in the last 93 days - I used to eat a whole block after dinner almost every night. It's crazy what I used to eat and I hope that I don't EVER go back to those horrible eating habits. EVER!!!
I've been trying to think of rewards and stuff. They say it's important to set goals and reward yourself for work well done. I decided a while back to reward myself at the first 10kg loss mark - and then every 5kgs. But, I still have NO IDEA what to reward myself with??? I don't want to reward myself with bad foods - because I don't want food to become a reward for everything (Oh, well, I just hung the washing out, I deserve a Mars Bar - that's how Fat Garry thinks you know?)
So, what do I buy or do or what??? Some people have suggested DVDs or going to the movies or buying clothes... All good ideas, but as far as movies go - I go and I buy whenever there is something I want (most the time).. and I still hate buying clothes at the moment - that will be a great reward when I get down to a weight where I can try on clothes at decent shops. Browsing the "Mr. Big" section of Target doesn't feel like a reward.... So... do we have any other suggestions or ideas folks? It's a tough one, right?? I have no idea, but I'm almost at the 10kg mark, so I better put my thinking cap on...
And setting goals... something I convinced myself I didn't want to do. The reasoning for that was I didn't want to feel like a failure if I didn't achieve those goals. I think that was Fat Garry telling Fit Garry that if you don't set goals, you don't really have to try that hard!!! Well, Fat Garry won that one - Fat Garry is a Tricky Bastard!!! So... setting goals. With reductil kicking in and me feeling pretty good about stuff... There is 8 weeks until our big Halloween bash... and I'm setting my first goal - loose 10kg more kilos before Halloween... That's about 1.2kgs a week and means I will have to do more exercise to achieve that goal.
OK... so, my reward for Halloween Challenge success... no alcohol restrictions on the night of the party. If I do not achive the goal - I will limit my alcohol consumption. Either way, I will be careful of my food intake, but we all know, in all honesty - that it's going to be very hard to avoid everything! But all that is 8 weeks away....
For now, I feel happy and focused on all my diet and eating stuff at the moment, but really need to work on motivation for exercise and actually committing to doing some activities. I know this will be much, much easier once the weather has cleared up and I can get outside more...
Alright folks... I'm heading off for tonight. If you've got some reward ideas, I would love to hear them... Any advice, tips, ideas, thoughts, encouragement, abuse... please leave a comment - I will reply...
Good Night...
Be verry careful with the no restric of achole when ou go to the party if ou get your mini weight cos achole as so many calories and you dont wanna gain alot after you have worked so hard to get them off and it is like rewarding yourself with food cos its the calories still.
Maybe bring your own achole but work out the calories first and dont go past that amount andou will need new clothes soon after loseing weight so maybe go buy a nice outfit for the party?
Ill stay tuned for thur and good luck!
Sorry my "Y" key is playing up!
You are right about the alcohol. I will have to set a MAXIMUM amount and be careful. I will. I'm not that much of a drinker, really... But, you are right... I should be careful and plan ahead!
I tried on some old jeans and shirt today... and they fit MUCH more comfortably than 3 or 4 months ago! I'm VERY happy about that! I can't wait to get down to a size where I can buy clothes from actual Menswear stores instead of Mr Big Target clothes!!
Thanks for commenting...
Im so happy for you, when clothes fit better you know what your doing is working and if you do body messurements that works well too :)
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