After my last blog entry, I had some great comments, I had a few people who opened up to me and shared and helped in person and in messages and in emails... and I just need to say, that all of you are just amazing, strong and honest people that I just adore. I'm so lucky to know all of you... Some of you, I know better than others, but all of you are just fantastic people that I'm glad I know and I'll tell ya... I need all of you.. and that certainly makes me feel lucky! Plus I got a couple of awesomely big hugs and who doesn't like that?? Hugs are the best, right?
So, there was no posting yesterday.. so I'll get into the food reporting...
Sunday - the usual Just Right for breakfast, Ham and Cheese Sandwich for lunch and my brother was here last night.. and, for the sake of honesty... we had take away.. we had fish and chips.. I know, bad.. I also had a chocolate cupcake. I made them as a test run for Halloween. The picture is above, what do ya think???
TODAY - again, Just Right for breakfast (Need a new cereal, getting bored). For lunch today, I had a little pasta (just a little) with the left over pasta sauce from the other night and mid-afternoon while wasting time at home alone, I had another one of those cupcakes! And for dinner tonight, Beef Strog with Beans and Broc. Yum Yum.
So, a couple of days off work now... Heading up to Launceston tomorrow... we're stopping at the costume shop in Ulverstone on the way to pick up some more supplies for HALLOWEEN. Getting closer.. lol. And, I've got that doctor's appointment on Wednesday - there will be a full report, I'm sure. So, that means there probably won't be a blog entry tomorrow night... but I will take plenty of photos and stuff to keep you up to date...
And don't forget weigh in day is Thursday - could go either way really... Usually Launceston means big lunch, delicious dinner and a few drinks... and skipped breakfasts and did I mention the few drinks... and coffee... oh god, coffee... I love it. But, I guess that's one of the reasons I love going over there... not to mention catching up with David's Family who have TOTALLY adopted me... sorry, David, I think they like me better! (Not that they would admit it!) KIDDING!!! It is great to see them and I'm really looking forward to it!
AND... I forgot to mention work... Well, we got a contract. So, we'll be in business for at least 3 more years.. but we lose the sock puppet and we'll be doing the free one... and we'll be working 24 / 7 when this new contract kicks in... but, work is work and pays the bills... But, I tell ya. We better be allowed to have coffee at our desks if they want us to work overnight!!!
I was having a chat with a friend today about my blog and life and some issues and blah blah. And my friend suggested publishing a weekly photo of myself... according to my friend, it may help with the whole 'getting myself' out there thing, as well as motivate me to lose weight for the photos and probably encourage me to get out of the house, at least once a week, cos who wants to see a photo of me sitting at the computer every week. This sounds like a good plan to me... so, I will get a snapshot while I'm in Launceston and will start this weekly photo when I get back... So, stay tuned to check me out! lol...
Before I go, I just want to say THANK YOU again to everyone who replied or contacted me over the weekend and today... You are all incredible!!