Monday, 31 August 2009

People... People who need People...

We're the luckiest people in the world...

After my last blog entry, I had some great comments, I had a few people who opened up to me and shared and helped in person and in messages and in emails... and I just need to say, that all of you are just amazing, strong and honest people that I just adore. I'm so lucky to know all of you... Some of you, I know better than others, but all of you are just fantastic people that I'm glad I know and I'll tell ya... I need all of you.. and that certainly makes me feel lucky! Plus I got a couple of awesomely big hugs and who doesn't like that?? Hugs are the best, right?

So, there was no posting yesterday.. so I'll get into the food reporting...

Sunday - the usual Just Right for breakfast, Ham and Cheese Sandwich for lunch and my brother was here last night.. and, for the sake of honesty... we had take away.. we had fish and chips.. I know, bad.. I also had a chocolate cupcake. I made them as a test run for Halloween. The picture is above, what do ya think???
TODAY - again, Just Right for breakfast (Need a new cereal, getting bored). For lunch today, I had a little pasta (just a little) with the left over pasta sauce from the other night and mid-afternoon while wasting time at home alone, I had another one of those cupcakes! And for dinner tonight, Beef Strog with Beans and Broc. Yum Yum.

So, a couple of days off work now... Heading up to Launceston tomorrow... we're stopping at the costume shop in Ulverstone on the way to pick up some more supplies for HALLOWEEN. Getting closer.. lol. And, I've got that doctor's appointment on Wednesday - there will be a full report, I'm sure. So, that means there probably won't be a blog entry tomorrow night... but I will take plenty of photos and stuff to keep you up to date...

And don't forget weigh in day is Thursday - could go either way really... Usually Launceston means big lunch, delicious dinner and a few drinks... and skipped breakfasts and did I mention the few drinks... and coffee... oh god, coffee... I love it. But, I guess that's one of the reasons I love going over there... not to mention catching up with David's Family who have TOTALLY adopted me... sorry, David, I think they like me better! (Not that they would admit it!) KIDDING!!! It is great to see them and I'm really looking forward to it!

AND... I forgot to mention work... Well, we got a contract. So, we'll be in business for at least 3 more years.. but we lose the sock puppet and we'll be doing the free one... and we'll be working 24 / 7 when this new contract kicks in... but, work is work and pays the bills... But, I tell ya. We better be allowed to have coffee at our desks if they want us to work overnight!!!

I was having a chat with a friend today about my blog and life and some issues and blah blah. And my friend suggested publishing a weekly photo of myself... according to my friend, it may help with the whole 'getting myself' out there thing, as well as motivate me to lose weight for the photos and probably encourage me to get out of the house, at least once a week, cos who wants to see a photo of me sitting at the computer every week. This sounds like a good plan to me... so, I will get a snapshot while I'm in Launceston and will start this weekly photo when I get back... So, stay tuned to check me out! lol...

Before I go, I just want to say THANK YOU again to everyone who replied or contacted me over the weekend and today... You are all incredible!!


Saturday, 29 August 2009

Time to Wake Up

What's stopping me? I've been good today... but when people really want to lose weight they go at it hardcore... they start counting calories, eating muesli, jenny craig, join the gym, protein shakes... People that are really determined to shed the kilos do all these things to ensure that they have a plan and fuckin stick with it! What the fuck am I doing? I mean, I am slowly losing kilos by changing my diet... but a) it's slow and b) am I changing it that much anyways?

I mean, we still eat the same crap... I just don't eat it with chips or I eat it with less rice or pasta or something. I should be making some DRASTIC changes. I should be having protein shakes and vegetable stir-frys and shit that is actually GOOD for me... not eating just the stuff that isn't BAD.

And exercise... why the fuck didn't I join the gym when I could afford it? Why?

After a reasonable amount of soul searching... I think the reason I don't want to change too much or do all these things that much is that I'm scared.

I'm scared of what will happen if I fail? I'm scared of what will happen if I succeed? Will I be a different person?

I also think I haven't commited to myself properly. There's that whole "You need to love yourself" thing that I have trouble with. I mean, I don't hate myself... don't get me wrong. But I am VERY far from comfortable with myself - and I've never been comfortable with myself.

I've never been the type of person who enjoys going out to pubs or nightclubs... I always had an excuse to not go out too. I don't wanna go to a straight club... I hate the music (I have taste)... It's too crowded... I have to do something in the morning... I hate being around drunk people...

It was all bullshit excuses to not go. (SORRY to all those people that kept trying to convince me to go out over the years). The real problem with going out to nightclubs is... people can see me.

And that's the problem with everything else too. I didn't join the gym cos people would see me. I don't go out because people would see me. I've let my friends drift away from me... people that have meant a lot to me... People that wanted the best for me and tried to encourage me and be supportive and a lot of the time I've rejected that encouragement and support because it seemed too hard for me to do.. and it would mean I couldn't hide in my shell at home.
So, now, I go to work - a call centre, which lends itself well to people that like to hide. We're not in the general public. People don't walk in off the street. I feel safe there... and I feel safe at home with David who makes me feel safe and loved and charming and funny and attractive. And those are the most special feelings to have. And I feel so 'safe' at home with him... that I've let so many other things, opportunities and people fall away... I've built myself a protective barrier so as not to get hurt by the idle insults of the general public and to shield myself away. I don't have to put myself out there and risk being rejected or failing because I'm padded here.

I would love to go to school and study psychology... but what if I'm too dumb?
I would love to go into business with my brother and open a shop... but what if we fail?
I would love to go on my big adventure holiday... but what if I get on the plane and the seats are too small.. and will I actually do anything... I want to be involved and adventurous and explore, not sit in my air-conditioned car and watch San Francisco from the safety of my car. I want to wander the streets, drink coffee, meet people... But, would I do it? I don't do it here, what makes me think I would do it there?

And in my head... all these things are do-able if I was thin... In my head, I would be a better student if I wasn't so fat. I would have a better holiday if I was thin and attractive... I would Which is all rubbish... I need to live like I love myself and maybe then I will...

So I need to learn to be comfortable with myself as I am now... I need to convince myself that being thinner (or less fat) is not going to change me psychologically. If I am the kind of person that is unhappy with myself and so comfortable in my shell with that unhappiness, then being thin just means I will take up less space in my shell. It's my mind and my personality and ME as a person that is on display to everyone and I am friendly and compassionate and reasonable and responsible for my own actions and I need to take control of my life and be a better man for my own sake... and to hell with the effects on other people's lives. I need to do this for myself and get over the fear and commit to being a healthier, happier Garry!

Oh God...


Friday, 28 August 2009

A late night report...

Sorry I'm so late tonight... I'm about to head to bed actually.

Food Report... Just Right for breakfast, Noodles for lunch and we had honey mustard chicken for dinner - I didn't eat all the rice... way too much...

Need to get to Priceline and get some more Celebrity Slim shakes and shit... cos I'm running low. Working in the morning, so will probably have my last one for breakfast. Gonna try to stick to the plan of having a shake for either breakfast or lunch - I think that'll work the best...

Should I be counting calories?

Obviously, when I make better choices and actually get out and do some exercise, I can loose weight.. but with the weather being so bad and not getting enough exercise and shit, maybe I should be counting calories... or doing the weight watchers points thing?? Hmmm...

Anyway... I'm heading to bed... work in the morning...

Good Night everyone!

Catch Up with the Weekly Weigh In

So this yesterday's catch up post.... The Weekly Weigh In...

Yesterday morning... I weighed in at... 143! That's a 1.3kg loss since last week. So, my new found focus seems to be working... That brings TOTAL LOSS to 8.3kg... and that's the lowest weight I've been since I started... so I am TOTALLY Back On Track!!! And it's only going to get lower from here... let me hear ya say "Yee-ahh!"

Food wise... Celebrity Slim shake for breakfast. Ham, Cheese and Relish bread roll for lunch and dinner at mum and dad's last night - and they had hosted another Mexican Night. Note the lack of Tequila!!! I didn't eat much of it and what I did eat I made sure had lots of lettuce and tomota to fill me up! (Also, notice in the pic I have my water! - lol) So, pretty good really. Happy with all that stuff.

Another day off work today... bugger really. Next week's roster is kinda light too...Oh well. What can you do? But, I'm also having 2 days off to go to Launceston... so, you know...
Now, this doc in Launceston is going to help me with weight, I will totally fill you all in on whats going on with that!?

So... a lazy day with a sprinkle of housework ahead... 1.3 kgs lighter... and I think I'm caught up!

Have a great day... I'll be back tonight!!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Slow Day....

Celebrity Slim shake for breakfast and lunch today. Decided not a good idea... as I am really hungry now. Going to go back to the eating either breakfast or lunch and replacing the other... cos that didn't seem to bother me much at all. And for dinner tonight, chicken parma with salad a a few chips (only a few so I wasn't missing out - major change to mostly chips with a side of parma and no salad!) And, I cook the chicken on the sandwich press, whereas David deep-fries his and then grills it... I think he's addicted to the sound of the oil in the frier.

Not much else to report on really... work was slow... came home... watched a little TV... read some of the novel I'm trying to read (George Orwell's 1984), listening to some Diana Krall (who I only just found - why didn't anyone tell me about her?!?)... and yeah.. not much else.

House Inspection tomorrow.. will be fine... then we're off to do some halloween shopping (just a little, cos we're heading to Launceston on Tuesday).

Ummm... as many of you know I watch a fair amount of TV... And, just because I just learnt how to do this... I'm going to show you some of the shows I'm REALLY looking forward to... Let me know what you think...

So, what'd ya think? Let me know what you like to watch? What shows do you hate? What can't you miss?

Enjoy! Good Night.

Catch Up

This is just a quickie to catch up on the lack of blog last night... sorry about that. David had a work thing he had to go to Ulverstone after he knocked off, so I took the opportunity to visit my folks for a little while and by the time we come home... we ate and went to bed. So, sorry...

So yesterday was yet another day off (seems to be not a lot of work happening)... Had my Just Right for breakfast and a toasted sandwich for lunch. Yum Yum Yum... and we grabbed take away last night, but we went to Dave's Noodles instead of KFC, so that's better, right?? lol... Oh well.. things you do. Life gets in the way sometimes. And that is yesterday's food report.

Check this out!

Really looking forward to that... what'd ya think??

I'll post tonight! Have a wonderful (if wet) day!

Monday, 24 August 2009

Spot On!

This eating breakfast and having a shake for lunch is really working for me.. Normally I would skip breakfast and only sometimes have lunch... but the last couple of days of eating breakfast and shaking for lunch, I think, is working really well for me. And you can see by my pic, we've gone back to our meaty goodness with greens! Let's stick to that plan as well! So, Just Right, Toffee shake (new one, not the best flavour) and Devilled Sausages for dinner tonight. David dished up a fair bit of rice, but I hardly ate any of it...

Not much else to report on today... spent the day waiting for a guy to come around and do a quote on a heat pump for the landlord and about half an hour before having to leave for week, he lets us know he can't make it.. well, nice!!! So.. afternoon shift, only three and half hours, but that was enough. Some wanker from Adelaide had a go at me because he asked me for a number but didn't tell me what number he wanted?!?! So, I asked him and he started yelling at me! Well, well...

I still don't understand people... why do it? Why be that person? Is that how you want to be remembered? Is that the kind of thing you want people to talk about you at the your funeral?
"He was such as asshole!" "He'd yell at anyone if you gave him a second!"

Like, really, people... I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Can't we all just get along!?"

There is something wrong with this world, I tell ya... There are so many things in society that need to be changed. When we earn money we get taxed - okay, seems fair. Then, we spend money which we need to pay tax on things we buy (GST for example). If we don't spend our money and we decide to invest it in a bank or a business or whatever, we get taxed on it again. So how much of every dollar that we make, do we actually get for ourselves? I mean, I get that we need to pay taxes to make the system work.. but when the system isn't working and a lot of us are struggling week-to-week and retired pensioners and the sick and disabled are all starving and can't survive... And, the hospitals are over-crowded and under staffed and there are so many problems with the way things are run... why are we paying so much money for a system that doesn't work properly. We need an overhaul, an audit... we need a government financial enema and we need it yesterday!!!

Ok... thats my dribble for tonight...
Good Night All.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

The Weekend Blog

So, I have a little more commitment to eating properly the last couple of days. Yesterday was Special K for breakfast and noodles for lunch and we had spaghetti last night for dinner - we do seem to eat a lot of pasta - mostly because it is cheap and easy! Today I had Just Right for breakfast and a Celebrity Slim shake for lunch. It was either a shake or dim sims or deep fried chips as this is about all we have the house at the moment.. and I actually chose the shake. So, good for me. And dinner tonight was toasted sandwiches... we're on a strict budget this week to try to catch up on some bills so that we're not behind every week... so this week is 'struggle' week. Oh well... will be better in the long run...

Anyone seen that new show 'Drop Dead Diva'?? Love it. Check it out! Thin model girl dies and returns to Earth in the body of a Plus-Size lawyer... it's quite good. If you're like me and struggle with weight issues, it's very easy to relate to... and if you've never had a weight issue, then this show might give you a bit of an insight while making you laugh. It's good...

Yesterday was work in the morning and my mum, sister (and her 2 girls) and my brother all came around for coffee and to hang out for a little while in the afternoon, which was nice. My brother hung around for a while and yeah, not much happening...

...and today was my first whole day off since last Tuesday so I took the opportunity to do pretty much nothing. I watched some TV, I made a hanging body for Halloween and a did some housework, which is always fun... So, good day really...

New week tomorrow and hopefully I continue this good vibe I've felt today into the whole of next week... I'm not working as much this week (as of this moment - probably will change) so that is a good and bad thing... and the week after, we're off to Launceston for a couple of days... looking forward to that...

OK, well, that's the update for tonight...I'll be back tomorrow...
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and have an excellent week ahead...
What did you get up to on the weekend???

Friday, 21 August 2009

This Week's Official Weekly Weigh In!!

drum roll please...


Not that exciting... it's a 100g gain since last week... but, I can deal with that....

The Daily Food Report: Special K for breakfast, coffee before work, noodles for lunch & Pasta for dinner. (I'll get to the no carbs thing soon - it's not like I'm eating a couple of Big Macs for dinner). I bought some of this Centrum Re-Charge vitamin things... cos I should probably take a vitamin and I could do with a big of an energy boost... I'm so tired sometimes...

So work again today... I am SOOOO looking forward to knocking off tomorrow and having Sunday off! I noticed today I seemed to be a little grumpier with some customers. Only the stupid ones that ask me what the phone number is and then complain cos I'm reading it out for them.. "Well, you did ASK me for the number!!!" WANKER!

Looking forward to heading up to Launceston for a couple of days... see the doc, gets these weight-loss drugs things... (do you think they're placebos? - who cares if it works?!?) and catching up for lunch and doing some Halloween shopping at Bunnings! We need to build some stuff...

Wine Tour first weekend of October... Halloween at the end of October... Birthdays... Weddings... Christmas... New Years... Maybe I shouldn't have a day off!!!

So, only got one vote for my political campaign last night... guess I better think of another career. lol I know I tend to dribble shit sometimes... but I only dribble what comes into my head... and once I get started...

After the length of last night's post... I'll keep tonight's short and sign off now.

Hope everyone has a wonderfully fun weekend.
Good Night

Thursday, 20 August 2009

It's Thursday... That is Weigh In Day... but...

But I completely forgot....

Last night we were cleaning up for a house inspection (house is clean, so drop around for a coffee...) and I wasn't thinking about weigh in day at all. We slept in this morning, rushed to get ready for work and finished off the couple of things (cleaning related) that still had to be done.. so it was a bit hectic and I completely forgot... until I got to work this morning and thought to myself, "Oh shit! It's Thursday!".. So, I weighed myself this afternoon (147.7kg which is a 0.4kg gain on last week) but I'm not counting it as official weigh in info. I will do that tomorrow morning. But, this afternoon's result seems reasonable. lol.. if a little sad.

So... Back on Track Food Intake Report. As I said before, slept in.. so it was a Celebrity Slim shake for breakfast (a caramel one which is yummy!). Then coffee before work... and after work stayed back to have lunch and catch up with Hannah for a gossip! So for lunch I had a big coffee and a chicken and salad sandwich on wholemeal (they were out of grain bread!). Then I came home and because the sun was out... managed to do some clothes washing and distract myself all afternoon so as not to eat... lol.. But, it worked. It was all good. And for dinner... Chicken Burritos.. I know, we had them not that long ago, but they are Good! Again, the light sour cream, the low-fat, low-carb tortillas.
We seem to go through phases of food. It seems we're going through a burrito phase. The last one I remember clearly was the Honey Mustard Chicken phase. That was a good one! lol

There we go. I didn't have a go on the rowing machine today... I have been using it quite a bit lately, but it fucks around with my shoulder - I just need to harden the fuck up and deal with it! But I'm really tired today. Haven't had a day off work since Tuesday last week (looking forward to Sunday!) and they've all been morning shifts - and we don't go to bed early. We're night people really... so we're up late, up early and usually on my days off I sleep in till 10ish.. I know, I'm a fucking whinger. I complain to much. I don't mean to, I just always seem to. I try to stop myself and I kick myself when I catch myself bitching and complaining... I really do try to stay positive and look at the bright side all the time... but, if you read my post a coupla days ago... I have my emo moments (and No... that does not mean I like Twilight! - I'll never be that Emo!)

So, I have a question about politics. I've bitched about dole bludgers, I've argued against religion, And now I guess it's time for politics. My question is why don't the things that the people want to happen... why are they not done? And, why... Why are decisions made without a vote from the public. My example is Gay Marriage. From what I read and who I talk to it seems that the majority of the actual public either WANT gay marriage or at least are NOT opposed to gay marriage. Yet, because the people in charge of the country like to be "conservative" and are probably scared of gay people because they live in their "White Old Man" little worlds and have no diversity in their life, they make the decision that I cannot get married. If it is a big decision like this that would affect the country... why don't we have a non-compulsory national vote on it? There is not a political party that represents everything I think should happen in the country. There is not a political party that I trust. There is not one I think "Makes Sense" on a lot of issues. There are some issues that need to be addressed. Gay Marriage, Global Warming, Dependence on Oil, Over Medication of children.. we need to have better health care - which needs to include PREVENTITIVE HEALTH for all ages - not just in schools. We need to do something about this keeping the rich rich and the poor poor and have a REAL middle class.
There are some common sense things I don't like, but make sense to me. I'm not a pot smoker, but I think it should be legalised - for TAX PURPOSES. It's illegal now, but I think (tell me if I'm wrong) that the majority of the country either smokes it on a regular basis, or on occasions or have at least tried it. Surely if alcohol and cigarettes are legal, pot should be too.. we could tax it and regulate it and that tax money can go into the health system. We need to get harder on people that drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs. It's stupid and it's dangerous and people should have their cars reposessed immediately. AND my big issue is SEPERATE RELIGION FROM POLITICS. They both have their place in the world (i guess) but they should not be linked together. We should not have polititions that brag about their religion and about going to church. If I was a politition that believed openly in UFOs.. I wouldn't be elected. Maybe all people that live by a "Faith" should be removed from politics. There are so many other things I could talk about, but I've said my bit. Things need to change to represent the people that live in this country AND probably most other countries.... I know the US could use some real health care!!!

Anyway... I've dribbled... I've said my bit and I'm signing off.
Please leave a comment if you agree or disagree. Comments have dropped off lately, so drop me a comment and let me know you're still following... I love hearing from all of you always anyway.

Good Night my friends.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

A Day Off

Normal Transmission will resume tomorrow (Thursday the 20th August).

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Tried and Failed...

After last nights Emo blog posting I woke up feeling like I just had to do it, no matter what I wanted to do... eating bad foods make me feel like a failure, sure it may taste good at the time, but 5 minutes later I feel guilty.. and if I'm bad more than once in day, by the time I sit down at the computer at night to write a post on this blog I feel like a failure and really really disappointed in myself.
I slept in this morning, so I had a Celebrity Slim shake for breakfast and headed off to work.. Coffee at Bliss (of course) and a short shift. Came home... and we're being honest, cos why bother if I'm not... I cooked chips.. It was one of those... "They're there. Fuck it" Followed by regret and disappointment. After about 30mins of feeling like crap, I convinced myself to get on the rowing machine to make up for it.. so I do. I did 20minutes on the rower... Don't think it was enough to counteract the chips, but I did it... so, there you go.
Tonight for dinner, we don't have much food in the house or money... so we're having toasted ham & cheese toasted sandwiches... Not very exciting, but there it is.

So.. when I started this blog, I waited 5 or 6 days or something before I started the whole eating/exercise thing, mostly because Pay Day was coming... partly because it gave me a couple of days to get something out of my system and get my head in the right place. I'm thinking I need to treat this 2 week relapse of my habit like a new beginning... Set a Date and get back on track. Today is Tuesday... Thursday is Pay Day... THURSDAY is the new Beginning!! That'll give me tomorrow to get my mindset in the right spot... So.. thats that.
Having said that... I will be on here tomorrow night as normal, reporting as normal...

And That's That.

In other news, Halloween is coming along nicely... Everyone seems to have enjoyed the video invite I posted... People are talking costumes and stuff.. so the countdown to Halloween begins. Only 73 days to wait..

And in a couple of weeks, we'll be in Launceston... to see the doc about appetite suppresants and health stuff... and do a bit of shopping and go out for lunch and catch up with my favourite 2 in-laws... :) We still need to re-schedule our appointment to get out Quit Smoking drugs too.. but we will..

And "That'll do pig, that'll do..."

Good Night my friends.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Emo Monday

What the fuck?

Well, David and I just got back from our "workout/training" at Daniel's place... Yeah, Nah...
Waste of time. Look, well, those guys have been doing this shit for a while... and David and I have never really ever done anything like what they're doing.. and they were trying to throw us in the deep end. Well, David gave it a decent go... and I watched... There was no way I was going to struggle and shit in front of people I hardly know... I know that may sound really dumb and really stupid... but, there is a reason I've never actually joined a gym. As a fat homo since childhood, I have a mega self-esteem issues or body image issues or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. And getting a room with 2 people I don't know just to fail at everything they throw at me... Nah. So, I passed.. Not interested. If I had the weights and stuff at home, I would use it... Like, the rowing machine.. I've been using that. I'll be watching TV and just get up and have a go while i watch TV.

There are other reasons today is Emo Monday as well. I can't seem to get back on track with my eating either. I just, we've been eating crap the last few days... again! And, what?!? I mean, I can tell you the excuses I tell myself... it's because we have no money.. (I hardly worked cos I was sick, so we seriously have $11 to our names)... so, tonight we're having meat pies. You know what, I know thats not good to eat... but what am I going to do? When we have money it's easy. We can buy chicken or beef or whatever the fuck we feel like... and I can buy veges to have it with and David can buy whatever the fuck he wants to have with it (usually chips or mashed potato or whatever)... but, we can't afford to do that right now... So, we bought cheap pies and thats that....

Tomorrow WAS my first day off in 7 days... but they called me in.. so my next day off is now Sunday... which doesn't give me heaps of time to focus on myself and my lifestyle and whatever. We need to catch up on bills and shit tho, so I'm working and working to try to make it up.

So... overall... I'm feeling pretty shitty... I don't know how we can struggle so much with our finances. Seriously... David works Full Time.. I only work casual, but you know, I make more than I would on Centrelink (most fortnights)... yet, people we know who are dole bludgers (the same ones I talked about before) are able to have these social lives and go on weekend getaways and some of them are druggies.. So How the Fuck do they afford it??? We work a fair bit... we make alright money (not great, but alright) and we can't afford to buy a new TV... we've got a shitty old one, while our dole bludging friends have a big LCD... how? We went on a holiday about 3 and half years ago for 5 days in Victoria - and thats the only holiday that we've ever had. It is so depressing and that makes me want to eat... and the bitch of it all is, when I feel good about myself and I'm not having an "EMO" day - usually I want to crap on those days too... because I'm not that stressed about it all...

So whats the fuckin answer? Seriously... Any suggestions on a life overhaul? I know we need to quit smoking... cos that wastes a lot of our money - but it's also a stress reliever, and we're a bit stressed.. So, I don't know. Maybe once we quit smoking finance will get better... but overall... today, everything just seems to be building up on me and I'm feeling like I'm going to crack..

Emo Over and Out.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Just a Quickie

Hey everyone...

just a quickie tonight... just got home from an evening shift at work and I'm a bit fucked.. so gonna have some dinner, veg in front of the TV and go to bed... walking and working again tomorrow!!

So.... the food report... the usual today, for sure... Special K for breakfast, 2 Min Noodles for lunch and we're having Burritos for dinner. Now, I know burritos are bad... but I have light cheese, I have light Sour Cream.. and I bought some Extra Light Tortillas (I hope they taste alright!)

I did 20 minutes on the rowing machine today too.. while watching TV... just moving the rower into the lounge room was exercise enough, i think.. lol... fuck I'm weak! lol

So.. walking and working tomorrow.. Then next week have plans to walk 3 days with Fran... run with Damian (not confirmed) and a couple of workout sessions at Daniel's place and at least 3 lots of 30minutes on the rowing machine... so it's going to be an active week - let's hope I can keep my food intake decent...

Alright, I'm off for the night... Be back tomorrow!

Friday, 14 August 2009

Back on Track... ish

So... getting back on track today...

Just Right for breakfast... The usual for lunch... and Dave's Noodles Stir Fry thing for dinner, cos couldn't be bothered cooking - bad I know, but, you know... whatever... lol

I was going to have a go on the rowing machine... but didn't. I did the dishes and washing and cleaned up instead. Which is good... plus I rowed yesterday, so I don't feel too bad about that.

OK... So, let's talk plans...

David's mate from work, Daniel, has been trying to get us to go up to his place to do some working out on his equipment...(oops. that sounded dirty! he's like, a dad... so, no dirty!)
So... we're going to do that... David wants to do it as well... so that's good..
Plus, Fran and I are starting walking again... and hopefully Damian and I can get MY act together and we'll start C25K again! Add in the good eating and the rowing machine for 30mins 3 days this week and that's heaps! Yay good!

So.. my midlife crisis is in full swing... I think it's one of those, I'm getting older... looking for some meaning in my life. I'm not complaining about my life, I'm happy with my life... but I turn 27 this year - that's almost 30.. and I guess I just don't know what's gonna happen for the rest of it all. Most people get married and have families and that gives them meaning, I guess.. and I have a great partner in life.. but marriage is illegal for us and neither of us actually wants to have children... that's not it though.. I just feel like there is something missing and I need something to fill that gap... I just don't know...

Anyway.. that was my emo rant for tonight... I'm off... still marathoning Buffy.. last season now.. only about 7 episodes left.. it's getting good. I'm up to date with True Blood too. It's so good and now I'm hanging for the next episode.. every one of their episodes ends with a big cliffhanger.. so you HAVE to watch the next one...

Alrighty, catch ya tomorrow.