Friday, 31 July 2009

The Weekly-Weigh In

So, it's the weekly-weigh in edition... and it's been a while since I've done an entry, so let's catch up a bit first.

My last post was about the Man-Flu which I had for several days... and I thought the flu had left me with a chest infection... so I went to the doctor yesterday to get some antibiotics to get rid of it. Well, the flu hadn't left me with a chest infection... it left me with asthma. So, she gave me a couple of inhaler thingys and put me on some drugs to try to build my lung strength up a bit.. She said it Should go away... SHOULD.


I had asthma when I was a really little kid... mum doesn't even remember it (she must be getting old! lol), but I have a memory of an asthma puffer in my pocket at primary school. So, anyways, it seems odd to me that it would come back from a flu, but oh well.. I'll take my drugs and puff my puffer until I'm all better.

So, since my last post, I've been at work for a whole of 45minutes... I've hardly eaten anything, only just getting my appetite back today. I have been eating, just not a lot... and I haven't been worried about fat contents and carbs and shit like that...

OK.. Moving onto the Weigh In...

Wait for it...

143.1kg - That's another 1.5kgs gone!! A total of 8.2kgs!!! Frickin cool, huh? And it was an easy loss.. cos I didn't feel like eating... imagine if I'd put in a bit of exercise effort...

Speaking of exercise effort... I finally got the rest of my tax return... and after paying everything we need to pay with it... we don't have enough for me to get a Wii. :( But, do not fret! Yesterday, while waiting for my prescription to be filled... I went to KMart and put a treadmill on Layby... it was only $400... BARGAIN! :)

So, no excuses for not walking or running once I get that. If I can't meet up with someone, I can walk myself in the privacy of my own home! Yay! I really think this will be great..

I've also got the rowing machine, but haven't been well enough to use it since that first coupla tries. But, I will... and we're still talking about getting some weights around Christmas time... and we're getting a boxing bag from a friend of David's. (Don't know if I'll use that, but David will).

OK... well, I don't have much to talk about really... nothing has really been happening cos I've been sick..

My sister is getting closer to her due date, so she should pop any moment. Hoping I have TOTALLY got rid of my flu when the baby arrives... I've still got a cough and a little sniffle...

And, that's it....

I'm sorry this is a morning post, I was supposed to post last night but I actually fell asleep on the couch (Sick, remember!!)

Saturday, 25 July 2009

I've got the Man-Flu

I say ManFlu because I know how much more serious the flu is for men. It means we can't do anything... Every woman out there doesn't understand, because they only get LadyFlu which isn't as bad. They can still go to work and do everything they can when they're not sick and manage and survive.. But, ManFlu. That means we don't get out of bed except to pee, days off work, constant complaining... we need our partners to nurse us back to health, a rub of the head and a promise things will be better...

ManFlu is so BAD... lol

We all know men are just cry-babies. I admit it - I am too! I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT.

So, I haven't been too worried about what I've been eating... I've really just been sooking on the couch watching Star Trek (which makes me feel better - it's a cure for everything, I think).

So.. no report.. and I'm heading back to the couch now... I'll post again when I'm feeling better! Hopefully tomorrow, cos I have to work tomorrow!

Good Night!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

It's the Weekly Weigh In...

Get ready to be shocked...

It's weigh-in day... and I haven't exactly been "on track" for a couple of weeks, but I haven't been terribly bad. I've stayed away from soft drink and chocolate (apart from a little bit a few days ago). So I was expecting to go up this week... but...

I've lost another 1.2kg!! That brings my weight down to 144.6kg and my total loss over 7 weeks of 6.7kgs. So, I'm amazed! I couldn't believe it... I even changed the batteries in the scales this morning to make sure the weight was accurate! Unreal!

This result has totally re-motivated me to keep going and do better!

Rowing machine is working well... only used it for a little bit today, cos I couldn't get the computer thingy on it working and I was going to play with the setting and work out all the distance and calories and all that sorta stuff.. so I get that going tomorrow.

Still talking about getting a treadmill and thinking about getting some weights and stuff so I can be totally BUFF! Yeah, I'll be one hot DUDE! lol... I'm suck a geek!

So... school next year. Was thinking Psychology... but now I'm thinking that I'm going to do Small Business Management. I'll keep you posted..

OK, well, I keep getting distracted by the television funny stuff so, I'm going to head off.

Say it with me now... 6.7 kgs! Fuck Yeah!!


Wednesday, 22 July 2009

When in Rome...

It would be nice if I'd been in Rome, but no. I was in Launceston...

Yesterday we hit the road after having my wheaty goodness for breakfast... we stopped for lunch at Elizabeth Town, that ETC cafe place on the highway... I had a Chicken Foccasia (spell check wont check it - so spelling is probably wrong!) which had cheese, Roasted Red Pepper, Pesto and Rocket. We arrived to a glorious reception at David's mum's place (Hi Kerry) which included 2 glasses of chilled champagne. Then we were treated to a delicious home cooked lasagne (my favourite) with a yummy salad and some lovely fresh cheese & garlic bread (I may have more than that one slice that is pictured) which was accompanied with 2 glasses of a delicious Red Wine. After a wonderful conversation and catch up, mixed with some philosophy of religion and culture... and maybe a little bitching... we slept.
So, this morning... I actually Forgot to have breakfast... I didn't even realise till we headed out for lunch and realised I actually felt quite hungry. So, breakfast was about 3 cups of coffee and about twice as many cigarettes.. lol... Not so good, I know...
Then we went out for lunch to Cafe Culture in Trevellyn with David's mum and sister (Meagan) and had a wonderful time. I ordered the Scotch Fillet Steak which came with a salad and some fries. Also, another glass of wine and a couple of lattes! Again, some wonderfully fun conversation... Really enjoyed myself... and was great to see David's family again!
Then, we went around to Meagan's place and she very kindly and generously donated her barely used Rowing Machine to my cause. Thanks Heaps and Heaps of Lots.
Then the drive home, which seemed to go extra long today... Lots of bad drivers and P-Platers on the road today! Anyways...
So, then we got home and had to decide what was for dinner... well, considering the sizable lunch we had, neither of us was that hungry... so we had toasted sandwiches.. And, bad, I know, I had mine with some sour cream.

OK... well, considering the crappy couple of weeks I've had diet wise...

tomorrow is Weigh Day! Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! (Fighting the need to purge myself before the scales).

So... tomorrow is weigh day and I'm thinking of tomorrow as a whole new start... which is a little silly, but I can't keep sliding further off track. Now I've got the rowing machine, I'm going to give a test-run tomorrow (after David's cleaned it up a bit) and see how I go. The plan is to see how hard it is, see how long I can do it for.. etc etc and work out a plan for use. Probably 3 times a week or so for a while... and with longer stints on it every week.
I need to get back on track with the walking and running too. I need to be able to do these things on my own as well. Don't get me wrong, I still want to do these things with people, but scheduling conflicts is not a good excuse for me not to do something. HOWEVER, I still plan to make plans with people to do stuff because I'm 1,000,000 times more likely to show up if I've made plans with someone to meet them.

Alright, so, thats that.

Well, I've had a long day and I'm working in the morning, so I'm going to veg out in front of the idiot box for a little while and head off to sleep land!

Good Night All.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Why Can't I Get Married?

Hey everyone

So let's talk food. Breakfast this morning was the usual.. Nutri-Grain. For lunch today I had some boring as vegemite on toast - cos I didn't want something cold. For dinner tonight we are having a breakfast-style eggs and bacon with sausage and tomato on toast. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I ate one line (3 large squares) of chocolate today as well. I know, I know.. Naughty, Naughty.

I'm really struggling to stay away from crap.. and one of the reasons for this is, at the moment there isn't much in the cupboards or fridge. We didn't really get around to doing our weekly grocery shopping this week. We were distracted by work, visitors and the shinyness of buying some pretty new things. David still managed to collect some crappy food, so thats what is in the cupboard... and the last few days, my willpower hasn't been strong enough to stay away from it.

But, it will be. We're heading up to Launceston tomorrow and I get to pick up a rowing machine from my sister-in-law (Thanks Heaps and Heaps of Lots, Meagan!!!) In a week or so, I will get the remainder of my tax cheque, which, fingers crossed, will enable me to purchase either a treadmill or Wii and layby the other. Fingers crossed... the longer we wait for the money, the more it seems needs to come out of it when we do get it! Fucking Money! It's a bitch! I think communisim has it's Up points! lol

Thanks to Bianka for posting on the forum... (link is on the right of the screen ---)

There will not be a blog entry tomorrow night... We'll be away for the night. I will take photos of everything I eat tomorrow and Wednesday and post them all. Hopefully we'll get a chance to go a do a little walk somewhere around Launceston too. If we do, I'll get a photo or two of that too!

So, can someone tell me why it is that David and I can't get married?

I've heard the argument that having gay marriage would destroy the sanctity of marriage. Well, isn't the divorce rate in this country doing that?

Some have said that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed because it says in the bible that it is wrong. Well, then why does homosexuality exist in nature (outside of humanity)?
And if it is so important to God, then why did Jesus not say one word about it. In the bible, all the anti-gay stuff is in the Old Testament. Surely, if it was important, Jesus would've said or done something about it...

But, besides that... Law and Religion should be seperate.

So... as long as 2 people love each other and are there for each other and support each other and all the stuff that makes a marriage work... why can't we get married? What make straight people so much more entitled to this?

We are all human beings. We are all people. Love should be celebrated in ALL FORMS. It's hard to believe we can go to war over oil and religion, but there is a law against equality. And in some parts of the world.. a law against love itself...

I don't understand this. If you do, please explain it to me.

That's about it for tonight..
I will post again on Wednesday! Have a great night?!?!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

The Lazy Sunday Blog

Well I still feel a bit like crap.

For breakfast I had those wheat berry things again... for lunch I had leftover pasta bake and for dinner.. honey mustard chicken with rice, beans and broc. I was hanging around home all day, doin housework, playing on the net... and stuff like that...boring really and no real exercise. I really need to buy a treadmill. I'm convinced I would use it...

I'm still feeling like I've failed myself... and instead of doing something about it all.. like a normal person... I feel like giving up... I don't want to, but I'm finding it hard to motivate myself to do anything... Having said that, I've still stayed away from the chocolate and soft drink...

Anyway, I don't really have much to say tonight... Tomorrow is a new week and I'm going to try to focus on New Week is New Start... We'll see.

So, New Start... New Start... New Start...

I think I need to spend some cash on having some equipment around. I think if walking/running was easier (ie Treadmill) then I would do it. If I had some other sort of workout equipment in the house, I think I would do it.

I also prefer to do things, like walking/running, with someone else... and when I haven't made plans to walk with Fran or run with Damian or anything else, then I seem to think I don't have to do it.

It's crap! I do.

I seriously want to achieve some results... I honestly seriously do. My problem is motivation.

Any suggestions to help me keep motivation up?
Anything at all...

By the way, everyone who reads and leaves comments or talks to me when they see me about my blog... it means a lot that you guys are reading and caring and sharing all this with me and I appreciate it heaps. So, please, if you have any suggestions or just have something to say... leave a comment below!

Thanks to Everyone!!!

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Off the Wagon??

Well.. badness...

Last night after I left my non-blog... my brother had brought around some chips, salt and vinegar... love them... well, for some reason, he bought 2 bags... opened both picked the one he preferred and threw the other bag over to me. Well, I said no... and then I did anyway. I ate some... put the bag away... for about 10 mins... ate some more... put them away for 15mins... and ate some more... Long story short... during the course of a movie and a half (about 2 hours), I'd eaten the whole damn bag of salty goodness...

They were good.

This morning I woke up with that guilty feeling... I ate my Wheat Berry things for breakfast and toddled off to work.. telling myself it's not the end of the world... it's fine...

Got home from work, starving.

Again... badness... I got the deep fryer out and I had wedges for lunch. I didn't smother them in Sour Cream like usual, but it was still a fair amount of fried potato...

And for dinner tonight... a chicken pasta bake. More carbs.

What the fuck?!

Now, I tell you all this because what good would this blog be if lied to you when I did something wrong? The whole point of this blog is be accountable. And that's what I'm doing... but, god I feel like crap about the last few days (or week).

The thing is, it doesn't make sense. Those first few weeks, I felt great. Walking was good. The running was hard, but I was doing it. Leven Canyon almost killed me, but I did it. And for what? Right now, I don't feel like I've achieved anything... I don't feel like I've changed my ways.
And every day I went running before, I was always in the best of moods. I always seem to be feeling the best when my body is a little sore with effort. So, why the fuck aren't I doing that? Why would I come home and eat wedges? Why would I? Are little chunks of oily potato really that important to me?

No. Not really. So, why?

I don't have answers to these questions...but, they're there.

So, I need to get back on the horse. I need to go for a walk or a run or something. I truly felt better after exercise and the last few days, I've felt like a big fat blob of humanity... and I haven't done anything about it! Stupid.

Food is Stupid.

Friday, 17 July 2009

This is my non-blog

Just posting to say I'm not doing a proper post tonight...

My brother's over for a visit.. havin a laugh... so this is it for tonight folks...

FOOD: The usual for breakfast and lunch - Nutri-Grain and Chicken Sandwich. We had Spinach & Ricotta Ravioli tonight.. with a Stir-Thru sauce.

Work this morning, Housework this afternoon... No real exercise...

Alrighty... I know it's a boring post.. Sorry...

Thursday, 16 July 2009

The Weekly Weigh-In

It's that day of the week again folks!

As I was saying last night... I was very nervous about stepping on those scales this morning cos of my bad days...

Well, guess what?!?! I lost half a kilo!! :) How the hell did that happen?

Like, seriously?!?!?!

As you can see from above.. the usual suspects for breakfast and lunch. Dinner tonight is boring-ass sausages and veges - I'm having a potato. Carbs be damned!

So, after my post yesterday... I tried on those clothes I bought (I never try on clothes in the shop) and that hoodie/jacket thing I bought was heaps of Way Too Big! I have to take it back, it's that big. Lesson of the story = try shit on before you buy it!

The thing with trying on clothes is - I'm fat. I don't like it. For starters, Fat Guys don't get much of an option around here. There's a woman's store that is specifically for the "Plus-Size" gal... and truth be told, I think the clothes in there are quite nice. (Shopping with my mum, not for myself!). Us fat guys get 2 racks in Target or if you're not too fat, you can check out the rack and a half in KMart... If you want to buy something nicer than Target and KMart clothes, well, you better get on the treadmill...cos there ain't nothing around.
Do the people that makes clothes think "Well, we don't need to make good looking clothes for fat guys. If they really cared about looking nice, they'd work out?!"

It sucks. I mean, I always try to look nice... and smell nice... and be tidy and presentable and all that stuff.. (for the most part)... Even I look at some of my fellow fatties and think, well, you're not doing yourself any favors. It's one thing to be unintentionally overweight, but please, for god's sake.. you can still shower... you can wear deodorant... you can find some better clothes... and you don't need "Fat People" shoes, so get some decent ones... lol... God, I'm a bitch!

I sound like the Fashion Police now. People can wear whatever the fuck they like. I honestly don't care.. What I don't like is people assuming that because I am fat I don't care about my own self-image. We do! Or maybe, it's just me. Maybe it's only that Fat Gays that get worked up over this kinda thing and the Fat guys don't really care...

Who knows?!?!

Anyways... that's enough about me.

Successful Weigh In. Happy with that.

"That's All."
- Devil Wears Prada.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Food for today...

These wheat berry things I found in the supermarket, a lovely Chicken and Salad on Grain.. and for dinner tonight, we're having Chicken Pasta stuff... David's cooking now... :P He's my Kitchen Bitch! Everyone should have one!

Those other pics are the Before and After photos of that guy I was talking about yesterday. Before at almost 300kgs and After at approx. 110kgs. Unreal, huh? Hard to believe it's the same guy. I read up some more about him... he's had some surgeries to remove excess skin (as you can imagine) and he's also had a couple of implants and a face lift and a couple of other things that I would consider cosmetic. He had to have a Nipple graft - which, for some reason, made me giggle a little when I read it! If I ever need to get excess skin removed.. I hope that don't make me a new/fake belly button. I just don't want one there... would be bizarre to just have nothing there... might freak people out! I'll tell people I was hatched, not born! lol...

Why do I think of these things? I'm a weirdo, right?

Now... the reason I'm nervous (as the title says) is because it is weigh-in day tomorrow. After the dismal efforts of this week.. I'm really nervous that I've gained a bit. I don't feel like I have, but I guess we will see tomorrow.

Next week is Doctor in Launceston... and that makes me nervous too. Doctors always make me nervous. Always. For this reason, I don't really hardly ever go to the doctor and therefore I never get used to them... I'm not so bad when there is a particular problem. When my ear hurts I know the doctor is probably just gonna check my ear... this time it's all about me. I'm sure there are gonna be questions about what I eat, what exercise I do... basically he's gonna give a Verbal Exam of my lifestyle and I know I'm going to fail....

But anyway, he's there to help and if he can help me to achieve the things I want to achieve, then I shouldn't feel nervous or worried or anything. I should feel excited that it may be another big step in the right direction.

We did a bit of shopping today... after we went for a walk... I bought a hoodie and some track pants. Still need to buy shoes tho. I also found a Star Trek T-Shirt in Target, which I HAD to buy. But it was in the normal size section - not the Fat Guy Section - so I bought the biggest they had but it doesn't fit.. One Day... SOON!

We also bought a couple of things for our Halloween party this year... now I know what you're thinking... Halloween is frickin' 3 months away... but we've bought some props and stuff and we've got some plans to make it pretty cool... So, we needed to start collecting stuff now... Our plan is to have a Halloween party every year and build on it every year to make it bigger and better every time! So... some of you reading out there better start thinking of costumes..

Alrighty then... that's about it for tonight.

Catch ya on the Flip Side, Homie!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

It's My Weekend!

Today was a better day than the last few.
Nutri-Grain for breakfast, chicken & salad on grain for lunch and we had some fish for dinner with veges.

That other pic up there is my new Big Huge Bowl I just bought. If you don't know, I have a bit of a thing for serving ware. I have a collection of platters and bowls and stuff... which is funny cos I never have people over... A bit strange really.. but I do love serving ware. I found this in Woolworths tonight while we doing some shopping and couldn't help myself! lol... Gay Much?!

Today was better. This blog seems to be good motivation for eating better. I remind myself that I have to admit everything on here.. so.. it's good.

Not going to get a chance to go running this week... so David is going to come for a walk with me at least twice this week. Even if I say don't worry about it, he has to make me! So.. that's good!
Also, before we had take away last night... we made a deal that if we had take away last night... we would then eat healthier food for at least 7 nights after... which is wonderful.

So, I got my tax done this morning. Same Day Return thing. They can only give out $1000 of your return, so I've spent most of that on bills we needed to catch up on and a couple of things we've been putting off. As I'm sure I've mentioned before.. Tax Return = Nintendo Wii & the Wii Fit program. I'll let you know when I get it and how I go at it. We're also gonna lay-by a Treadmill... When the weather is shitty or there's just not a chance to get out and about for walking/running, I will be able to jump on the treadmill. Plus I can watch TV while I walk - always a bonus!!

Did anyone see that guy on The Morning Show this morning (someone told me he was on Today/Tonight last night as well) David Smith in the USA. He weighed in at 295kg!!! And over the last 3 years he's lost 185kgs!! He's lost more than I weigh!! Absolutely incredible! I was amazed watching it. I might try to find some before and after pics to post tomorrow night, because it was a really great story.

Anyways... thats about it for tonight.. Thanks for reading guys!


Monday, 13 July 2009

... And Now I'm Back... From Outer Space...

We've been experiencing technical difficulties... our internet has been down so I haven't been able to update for a few days.. but we're all up and running again... so, we're good.

My update on Friday was going to be about how I feel like I've lost motivation. I feel like I've totally fallen of the wagon... and since I didn't have to update and report on here every night I have been bad. I feel guilty... I feel really guilty and bad actually... So, in order to put myself out there and be honest.... here we go...

Friday - Nutri-Grain for breakfast, toasted chicken sandwich for lunch and for dinner we had homemade Fish & Chips.
Saturday - Mini-Wheats for breakfast, Coffee and Chicken & Salad on grain for lunch, and Steak & Chips with Creamy Pepper Sauce for dinner.
Sunday - Nutri-Grain for breakfast, deep-fried wedges with Sweet Chilli Sauce and Lite Sour Cream for lunch and I had Nachos for dinner.
Today - Nutri-Grain for breakfast, toasted chicken, cheese and mayo for lunch and we had KFC for dinner. I only had a Popcorn Chicken Snack Box and a Snack Wrap thing... which wasn't much but I am stuffed full to my head!

So, yeah.. for those 4 days... I've been really bad.. and that's gonna make weigh in day on Thursday a not-so-pleasant experience. But thats for then...

The plan from now is to get back on track. I was getting some compliments, people noticing that I'd lost a little weight.. David and I had a D&M about being supportive and helping each other with some stuff.. I was feeling better, more active.. just kinda better all around.. and I think thats a part of why I slipped into these bad habits. I think the more comfortable and happy I am with life, the less I care about being overweight.. which is SO DUMB! I mean, it makes sense I guess, but for fucks sake. How much more self-damage can I do. The reason I felt better was because I was doing something good for myself.. and now I feel shitty again! lol.. It's a horrible cycle...

So.. it doesn't matter. Back on track as of tomorrow, I promise.. I promise to myself. I don't want to waste my time and life being fat and lazy.. I want to enjoy myself.

The plan for the end of July next year, is to head over to the United States for 3 weeks. So I can go to a Star Trek convention and do the tourist thing around California and a little of Nevada. Now, I'm not going if I am like I am now. I've always wanted to go to the US... since I was a little kid. But I am not going if I am as unfit as I am now. What would be the point? I wanna do the Hollywood Walk of Fame and bicycle around San Francisco... I want to be able to go over there are experience the place.. and in the state I am now, I probably couldn't walk up the hill to get to Alcatraz! So... I have until the end of July to be fitter and healthier and enjoy myself over there!

Now, don't get too excited. Cos, the holiday plan will only happen if the bank will lend us whatever we're short by then... so, we'll see..

Alrighty... I'm going to head off now. I will update tomorrow... and hopefully our "technical difficulties" have been completely fixed so there's no more excuses to not report.

Thanks guys. Comments welcome... just click below where it says 'comments'. Some people have asked me how... so, click where it says "0 comments" or "1 comments" or whatever.. and you can click Anonymous or put in your name.. you don't need a Google account to leave a comment.

So, wish me luck for staying on track.
Good Night.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

The Weekly Weigh-In

No pics tonight, sorry...

Just really wanted to say that today's weigh-in was a gain... as I said last night I was expecting that that would be the case..

So, I gained 0.6kgs... which isn't that bad considering the kind of week I've had. Haven't been walking/running much - only twice (on the same day). Had the roast with all those carb heavy veges, a night of binge drinking with too much wine, chinese food last night... Diet wise it was bad week... but person wise, I had a pretty good week.

That changes my total weight loss to 5.0kgs... which in 5 weeks, I'm still happy with that. It's not an "incredible" result.. and this weeks 0.6 gain was bad..

Ok. But, that week is over now... and it's back to it.

Today I had mini-wheats from breakfast, left over fried rice for lunch and for dinner tonight I had some fish with veges (with butter on them) and I will admit to having a small amount of chips... I couldn't help myself, ok?!? I just couldn't. So shoot me!

But, yeah... back on track as of tomorrow. Will update tomorrow night... Good Night!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

So today was another day off. It's been nice having the same 2 days off this week as David for a change. Usually it doesn't work out that way... so that's been good!

Also today, we managed to get one of our tax returns done. Due to an apparent "known issue" with the e-tax online lodging thing, we decided to bugger it and get a same day return. Well, that was a good idea... ended up getting a bit more than we thought. So, we've been able to get in front of a couple of things... and now we just have to wait for the next return to finish us up so I can get my Wii and a couple of other things..

I saw in Kmart today, they had one of those Total Gym things that Chuck Norris used to advertise on the TV. (By the way, he's still on the box - which just makes me want it more!) Anyone used one? The couple I used to live with back in the old Shepparton days, they had one.. I think I used it a couple of times.. and from what I remember, they were a pretty good workout and shit... so I'm thinking of getting one of those, it was only $200. I'm pretty sure they used to be a fair bit more expensive... must not be selling many these days!

On to the food of the day... Weeties, sandwich and then we had a naughty naughty dinner. Because we got some money today, we treated ourselves to Chinese! It was good and I'm stuffed full... but it was naughty... but I also don't mind that much. We don't get to treat ourselves very often so we jumped at the chance.

It's weigh in day tomorrow... and I have a feeling I've put on weight this week... I haven't been doing much in the way of exercise, cos my knees been bad - feeling a fair bit better now, just can't kneel on it. And, I haven't been eating the best either.. and I just feel I've put on this week. I'm not too worried about that either. I know it will be a setback and I may feel bad about it when I see the results tomorrow - but at this moment, I'm not stressed about it... We'll see what happens tomorrow... I'll let ya know!

Weigh In day tomorrow... back to work.. and an afternoon run with Damian. So, that'll be good. Dad and I are gonna head out for a walk somewhere on Friday too probably.. we'll see what happens.. Keep you posted...

That's it for me tonight.. Getting a lot of positive feedback from you everyone which is fantastic. If you read this often and haven't left a comment before, leave a comment and just say Hi. Would love to hear from you...

Good Night All.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Hello Hello

So, today was a lazy day off. Weeties for breakfast, Toasted Ham & Cheese for lunch and we had Chicken Burritos for dinner tonight! Yummy

And, yeah... a lazy lazy day off. Did a lot of housework.. washing, vacuuming, dishes...

Tomorrow, I'm gonna do a little cooking. Gonna cook some chicken and eggs (which comes first?) to put in sandwiches.. and finish off the housework that I didn't get done today!

I've been thinking.. now this may sound a bit dumb. But I was thinking I should dust off the old camcorder and start filming myself. I kind of video diary that would go along as part of this blog. After I have achieved my goals, I would have a video record of my challenges and victories and a kind of self-documentary of the changes I want to make in my life. What do you think??

On Today/Tonight this evening they had a story with a hypnotist, Paul McKenna, who is in Australia to help people loose weight! Bonus! They were saying how diets don't work and you can only stay motivated to exercise and stuff for a while... and part of the reason for this is because every morning, people look in the mirror and find all the things they don't like about themselves and then head out the door to face the day... and he's right...

I try to avoid the mirror, but he's right in that people focus on the parts of themselves that they want to change. They don't highlight there own greatness. I know for sure that I am guilty of this. It's that whole glass half full thing... And I think people are too critical of themselves. People like to be respected and admired by other people... and those people that are lacking in self-acceptance look for ego gratification from others.

I look in the mirror now I see I have 45kgs to loose, and I don't notice the 5kgs I've lost. I see that little pimple on my nose, not the 99% of my face that doesn't. I see a person that eats too much and too often. I see a person that feels a little useless. I see a person that feels that he could do more with his life and just doesn't. I see a person who wants to have a life, but sits at home watching Star Trek DVDs. I see a person who doesn't have close friends anymore. I see a person who obsesses over the tiniest emotional faults of the people around me.
What I should see is a person who has changed in the last month or so to be more optimistic. I should see a person that has many years in front of him to do everything he dreams of. I should see a person that has good friends and family who love him for who he is. I should see a person with a good sense of humour. I should see a person who is in a loving relationship. I should see a person who can do anything he wants. (Did I miss anything? lol)

And why don't I? Why don't people look in the mirror every morning and highlight all the wonderful parts of their lives. Maybe we would all be happier for it. Maybe we should try and make ourselves physically stand in front of a mirror and very honestly tell ourselves that we are loved. That we are who we are and who we are is wonderful.

We should do this....


Monday, 6 July 2009

Walk Like an Egyptian... on crutchs

Well I didn't get a chance to write again yesterday, sorry guys... I received a couple of messages getting mad at me - I'm sorry you didn't get any sleep Meagan...

So let's get the food details out of the way:
Sunday & Monday - breakfast was mini-wheats, both days, cos it's yummy... lunch was toasted sandwich's both days as well... boring really, but what can I do? And for dinner last night we had
left over Beef casseroley thing... and tonight we had Spinach & Ricotta Ravioli with a Sun-Dried Tomato stir-through sauce thing... YUM YUM YUMMY! A bit naughty, but who cares?! lol

Today was adventurous, I met up with Fran this morning to do a little walk... followed by a coffee and gossip! Then, I met up with Damian to do our run thing! After walking with Fran I realised just how bad my knee still is... so I didn't run with Damian. I walked instead - which was still kinda bad, but I did it anyways... Really thinking I should go to the doctor about this - but, you know us men.. we don't go to the doctor...

I have a doctor's appointment in Launceston in about a week or so. Now, this doctor is going to get me on a 'Trim in 6' program, which is some sort of appetite suppressant and weight-loss programy thing. Not sure about much else, but I'll let you know when I do! (Thanks Meagz for the hook-up with that!)

So, yeah... pretty good day. A couple of walks, a short shift at work and a lovely dinner. Home again, write a blog entry and now I'm gonna watch a little Buffy (we're watching them all again!)

I found this website about Acai berries. Anyone heard of them? Apparently they're some sort of super-berry thing that supposed to be awesomely awesome... Thinking about trying them out of a couple of months just to see if they have the effect they describe. Apparently they boost energy and metabolism and stuff... On Ebay, they're about $50 for a months supply... so, I dunno. Maybe I'll splurg with my tax return and buy 3 months worth or something!

Speaking of Tax Returns - I'm dying to get mine. I want to get a Nintendo Wii and I need to get some other stuff... like some new shoes for running in - and some appropriate workout wear. Am on the lookout for a cheap treadmill or even a second hand one - so, if anyone knows of anyone who is selling one or knows of a place that sells second fitness equipment, please leave a comment below and let me know... Thanks.

Alright... Well, I may just leave it there for tonight. I could only upload one picture again today and I think scenery is prettier than food! But, hopefully I can get back to normal pics tomorrow!

Good Night All...

Saturday, 4 July 2009

It's Independance Day!

I didn't get a chance to write an entry yesterday... Had some visitors for some drinks...
Before we get to that, let's talk food...

Friday - Weeties for breakfast, Toasted Ham & Cheese sandwich for lunch and a Beef Stew thingy for dinner... but before dinner, there was a large amount of wine consumed. Good wine, good friends, good chat... it was a great night...

Today - Mini Wheats for breakfast... a lot of coffee... 2min Noodles for lunch... And a Roast Lamb with veges for dinner. No Wine!

Just so you know... Blogger would only let me upload one photo today for some reason.. so.. sorry for the lack of images. I picked the prettiest one! :)

So, yeah... Friday night drinks with a couple of girls from work (you know who you are). We had an awesome chat and a good laugh and I drank a LOT of wine - let's not talk about how much! But, it was A LOT. While I was catching up with the girls, David went up to a friends place to catch up with the guys.. I joined them a little later... And, I have to say... the type of conversation and social etiquette among a small group of girls and a small group of boys is Vastly different.
I mean, I always think that people are people - the end... but, my god.

With the girls we talked about our lives, our work... all these things that are important and had substance and in some cases, deep and meaningful...
And the boys... well.. they talked music... movies.. dirty jokes, bodily functions... stuff like that.
It was bizarrely different. Phenomenal really. To be honest, I haven't spent a lot of time with the straight male crowd.. and the straight male friends & relatives I do have are not that 'type'.
To be clear, I'm not saying that straight men are incapable of having real conversations or are significantly more shallow that gay men or women... but, it was just an incredible difference and I wanted to mention it on here.

So, that was Friday... today was much more dull... My brother came over to hang out and watch some Star Trek (yes, he's a geek as well) while David was at work. I cooked a lovely lamb roast to celebrate Tom Cruise being in Australia. (kidding!). It turned out absolutely delicious!!

I've given up trying to give up smoking... like I said before.. weight loss and fitness is the first priority.. smoking is still an issue, but yeah... first things first!

My knee is feeling better today, which is good. Will be walking tomorrow pain or not... I will do my best. I will let you know how I go.

And, yeah.. let's leave it there for tonight! I will be back tomorrow...

Thursday, 2 July 2009

The Weekly Weigh In #04

OK... So, this weeks weight loss in very minimal... 0.2kgs lost. At least it was a Negative 0.2 and not a positive 0.2! I wasn't expecting much to come off this week anyway, I know I've been a bit naughty naughty this week. It's been a month since I started (2days off actually, but close enough)... so that's a total of 5.6kg off in One Month!!! Happy with that.
And, despite the fact I've been succeeding (as far as I am concerned), I have been feeling less and less able to control my cravings. Ever since I had that bloody KFC Zinger burger thing almost a week ago.. I've been fighting the urge to go and buy another one.. I seriously feel like a NEED one... I know I don't. It wasn't even that great last time, but I really really really want. And it is a massive struggle not to get in the car and go and get one. Especially today being pay day. Sucks... I'm a fast food junkie... :(

But, still I've gone without... and I will continue to go without. HOPEFULLY, the next time I eat a burger will be when I don't really want one!

Onto today's food items.. Finished off my Special K for breakfast this morning... Vegemite on toast (Grain) for lunch... and I've had an apple for an afternoon snack. Dinner was naughty again. Like I said, I'm struggling to stay away from the crappy food lately... We had Chicken Parma again... it was delicious, but I feel guilty and a little depressed right now. I seriously feel like crap.. and I don't know if it's because I ate crappy food or something else that isn't fitting into my life... I dunno.
Anyways.. I was supposed to go for a walk this afternoon with Damian too, but my knee is seriously painful... so I messaged him and cancelled - Sorry Damian! The next scheduled walk/run day is Sunday - and I will be going - pain or not. It will be done.
Maybe my mood is a combination of guilt and lack of activity... I always seem to be in a better mood after a walk or whatever... Or maybe it's because I started work early and the first hour and a half of the caller were either assholes or unbelievably dumb. Maybe it's a combination of all three of these things!
Or maybe, it's because it's pay day... We did grocery shopping and paid the rent and now we're broke again.
Who knows? I don't. And it's me we're talking about...
I've got a couple of days off now... so hopefully I can just chillax for a while and we'll see how we go. Alright, I'm gonna head off now, otherwise you might catch my bad mood... lol...
Thanks for reading guys, leave comments if you wish. Really enjoy hearing from you all!

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Another Day at Work

Sorry I'm late guys...
Let's get today food intake done.. Just Right for breakfast, Chicken & Salad sandwich for lunchy munchy.. One of those slow-cooker sausage hotpot things for dinner... and then I bad, naughty treat... Turkish Delight. My brother come around for a visit... he had been done to the Cadbury factory in Hobart and came back home with a box of 50!! So, he gave me one... and I couldn't resist, cos I love the Turkish Delight... But, I will draw your focus to the top of the package that says "60% Less Fat".
60% Less than what??? Well, after some reading... on the back of the packet it says "per gram than the average of leading chocolate bars"...
What is with food packaging, really?? I mean, these companies can write just about anything they want on these packets and unless you're going to read the Nuitritional Info panel on the back of everything... it's pointless. I like what Kellogg's are doing with their cereal and stuff. I think have the percentages of a recommended daily intake is good... but, unless everything I eat has that percentage thing on it.. I wouldn't be bothered to keep track... It's a good idea.. but, we need some uniformity on labels - and we need more honesty. Don't right 60% less fat than an average chocolate bar... write something like, "Still bad for you, but not quite as bad as a Family Block of Snack!"
There must be an easier way to keep track of your intake. I honestly can not be bothered to count the Energy, Carbs, Fat and Sugar of every single thing I eat every day. Plus, what about the stuff I make at home or buy at a coffee shop - stuff that isn't prepackaged with a nutritional panel printed on the back! A friend of mine at work was telling me about the weight watching points counter. Now.. that also seems like a great idea. Every serving of food as a points value, and depending on your nutritional needs, weightloss goals and including extra points for exercise... this seems great. Now, if the food regulation authority (or whoever decides these things) could get a points value printing on every prepackaged food stuff.. this would be great too!
Then we get to serving sizes... Some of these 'serving sizes' are just dumb! People, not just fattie people like me, eat bigger serves than what they 'recommend'. It's just silly.
So, basically... the whole industry needs to pick a system, whether it be like Kellogg's percentage thing or the Points system... we need uniformity and honesty and maybe obesity and related illness wouldn't be on the biggest killers in Australia. I mean, I know people need to take responsibility for their own health (what I'm trying to do now), but why make it so hard for people.
Anyways, that's my rant about the food industry.. please comment if you agree or disagree with me. Maybe being a recovering fat and sugar addict has made me a bit critical of such things.
Moving on to the C25K running thing... I think I have really hurt my knee. It's been pretty painful for a few days now... I can't lift it up too far, and there's a sharp pain if I twist my leg.. I'm limping when I walk... it's just not nice... so, what I'm going to do is not run again until the pain has gone. I'm still going to meet Damian on the days and I'm just going to walk (which is bad enough) until I'm feeling better. It's been suggested I need to buy better shoes if I'm planning on running - so, once the Tax Return comes in I may just do that...
Alrighty then, I think that's about it. Thanks to all of you that sent congrats and well wishes for our anniversary yesterday, I appreciate it. Please leave comments by hitting the little line that says comments just under this... And, if you've left a comment before.. check back, I always try to reply to everyone...
Good Night All...