Thursday, 21 January 2010

It's Another Weigh In... Oh My...

Good evening everyone... 

Well, it's Thursday and that means weigh in day! And if you read my last post you will know how pretty crappy my week has been... slack with exercise, not great food choices, overnight shifts at work, fucked up sleeping pattern, tooth removal and days of pain from it and a general feeling of discontent and lethargy. So, I wasn't looking forward to stepping on those scales this morning....

However... I did. And I Was Shocked! 142.3kg... which is a 1.5kg loss! I weighed myself 3 times to make sure. Now, looking back over the week... I think I had a loss because of the bad sleeping patterns because of work and the bad tooth. I haven't really eaten much, it's been painful... I was working all night, sleeping all day... and my tooth was too sore to eat much of anything.. And because I wasn't eating like normal, that's probably why I felt so lethargic all week...So, all I'm saying is... Silver Lining and all that jazz.

So this surprising result for the week has put me back on track for the January Goal. If I can loose just 0.9kg this week, then I've achieved the first goal of the year. I'm not gonna start bookmarking my reward item on ebay - but I'm feeling positive.


But I suppose I should talk about the negatives too. My tooth still has not healed properly. Still a bit swollen and god forbid I drink out of my pop-top water bottle, take a drag on a cigarette or kiss! Ouch! So, it's back to the dentist in the morning... which is terrible! I hate the dentist! I have nightmares about sitting in that chair! But these things have to be done and I know it wont be as bad as I imagine... it's not like he's gonna pull out another one! But I've also developed a bit of a grinding habit that's annoying the absolute shit of me! I've never ever ever done it before... but around where the tooth was removed, my teeth must touch differently or something... because I catch myself grinding all the time.. it's very frustrating! Anyways, we'll see how I go.. Fingers Crossed! (I probably won't sleep well tonight - I know, I'm a sooky girlie man!)

Also as I mentioned before, I've started editing a video for this year Halloween party. Oh my god it takes forever to do... But, I'm trying to find out what movies people have the strongest "scary" memories about. Obviously The Exorcist, Elm St, Poltergeist... these sort of classic horror have been the ones people remember... But what about you? What movie resonates the most in your mind when you think of scary movies? Now, please, if you read this at all... please leave a comment to let me know... 

And that's all folks. Thanks for reading... and remember next Thursday's weigh in is the JANUARY RESULT weigh in... Can't believe 2010 is moving this fast already. Won't seem long and it'll be Christmas again. Better start shopping! I'll be back soon folks.



Bianka said...

Well yay go you!
Sucky about the dentist but good job on the loss :)

Kerry said...

Hey you,
Haven't replied for a while but had to congratulate you for the weight loss, well done (even though you weren't really trying). maybe that's the secret - stop trying so hard and it might just happen. I don't mean completely forget your goals, just relax a bit more. Be aware of putting healthy food into your body, but do have the occasional treat!
Sorry the tooth hasn't healed properly, it must be hell. There's nothing worse than mouth pain! Us more mature people know that as you get older, it takes longer for the body to repair itself. I was thinking about the Reductil thing (by the way did you see the story on weight-loss pills on Today Tonight?) and instead of wasting so much money on those things, why not buy better food and some multi vitamins and fish oil capsules? They certainly won't do you any harm! And might just give you the energy you so crave.
And I totally agree with what De said, you have got so much going for you, don't focus on the negative things! I love you for who you are and so does everyone else who knows you. We just want you to live long and prosper! Lol.
And guess what? I'm bloody working next Sunday. :(
I forgot to tell you (and Bianka), we got a free Tom Jones cd with the tickets we bought! One cd each, that is! Bonus!
Lotsa love...Mum 2 xxxxxxx

Garry Wakefield said...

Hi Kerry.. thanks for the congrats. And I think you're right about the trying hard. Tooth is a little better, but seems more trouble ahead.. just have to read tonight's post for that info! :P

I didn't see the story on Today Tonight, but I read in the paper that Reductil had been banned.. I did buy some multi-vitamins, but I hate taking tablets, so I think I took one the day after I bought them and they've sat in the medicine box since. But, I might give them a go again.

I guess it's easier for people to focus on the parts of themselves and their lives that need fixing. It's harder to tell yourself you're awesome... Like job interviews, it's hard to sell yourself and promote yourself. For some reason, I guess not a lot of people do talk themselves up...

And, I was gonna call you, but totally forgot.. David was too, but you know what he's like... I'm working next Sunday as well... So, I guess maybe the week after? I doubt I'll get 2 Sunday shifts in a row!

As for Tom Jones CDs... awesome!

heaps of love back at ya! Gazzy. xoxox