If you're not familiar with the story; it follows Jake Sully who is a wheelchair bound ex-marine who has been sent to the planet Pandora to be part of the Avatar program. Basically they clone an alien with some human DNA of Jake who's mind is then transferred to the avatar's body. He's been sent there to become part of the native society so that he can find a peaceful way to get the natives to leave their home so the human corporation can destroy and mine their homeland.

David complained about the length of the film because it does go for almost 3 hours. But I thought it was perfect. I can't think of any part of it that you could cut out of it. It was great!
OK... enough about Avatar. Moving on...
So, I'm thinking this health check-up/overhaul thing is a good idea... and with some encouraging words from Kerry (see previous entry comments) it's my plan. Now we all know doctors and dentists and the like are kinda expensive... so my plan is to have everything checked-up by the end of February. That way I can spread the costs of stuff over a few weeks... if only I bothered to get health insurance all those years ago when I didn't need it! Health insurance is something I've been thinking about because of the costs involved with the dentist. With just two appointments in two weeks I've amassed $230 worth of dentist debt. Wowsers! So, check-up and insurance. Now, that February date is just what I'm aiming for. For instance, when I was at the dentist last week I made a follow-up appointment to get checked out and fixed... and the soonest they could get me in was April 20th... so hopefully my teeth will survive till then... I'm seriously worried about them all now, I desperately want a check-up. But, can only do what I can do... I'm pretty certain the one that was playing up yesterday (and still doesn't feel right) will not last till April, but I'm not in pain so they wont give me an emergency appointment.
Anyways, I also know a wonderful woman, Joy Dunne, who is a hypno-therapist and counsellor. I'm thinking if I'm getting a body check-up it might be a good plan to get a mental check-up as well. Maybe a bit of hypno-therapy to help with motivation and confidence and whatever else might need tweeking...
Australia Day is fast approaching... And I don't have plans... is that bad? Am I un-Australian if I don't have plans on Australia Day? Well, whatever.... It's a Tuesday this year, right? Please tell me it's Tuesday... otherwise I'm the most un-Australian person ever! Well... maybe we'll all go on a BBQ picnic walk thing... That's Aussie enough right??
Well, tomorrow is also the start of a new week... and I'm gonna try to get back to the original idea of this blog... food & exercise reporting and photos and all that stuff... It's time I learn to focus of these things and stop procrastinating about doing something. The time for talk has past and it's time to DO... Who's with me?!?!
Yeah, that inspirational sentence wore me out... might need a couple of days to recover...
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