You know what I'm talking about. Those plus-size people that either don't realise what size clothes they should be wearing or just don't care... We've all seen them in town, in shops and some of us may even be related to some of these people.
Dress sense doesn't come in a size! I was always under the impression that people wore clothes that made them look and/or feel good. If you're wearing something like the people in these photos (from People of Walmart) and you're walking around town thinking you look awesome - well, there is something wrong with you (other than bad taste).

And there's nothing wrong with being plus-size. Some people prefer people of size. More to cuddle I guess... but even those people know when someone is dressed well or not. I always think the way someone dresses expresses a sort of self-opinion. If I saw someone who is always dressed in crappy old clothes, I would think of that person as not caring about themselves. I would assume that person doesn't make an effort because they feel it isn't worth it. Am I wrong?
I personally would dress better if I could find clothes that actually fit me. And that is one of the reasons I want to change my lifestyle. I don't like the fact that I can't walk into Just Jeans or Jay Jays (which aren't exactly up-market stores) and buy something that I like that makes me look good. I'm reduced to shopping the Mr. Big section of Target. Now they do have some decent clothing for the plus-size man, but they're still not like regular-size clothes. For some reason they think that Big People don't care about there clothes... and that's the whole point... They don't seem to!
So check out Walmart People because these couple of pics I've added are just a tiny sample of the kind of stuff they've got on there. Some people love it and some people really hate it.. but I enjoy looking at the massive variety of strange that walks through the doors of Walmart USA!
"Yes, Garry, but what happened today?"

After writing all that stuff above about nice clothing... I may have got onto Ebay & a couple of clothing sites to have a look... and I so wish I was able to buy some of that stuff! Maybe I should buy something I really really like and work to fit into it.. I'll probably just get depressed I can't fit in it and eat chocolate cake to make me feel better! Who knows... I have clothes that don't fit now and they're not very motivating... but they're also not that nice! Well, you know... they're not new.
I guess there is no magic answer to this. Every day I make a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing. I need to find the power within to choose the right thing... Every Day. And I will. I hope I will...
You dont need to look at that site to see the bad dressing just look round work lol
oh and I see u have that finnnnnnne man I found you in the middle there mmmm ok so lost concentration then lol
Its not just about size its age as well, the skinniest of people can look bloody stupid trying to dress like a teenager and they are my age..whats the point?If your comfortable, nothing is hanging out and it is actually ur size and a style suitable for your age then it should be easy to look ok shouldnt it?
De x
lol.. you're right! age & size appropriate!
It should be easy... but looking around you would think it was almost impossible to dress your size & age! I mean, really... You would think the breeze on your bare ass or stomach over-hang would be an indication that you should buy bigger clothes!!
Glad to see a comment! Thank you! Been about a month since anyone left a comment... thought I'd been boring... :)
Nah luv, you're not boring...we're just lazy! lol
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