So today of course is Thursday... and that means today is the FIRST WEIGH IN OF 2010!And... 142.9kg... and that is a loss of 1.5kg for this week!!! Yay!! Excellent...
I think I've written this before, but I've starting keeping track of weight loss from the start again. Because, having lost 10kg+ I wasn't caring if I put weight on every week.. because in my head a 1kg loss still meant I was 9kg down.... so I wasn't stressing about gaining... Which is bad.. So I'm starting agai, with a focus on Weekly/Monthly loss, instead of weekly/total. I think this will keep me more focused on actually loosing weight every week.
Now, you know I've talked about religion on here a few times... well, here's a photo of a bus in Hobart. These new Atheist signs have been put on the sides of Metro Buses in Hobart. I don't know if they plan to extend them to other areas or not, but I think it's a great idea. Some people have been against them as you may imagine... but I don't see the harm. I've seen religious propaganda on television and in print all over the place... especially around Christmas... So where is the harm in having a little Atheism around the place? Anyway, I'm all for it and believe that this kind of ad may spark a debate about religion and the beliefs people have... And if religion is all it's cracked up to be, then it can handle some competition and questions, surely?
OK... So food and exercise and stuff... well, it's been a couple of days so I won't go into too many details. I haven't been the BEST diet-wise for the last week. I haven't gone crazy on KFC or anything, but for example I had left-over lasagne with chips. Now, that might sound bad... but David did have KFC and I resisted and had left-overs instead... so, you know... I haven't had chocolate - but instead of avoiding evening snacking I've replaced chocolate with those Weight Watchers dessert things - which are SO SO yummy... but in all honesty, I have one... and then an hour or so later I have a second... But, again... gotta be better than a full block of Cadbury Snack right??
I've also skipped a couple of meals... which I know is bad... I bought a couple of tubs of yogurt to keep in the fridge and I've got some natural muesli bars (which are SO good) and some apples and shit too. I figure if I keep this stuff in the house, when I get desperate for something to eat, at least I'll be eating healthier...
There's a blog I read a lot called Escape From Obesity. It's written by a woman in the US called Lyn who just really gets it. Sometimes she will say something about the way she feels or why she does something and she is so spot on it's like she's living in my head. She's very motivational. Anyway, she has started, on her blog, a Habit-A-Week Challenge. Basically the idea is that instead of changing every bad habit you have and trying to get new healthier habits all at once, to change ONE habit a week. It may seem slow to some, but at the end of 16 weeks you have 16 new healthy habits. I think this is a great idea and I'm going to do this. Her first challenge is WATER. So, I need to determine exactly how much water I need to drink every day and how I'm going to measure it and make sure that I drink it... and she's got some wonderful ideas to keep up motivation and etc etc... So, she's good... and I'll keep you posted on the challenge.
And that's it for now... I hope you've enjoyed tonight edition of Gazzy in Tazzy.. and I will post again soon!
Hi Sweetness well done a loss of 1.5 is bloody fantastic what a rippa of a start for the new year...
De xx
Got my supernatural dvds today and have been glued to the telli..dean doing eye of the tiger omg hot HOT HOT..anyway thats it for me, just wanted to say congrats xxx
Thanks love!
Enjoy Supernatural... let me know when you've finished the season... We haven't got ours yet :( but it is on its way...
I accidentally read a spoiler about how it ends... oops! :(
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