So this business of having New Year's Resolutions... Well, I guess I already decided what it was going to be 6 months ago when I started the blog. Lose weight, get fitter and healthier and experience life more... So, that's my resolution for 2010... to make it so.
To start with, for the first time in 5ish years, we did something for New Years. We didn't go out and get pissed, but we had a couple of great friends over for a roast lamb dinner, drank some wine and tried to watch fireworks from the backyard (no, not really... but we tried).
New Year's Day = Work. And it was a long, long day...
Yesterday, I met up with dad and my brother and went for a walk at Ferndene Reserve (just outside of Penguin). The place was nice... there were a few uprooted trees and shit on the path though... but was good. But these walks, like Leven Canyon all that time ago, just goes to show how much more work I have to do. I was breathing heavy and sweating like crazy so quickly... Was still good to be active and I spent most the afternoon with my folks in Ulverstone.
And that would bring us to today... And, again... Work. An early start for me too, 6:30am. Which might not sound too bad to some... but I hate working that early... Me likes Sleep! But, I survived.
Speaking of work.. why are people so rude? I mean, we are there to help... what benefit do they think being rude and abusive to us is going to make? When I'm asking someone to help, even if it is their job, I'm always polite and grateful - sometimes overly... I could never be so rude to someone who is helping me.
But, Anyways... Back to me!
So I have been doing stuff.. "But what the hell are you eating?" I can hear you asking... Well, you don't wanna know. I haven't been good... and I've got any excuse you want to hear. Would you believe me if I told you I was waiting for pay day to buy some decent healthy food? Would you believe me if I said I'm so broke it was cheaper to buy junk? Would you believe me if I said god told me to eat junk food? What excuse will you believe? The truth is I haven't had the motivation to be good and without the motivation to do it... It's not really worth trying. I will... But I don't want to say... This is it... Today is It! And then fail... I need to be certain that I can resist the temptations around me and make a real go of it...
And on that note, I've been thinking I should bite the bullet and join the gym (or as an alternative, there was a flyer in my letterbox about a personal trainer than comes to your house). I know I always seem to be broke and these things cost money - but it could also work as a motivation. I've paid money I don't want to waste... and I've got a trainer or someone to help motivate me and show me what I should be doing... So, what do you think? Suggestions? Ideas?
"Stop Eating Crap, Fattie!"

So I need a real plan with real action... and I'm think the gym/trainer might be the ticket. Or weight watchers or jenny craig or something similar... I don't know... But I need to decide and I need to do it... Soon...
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