I just get bored... Maybe I should just work more... Then I wouldn't have time to get bored... But, then I'd probably get so frustrated and shitty, I'd end up unemployed in 2 weeks. Can't win huh? I don't know. I think if I did more with my time off maybe I wouldn't feel so unsatisfied with everything. Somehow I've transformed from this person that was surrounded by people all the time, enjoying myself and having adventures... to this guy that goes to work, watches TV and gets fatter and fatter. How do I get the old me back? He was much more fun.
I dunno.
Anyway, it's been a week since I had my tooth pulled out and would you believe it's still a bit sore and tender and a little bit swollen. Unreal. I don't know why... I've had teeth pulled before and I don't remember it being this sore for this long... I haven't been back to the dentist, because it seems to be a little bit better every day... I just wish it would go away. It's been hurting longer and been more frustrating than the tooth was before he pulled it out.
I've been absent the last few days because I've been on overnight shifts. Starting work at 10pm-ish and finishing at 6am-ish. The actual work was not too bad, nice and quiet and you're able to have a chat with whoever is working with you... but it's totally thrown my sleep pattern out of whack. I didn't work last night, but I was still awake until around 6am. Crazy. And, of course I set my alarm for 10am hoping that only a couple of hours sleep would make me really tired tonight so I could sleep... but my phone died... and I slept till 12:30. Still not heaps of sleep, but fingers crossed.
So, with the sleeping all day and the working all night... I haven't had a chance to walk much or do anything really. Now I have a day off I'm catching up on housework. Yuk! My eating habits have been odd too... and not good.. so I'm considering this week a write off. I'm positive it will be another gain this week... which means to meet my 3kg January goal, I'm gonna have to be really good with food and exercise for the next two weeks.. Must Must Must!!
Halloween also gives me a weight loss goal. The costume I had last year was fine... but it was a "plus-size" costume. In other words, it was a bit boring... So, if I can shed some kilos I'm hoping I can get a real costume that is much more exciting...
So, that's about it for tonight... I'll be back...
Unless I become deathly ill or something, I should be in the US for Halloween this year! Dunno what I'm going as but I'm thinking it should involve freaky theatrical contact lenses :-)
OMG! I am so so so jealous right now.
Halloween is my favourite thing ever... and I've wanted to go to the US for as long as I can remember. We're hoping to road trip across the US in 2012... but, that's only a maybe... I'm very jealous and I must see some photos! :P
And, yes, freaky theatrical contact lenses are a MUST, I think!
Hi there, have missed ur smiley face at work...the profile pic is a tad sad put on a happy one lol..
now the tooth, are u gargling with salt water? if not do it as it works.
I think we all get in a rut with life at times, I dont think you should focus on the old you, hes gone perhaps grown up a tad...You are a great guy, loads of personality, fun to be around, u have wonderful friends,great family and have a terrific partner..so far sounds pretty good to me, so there are a few gaps in the fun department, maybe dont think about it too hard, perhaps then ideas might come to you.I dont think there are any fast cures but your young and have so much ahead of you. You want to go to us in 2012 make it happen..open an account now one that you cant touch, even if its only 10 bucks a week to start til u get finances in order, its still a start and its a goal.
Have more faith in yourself and try and look at yourself from our view, perhaps then u might see the great guy the rest of us do
Love De xx
I agree with the lovely De and I only have one thing to add which is what someone once told me....if nothing changes, nothing changes.
De, I changed my profile pic just for you! ;)
and yeah, I've been doing the salt water - yuk yuk yuk.. but, been doing it.
And both of you are just too lovely! You always know how to make me smile, you're kind words are well heard and very appreciated. You're both a blessing! :) (if I believed in such things :P) Thank You.
Gazzy. xoxox
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