Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Various Shades of Life

Obviously, these are not pictures of what I ate... I've been feeling a bit emo lately...

I guess I'm having trouble focusing on my weight loss goals the last few days because I have other things on my mind. The bigger questions. What does the future hold? I don't know the answer and no one really does. I always thought by the time I got to this age, there would be some sort of something happening. I guess I always looked at what could happen far off along the track and didn't think much about the path I needed to make to get there. Because of this lack of planning, sometimes I feel like I'm still at the beginning... and I guess I kinda am.

When I was a younger I guess I thought that good things happen to good people and I always try to be a good person and don't really focus on what I need to do to make things happen for myself. This younger me always thought that doors would open and the path would be mostly easy and my personal measures of success would be met. Now I feel the age of thirty approaching and I'm thinking of what I have done, what I could have done and what I have sacrificed, let go of or greedily held onto. And when I start to tally the 'have done' with the 'could have done' I find the 'could have done' list greatly outweighs the 'have done'. And that is a little depressing.

So what do you do about it? What changes can I make to my life now that will fix the broken Yellow Brick Road and lead me to the Emerald City? What decisions can I make that will allow me to go home to Texas and not leave me stranded in Oz. (What is it about Gay People and The Wizard of Oz? - I think I might watch it again!)

I guess things don't always turn out the way we imagine. I get that. And I'm not ungrateful for all the chances I've had, the people I've met, the experience I've shared and kept to myself. My life may not be the excitement and ease that I always thought was possible, but it is my life. And most the time, I enjoy it and I cherish it and I hope there are many more years of it. But, I just feel the need for change. I feel the need for something more... And don't know how to go about it or where to begin.. And I'm reluctant to risk, because my life is alright... And I don't really know what it is that I want to change or need to change...

I've written before about the fear of doing things and I guess that is a large part of it. What if the decision I make is the wrong one and things get harder not better? Is the hope for something better worth the risk of losing the good things you already have? Can I handle it if the world crumbles around me? I guess when I've answer Those Three Questions, then the decision will be easy. I guess it's a matter of taking a stand, having faith in yourself and leaping!

I need time... Time to really understand where I am and where I want to be and how I get there. Because, believe it or not, I don't have Ruby Slippers in my closet...

Monday, 28 September 2009

I know, I know... Sorry

Hello everyone

So, I know I'm bad. I'm sorry. I haven't updated since Thursday's weigh in day post. As you read, Thursday's weigh in was a success... and you would think that breaking that 140 mark would be an incentive to keep going... that was a big deal for me... However, honestly... I've been bad the last few days and I guess that is one of the reasons that I haven't updated.

When I say I've been bad, I haven't over-indulged in anything.... just haven't eaten the right things for dinner. Still doing the right thing for breakfast and lunch and staying away from soft drinks. But when it comes to dinner in the evening... I've been making bad choices. Since Thursday, we've had KFC and Pizza... and the rest have been things cooked at home with chips and shit. So...yeah, bad...

In my slim defense, I picked the grilled chicken from KFC, not the deep fried stuff. It's got a lot less fat in it (I researched). When we had pizza, I select 'Classic' instead of 'Deep Pan'. Less carbs, less calories etc.

But that's not the point. The point is, I've made bad choices. I was faced with the decision and I caved. And, I do feel guilty.. I feel guilty now, but I think I will feel more guilt when it comes to weigh in day this week and I don't get a loss. We'll see.

I have been sticking with the treadmill though. I did my 30mins on Friday, Sunday and this afternoon. I know I need to do more than this though and I need to find the motivation within myself to actually DO MORE. And I will. I received my package from Amazon.com, my 4 Biggest Loser DVDs... Boot Camp, Cardio Max, Power Sculpt and Yoga for Weight Loss.... I only got these this afternoon so I haven't checked them out. But each one has 3 levels and says it's a 6 week program each. So, if I can get moving on these with the different levels and mix and match them so I can keep it different and not boring... I think they will be great!!!

So, bad things have happened... and now what? Well, I need to get back on track. I think the key to staying on track is keeping life in general at a positive level. I will admit that since Friday I've been a little stressed and been thinking about a lot of stuff in my head... So, emotionally I feel a little drained and I've been working... Saturday I did 13 hours... But, I need to find and focus on the positive parts of my life and really need to start shedding some of the negatives. Which isn't as easy as it sounds...

But, the wine tour that I'm partaking in is happening this weekend and I am looking forward to it VERY MUCH!!! Should be great... and you should expect to see some photos from it as well. Also, I've started giving out the invites for our Halloween party, which is cool, people are getting excited, which just makes me more excited. There's still a bit of stuff for us to make and paint and build and set up... but we're getting there and it's only a month away.... Yay.. There will be lots of photos from that one as well...

Alrighty, well I have admitted my sins of the last few days... and I guess I should sign off for tonight. I would love to see some comments, please feel free to be harsh!! lol

Have a great night everyone!!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Weigh In Day

Hey guys, just a quick update tonight. I have a headache, I've had a bit of a stress attack today and The Amazing Race finale is gonna be on soon and I don't want to miss it!!

But, today is weigh in day! So, I woke up this morning thinking I was gonna have a gain. But, I got on those scales and I was 139.9kg.... That's a 0.6 loss for the week, bringing total loss to 11.4... AND, The Best Part... I'm out of the 140's!!!! Ok, so I'm only out of the 140's by 100grams, but that is SO NOT THE POINT!

So, happy with that. I realise there's still a bit of work to do... but, I'm still keen for the whole thing. I just wish I could feel a change in my body, I don't. That's why I've been thinking of doing some weights or joining the gym or something. I still feel very much like I did when I started... but, I do feel happy that those numbers on the scales are coming down.

I haven't thought about what else to put on that goal board... anyone got any suggestions?

I think I also need to work on accepting my body for the way it is... I don't mean size-wise, after all these years of being large and getting larger, my body is scarred from being abused. There are parts of me that I don't like that I wish I could change, that I know is impossible. I need to learn to accept these things and focus on the things I can change. (Sounds like I've been to AA). I know for instance, that no matter how much weight I shed and even if I workout everyday and get really buff and muscled... I will still have the stretch marks of obesity. They can not be taken away. I will always have scars and I need to accept my body for what it is. I need to be comfortable in my own skin and accept me for who I am. I think this is the key to self-happiness.

Anyway, that is my short post for tonight.

Thanks for all your support guys and I hope to see some comments tonight! I'm out of the 140's people - Say it with me now - FUCK YEAH!


Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Mid-Week Think

Let's get the food report done for today: MiniWheats for breakfast, coffee before work, a NoFat Yogurt (Sticky Date Pudding flavour) for lunch and Devilled Sausages with a little rice and vegies for dinner! So, pretty good for today. Also did another 30mins on the treadmill... at a decent pace. The treadmill doesn't seem to be getter easier, but my recovery time after I get off seems to be getting better... so I guess thats a good thing.

So, what have I been thinking about? Well, this whole idea of goal setting. When I started this 3+ months ago, I said I wasn't going to set goals and recently I changed my mind and set a goal of a 10kg loss before Halloween (Oct 31st). That would mean I would need to average a 1.3kg loss a week... and in the first week I lost 0.9 and then 1.1. Now, 2 kilos in 2 weeks is great. I'm happy with that... but, it's not on track for this goal I set. And, to tell you the truth.. I feel a bit shitty about it. So, I'm not having those individual goals. It's more important for me to focus on what the good changes to my lifestyle I've made... and the success I've had rather than focus on a goal that I may or may not be able to achieve and then feel like a failure for not reaching it...

Instead, I'm going to make a what fellow blogger, Greg calls a Goal Board. I'm going to get some big paper and stick this on the wall here at home aswell. This is basically a "Things I want to do when I'm healthy that I couldn't or wouldn't do when I was Fat". I think looking a this and being able to mark things off as done is going to be much more motivational for me...

Buy nice clothes that aren't in the Plus-Sized range.
Participate in a 5km charity run/walk.
Learn to Swim.
Take Dancing Lessons.
Ride on a Theme Park ride.
Complete the Couch Potato to 5k runner program.

As I think of more things, I will add them to my board at home... If you can think of something, please leave a comment and leave a suggestion....

I'm also going to do a fitness goals board as well, but I need to work on that one...

As you know, it is weigh in day tomorrow. It's my 3rd weigh in since starting on Reductil, so I'm curious as to what the results will be. I haven't made the best food decisions this week, but I have been on the treadmill a decent amount... and haven't really over-eaten at any stage, so I'm hoping for some kind of loss.

I think I really need to get some more help for exercise. Maybe I should really join the gym and get over the fear or being in public and just find the money for it... Maybe I should get one of those personal trainers out of the yellow pages once a week... or maybe I should keep doing what I'm doing until I feel more comfortable and capable... I don't know...

Alrighty folks... I will be back tomorrow with the weigh in results and remember, if you've got any suggestions for the goal board (or anything else) hit me up in the comments or via email (gazzyintazzy@live.com)...

Good Night All.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Sorry I'm Late...

Hey guys... I know, I know... I haven't been here for a couple of days... Just been busy or sidetracked and whatever else... but, I'm back now...

Let's see.. we gotta do a FOUR-DAY Food Report, so here goes: Saturday - miniwheats for breakfast, No Lunch, Pizza for dinner (Bad-I know, will discuss in a minute). Sunday - miniwheats for breakfast, Leftover pizza for lunch (i know, i know) and a delicious Roast Lamb with vegies for dinner with a glass of red! Monday - miniwheats, celebrity slim shake for lunch and sausages and vegies for dinner. AND Today... miniwheats, celebrity slim shake and beef strog with vegies.

So, I guess we need to talk about that pizza... I know how bad a decision that one was. On Saturday I worked till 8 o'clock and I had missed lunch (slept in... started work around lunch time) and was hungry... and had massive pizza cravings and gave in. Now, remember... I'm doing a lifestyle change - not a 'diet' - there are no forbidden foods and I don't feel terribly guilty for eating it. I didn't eat a whole pizza on Saturday night and 4 or 5 months ago, I would've eaten the whole thing + more... so, it's all good. The leftover pizza for lunch the next day was just basically laziness... I was cleaning for mum and dad to come over for the roast and cooking and shit, and it was there and easy...

Anyways... So, it was a bad coupla days, food-wise... but I've been keeping up with the treadmill and it's been good. I've been increasing the speed and the incline to vary things up a bit. The exercise guys in Launceston have emailed me some info on a soft-core boot camp style workout thing for beginners in Burnie, so I may look into that...

I think it may be a good idea to get moving a bit more and getting more serious about this whole thing... I still have things I want to do, that whole 'get more out of life' thing... Thinking of trying to learn Spanish... hmmm, dunno if I could do it... but would be better than learning Klingon, right?? Although, I doubt there are many fluent Klingon translators in Australia!!! lol

Ummm... yeah. So, anyways... Get more out of life... That was the whole idea of this... More Active lifestyle and experience more 'Stuff'.. well, so far, the diet is pretty good, the active part is starting to get better and as far as more life experiences - well, not so much. Why is that?

Could this wall I've built around myself all these years of having low self-esteem be made of something unbreakable? I keep telling myself that I want more... I want to do more and see more and meet people... remember the old lady in the coffee shop story... but, I haven't really done anything to make that happen... How does one start to change the way they live? What's the first step I need to take? I have absolutely no idea.

Well, it's something I will work on. Apart from today's set back, the weather seems to be picking up. I must say the treadmill is more convient for me, but when the days are nice, I'm more likely to get out and do some stuff... Dad wants to do another walk... but, I don't think I'll be going to Leven Canyon again in a hurry... But, I would like to go back in a few more months and see how much easier (Hopefully) it is...

So... once again, all comments are appreciated and welcome... if anyone who's reading is local and would like to catch up for a walk or anything... or if you've got some suggestions about food or exercise or advice on anything or just wanna chat... please leave a comment or email me! gazzyintazzy@live.com

Be Cool, Stay in School!

Friday, 18 September 2009

Friday Night

So... here's my very exciting Friday update!

Mini-Wheats for breakfast, god I love them... and for lunch... sandwich.. so exciting and for dinner tonight.. Ravioli again... we're not very adventurous, I know... I really wanna start cooking some different shit... so, if anyone has any recipes or cookbook suggestions, please, please, please leave a comment or email me: gazzyintazzy@live.com

So, work this morning (oh yeah... I have a coffee before work!)... and then I came home and did my 30mins on Teddy the treadmill... while watching a new show called "The Beautiful Life".
My review on the show: well, it's about models (not the rich and famous ones, the ones just starting out) and it's got that skanky looking thing from The OC in it (can't remember her name and not worth the google search!). It's a drama thing and it's nothing that new or special... but I'll give it another episode or two and hope it gets better - otherwise I'll ditch it like last year's 90210 reboot!
And, My review on the workout: well, Thin Garry won the fight over Fat Garry again... After just 5 or 6 minutes I was feeling it, but I kept going... I tried to keep a steady pace for longer, instead of pushing myself to go faster for less time... I still varied the pace, but kept it decent... Was good. Still feeling good about it all...

And my first Biggest Loser DVD arrived today. Haven't tried it yet, but I skipped through it to check it out and some of it looks kinda intense. It also looks like I need to have more room than I do at the moment... so, yeah... When I try it out, I will let you know how I go. It's a 1 hour workout program too... so I should be nice and fucked by the end of it! lol

So, you may have noticed I've been talking TV a bit lately... the US TV Season is starting up and all the shows I love are starting up again and some new shows I want to check out... so, I may do a little reviewing here and there... My favourite show at the moment has to be 'Glee'. It is SO good. Even David is enjoying it and it's not really his kinda-thing. So if you haven't seen it... Check it out!!!

OK... Well... just a quickie for tonight... so, I'm done... I will catch you all tomorrow!

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

It's Weigh In Day!!!

Guess what? Guess what? Guess what?

Weigh in was: 140.5kg!! That's a loss of 1.1 for the week and brings my total loss to... 10.8!!!

10.8 friggin kilos!

That's a lot of fat! OK... So 1.1kg loss in a week isn't the most I've lost in a week before, but I'm happy with that result...

So, usual stuff today food wise.. Special K, Bliss sandwich and coffee before work... and Chicken Parma tonight (the usual take away night). And I did NOT eat those pancake wrapped sausages. How gross does that look? It's some thing you can buy in the US... it's so gross...had to share!

And I wasn't planning on doing my 30mins on Teddy the Treadmill today, but while sitting around the house before work.. I thought, why the fuck not?!? So, I did. I didn't push myself as hard today... but I kept a kinda steady pace and it was still a good workout. So, happy with that!

David owes me dinner now! lol... will have to wait till next week, cos we did grocery shopping after work tonight - and jesus... I don't know how unemployed people survive! Especially the unemployed smokers!! Unreal!

Now... about these drugs I'm on, this Reductil... Dunno if they are working. I still seem to eat about the same as I did... I'm still stopping myself from eating more like I used to, so I don't think they're making me feel fuller like they're supposed to. And, it's not like the 2 weigh ins that I've had since starting them have been amazing... I've had bigger losses before... so, I just don't know. Maybe they're just not strong enough.... I dunno... I'll talk to the doc....

Well... I don't think there is much more to report for today... I'm happy with the weight loss for this week and yeah... can only get better!

Thank guys... comments welcome, as always!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009


So... second day off in a row. It's a rare event for me to have 2 days off... And I was bored. And felt really lethargic... I could not be bothered to really do anything. I slept in and woke up feeling tired (is that weird??) and then it took me forever to get motivated to do ANYTHING... After lunch I got on the treadmill and did my 30mins. My legs were a bit sore today, once I got going, they're not used to getting used this much - but they better get used to it!!! Despite feeling a little worn out and tired, I pushed myself and did it... It's only 30mins after all... It doesn't sound like much, but seriously guys... I am sweating and out of breath and it's seriously a big deal.

Food wise, same old... Special K, toasted ham cheese and tomato relish and for dinner tonight... Chicken Burger... wholemeal bread roll, lettuce, tomato and little light cheese and a little light mayo... very very nice.

Tomorrow is weigh in day... so, fingers crossed! Chances are good that I've lost that 0.3 I need to go on 'Date Night', so I hope David's picked a place!! We're a little povo, so it may have to wait till next pay day... but, oh well... I'll keep you posted anyway!

I so need a hobby! I need something to do.. I just don't know what! It doesn't help that I don't have much money... I end up sitting here in front of the computer, wasting time doing not a lot... or housework or watching TV and shit... So Boring.. and I feel boring... and you know what they say... 'Only Boring People Get Bored'. So fuck I must be a boring dull fuck! So, what can I do? I just don't know how to fill my time productively that doesn't cost a lot and keeps me a little more active. I dunno... hmmm

Anyways... I'm off for tonight... I will be back tomorrow with the Weekly Weigh In!!!

Good Night!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Diversity, Diet, Exercise and Television

I wrote a blog entry this afternoon all about how disappointed I was with some people and their ignorance and unjustified fear of gay people... and it really put me in a bad mood. I decided not to publish it as I would prefer to not think about these bigots. I do want to say, and I mentioned it on my Facebook page, that there are 6 Billion people on the planet and not one of them is exactly like you. Diversity makes life interesting and fun and is the spice of life, so instead of living in fear and judgement of someone or something that challenges your preconceptions... learn about it, meet it, embrace the fact that we are all individuals and we all want the same thing out of life. We all want to be happy and loved and we all want the world to be a safe and wonderful place for everyone to live as equals.

And that's all I'm going to say on the topic... for now.

OK. Food Report: Special K for breakfast, toasted sandwich for lunch and a beef hot pot slow cooker thing for dinner tonight - added a couple of vegies and served with a hot potato and greens. Yummy. And the exercise report.. got on Teddy again this morning... and was sore. I wanted to give up after 10minutes, but I kept going and I did my 30minutes. I vary my speed during the 30minutes, but today I pushed myself and changed my lowest speed and my highest speed up 0.5 - and I felt it.

While I was walking, I was watching the season 2 finale of True Blood... and OMG! It was fantastic.. but, as always with that show... it ends with a cliffhanger, so if you're a fan and you're about to watch, be warned.. It'll be months before we see what happens next.

While I'm talking TV... the US Television Season is beginning. A couple of shows have already started... Supernatural is back and it is great... the all new remake of Melrose Place has started and I must say, I kinda liked it. I never watched the old Melrose, so I can't really compare it, but it is kinda lame, but it knows it's lame, so that makes it not lame... does that make sense? It has fun! AND Glee is on... if you haven't seen it, watch it... it is just great fun and makes me laugh so much. Recommend it to everyone! But, all my favourite shows are still coming and I can't wait to see Dexter as a Dad! And I can't wait to find out who Mike actually married on Housewives! OMG!

Last night on TV there was a special, 10 Things You Must Know to Lose Weight. It was alright, some of it was common sense, some of it you knew it was good but didn't know why and some of it kinda surprised me. So, here were the 10 things they said:

1. Don't Skip Meals. (Already knew that - and I don't!)
2. Use Smaller Plates. (Had heard of this before - doin' it!)
3. Count Your Calories. Pick the lower calorie alternatives. (Well, I'm not officially counting, but I keep myself aware of the calories I eat and try not to go over the recommended 1700)
4. Don't Blame Your Metabolism. (Well, we've all done that! And, I'm just big-boned! What they mean is, take responsibility for your size! Done That!)
5. Eat Protein. Keeps Hunger Away. (Good advice - will do!)
6. Soup - Keeps you feeling fuller for longer. (Well, this surprised me. I did not know. As long as the soup you're eating is a smooth think even consistency, it stays in your stomach longer!)
7. The Wider the Choices - The More You Will Eat. (Variety is the spice of life, but you're more likely to eat a bit of everything if you have too many options. So, don't get crazy with variety!)
8. Low Fat Dairy helps to Excrete Fat! (Apparently dairy will collect up some fat cells and excrete them out, instead of letting them stay in the body! Good, I love Cheese!)
9. Exercise! It gives your body an afterburn! (So, when I'm on my treadmill my body is using carbohydrates to fuel my workout. Then my body needs to use the stored energy (fat) to keep everything running. This afterburn can last 22hours after a workout!)
10. Keep Moving! (Park at the back of the carpark, not in front of the store. Get off the bus a stop earlier and walk that extra little bit. Walk around while on the phone instead of sitting. This 'incidental' exercise can make all the difference!)

So that was the 10 Things... and I took them all in... and we'll see how we go...

Anyways, I think I've written quite enough for tonight... What do you think of my Halloween Costume there? The Dark Spiderman never looked quite so round when Tobey Maguire was in the suit! LOL

Comments welcome, as always... Good Night...

Monday, 14 September 2009

DAY 100

Today is the ONE HUNDREDTH DAY of my 'lifestyle change'! 100 Days!!

So, I've included a couple of pictures from our work Christmas Dinner (2008)... it's the best indication my "Before" weight... and I've posted up a photo I just took, so you can compare the difference... well? I can't really notice much... can you?

100 days ago I decided to stop being the fat lazy guy and to start this blog. To be honest, at that time, I was unsure if I would stick with it and actually change. I've started weight loss and exercise things countless times before and they never stick... but this time, with the encouragement and support of all of you, reading and commenting and helping and Everything... I've managed to shed 10 kilos and am still feeling committed! If not more committed now than I was when I started.

I set my alarm early this morning, got up at 6 and headed straight for Teddy the Treadmill. I sweated out a 30minutes hard walk and pushed and pushed myself to do it harder and longer. I imagine Thin Garry on one side of me telling me I can do it and Fat Garry sitting on the couch on the other side of the room yelling at me to stop and join him for a smoke... Thin Garry wins again!! It was a great way to start the day and I'm thinking I'm going to keep doing the first thing in the morning thing... I feel more awake and energized and happier with myself for putting in that effort.

Most of the 10kilos lost over the last 100 days has been from changing my diet. 100 days ago I would skip breakfast and if I was at home for lunch, I would have deep fried chips or some other junk food crap that was in the house... we'd eat some high-fat, high-calorie dinner - usually some form of take away food and follow that up with a big block of chocolate to munch on for the rest of the night while sitting in front of the TV.... Disgusting really, but that was what I did. Now.. it's different. Now, I make smarter decisions with my food choices... while not sacrificing everything. Depriving myself of something completely would make me want it more...

Having said that, I've not had soft drink of any kind for 100 days and I've had maybe 5 or 6 "fun size" pieces of chocolate... Not bad considering it used to be a block a night and a 2 litre bottle of Coke Zero!! Crazy..

I feel better... I don't feel as lethargic as I used to. Old clothes that used to be tight have started getting looser and some clothes I couldn't wear are fitting again...

Overall I think my life and my confidence has improved. There is still a ways to go, but I've set more realistic goals and I have some great help from professionals, friends and family that are providing fantastic support and encouragement and I know that I can reach my target and it doesn't really matter how long it takes as long as I stay on track...

I want to say Thank You to everyone who reads, everyone who comments on here, on facebook, on email or in person. You have all been great support and I honestly would've given up long ago if it wasn't for people caring enough to help, encourage and boost my esteem. I appreciate all of you taking the time and making the effort of being involved and really hope you all stick around for a while yet and follow me right through to the end result...

So, Thanks Again... And Good Night...

Sunday, 13 September 2009

A Not-So Lazy Sunday

Let's do the food report and then we can move on...

So, Just Right for breakfast, Toasted Cheese on grain for lunch... We had Chicken Carbonara for dinner tonight and I had a glass (actually 2 glasses) of wine.

Today was a day off... I slept in, I woke up, I ate breakfast drank a couple of cups of coffee, checked emails and facebook and blog comments... and I jumped on the treadmill...

(Yes, you read that right, I actually did some exercise...)

I chucked on an episode of "Defying Gravity" (new Sci-Fi show - good times) and turned on the power switch to Teddy (Treadmill shortened to Tready shortened to Teddy). I set the speed to something that was a little faster than I walk normally, determined to make it work... I set the timer for 30minutes.... After 5 minutes Fat Garry started talking to me...

Fat Garry "You can't breathe already, huh? Might as well give up now..."
Thin Garry "No, I'm going to do 30minutes."
Fat Garry "You're gonna try."
Thin Garry "Well, yeah... I'm gonna try."
Fat Garry "Exactly... Try and Fail."
Thin Garry "The point is I tried."
Fat Garry "No, the point is you'll give up in another 5 minutes..."
Thin Garry "So I should just make another coffee, have another smoke and deal with it?"
Fat Garry "Yeah... that's right... coffee and smoke..."
Thin Garry "Hmmm..."

Thin Garry turned up the speed and kept at it. Thin Garry fuckin left Fat Garry back at the starting point... Thin Garry did 30minutes at different speeds and was pouring sweat for the last 20minutes and didn't stop till the machine counted down to zero and stopped itself. Thin Garry took on Fat Garry and won!! Great Success!

To be honest, I woke up feeling pretty crappy... over-slept, my back was sore, I felt tired and whatever! I forced myself onto that treadmill determined to do it and I did... and you know what? My back felt better afterwards... I felt awake and ready... and I cleaned the house. I vaccuumed and washed clothes and I sorted out our wardrobes and shit. I felt like I really had energy. I even did 10 minutes on the rowing machine!! So my big discovery for today was that doing a hard(for me) 30 minutes on the treadmill is not only good for my weight and what I want to achieve... it's a good way to energise myself! I kinda want to get back on it now...

Anyway... my point is I'm feeling good and on track and determined to make all this work. If I'm not going to put in the effort to walk on Teddy and eat better and everything else... I'm just wasting time, effort, space and money...

My birthday is a couple of weeks before christmas, so I'm thinking of asking my family and that to give me money instead of gifts so I can collect it all up and buy some exercise equipment... like a total gym or some weights or something... I will have to set up the spare room if I get anything else, cos at the moment Teddy's on one side of the lounge room and the rowing machine is on the other... plus the computer lives in the lounge room, so it's starting to look a little crowded in here! Oh well...

Alrighty folks... I'm going to head off now... Check back tomorrow, I want to do something special for tomorrow night's post... hmmm... thinking cap is on.

Catch ya on the flip side homie!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

A Saturday Night Quickie

I've just got back from a ten hour shift at work, so I'm a bit tired and brain dead at the moment so I'm just doing a quickie update...

Food wise - Back on the Just Right for breakfast this morning, a latte before work, a chicken and salad on wholegrain sandwich and a big latte for lunch and we're having burritos again for dinner - cos we just love them and they're pretty quick and easy to make. Both had big work days today! lol - Better than KFC that we used to buy when we both worked long!!

Despite my enthusiasm for this new exercise program.. and I am excited to get going on it.. I don't think I'm gonna get on the treadmill tonight - I seriously feel ready for bed already! But, tomorrow... the plans begin! Walking in the morning (treadmill or park - depending on weather) and probably have a go on the rowing machine in the afternoon! Will keep you posted on everything of course, as always.

With the Trim in Six program and this exercise one (called Next Step), I have to keep records of just about everything... I've got a food diary to fill in on paper and online for Trim in Six and a paper diary to fill out on Next Step. Both of them ask me to record everything I eat (including hunger score) and any exercise (including level of intensity) I do... lol.. plus, I record everything on here... So, I just record everything... it seems bizarre to me, really.. but, it's great.

So, I'm really happy with these programs and stuff... and looking forward to my next appointment with the doc and the exercise gurus and showing some improvement in my fitness and weight loss...

David's making plans for our date night... cos, I think there's something wrong if I don't loose at least 0.3 on weigh in day...

Alrighty, well... I'm fucked, so I'm off..

Good Night All...

Friday, 11 September 2009

Exercise... Gotta Do It!

Hello all

Launceston today for my appointment with the (I found out their official title) 'Exercise Physiologist', Travis and a Uni-Student who is studying, Jason. Was really good, really encouraging and just really helped to talk and ask questions and get some advice and stuff on this whole lifestyle change thing... I told them about the blog and how I've already lost almost 10kgs and everything and they were pretty impressed that I've lost that much from mainly diet change. But, as I was saying in an earlier post... I really need to get in more exercise.

They took my weight, height, BMI, Blood Pressure.. measured my chest, waist, hips and thigh... and then we did a 'fitness test' on a treadmill with a heart rate monitor... testing how my heart and breathing and how I felt at different speeds and to check recovery time, etc. Gave me a good indication of where I am at the moment, fitness wise... and how much work there still is to do.

Then came the planning. I'm having meetings with them every month when I have appointments with doctor... So, we made plans for the next 3 weeks... and the plan is:
Walking min. of 4 times for 30mins, altering speed and at an intensity score of 5 or 6 (out of 10).
Rowing machine 3-4 times per week...altering speed... slow...30 secs fast...1min slow...etc.
Plus, when I get the 'Biggest Loser' DVDs to use them.
Vary these activities to be a minimum of 30minutes of activity at least 5 days a week.

And that's the plan. Happy with this. Turns out uni-student Jason is a local to Burnie and knows of a circuit program going on somewhere in town and will email info if I would like to do that... so, we'll see about that. Dunno about doing stuff with other people I don't know yet... that's kinda why I haven't joined the gym... don't really feel confident around people yet. But I will have a read and check it out... and think about it, seriously...

Mum and Dad took me over to Launceston... being supportive. They've lent me their treadmill! So, they said I can use it till mum gets back from Dubai, which isn't till like, end of November. So, I've got it for a good couple of months... and by then the weather will be better... and Yay!

So, food... I didn't take any food photos today, I'm sorry... Mini-Wheats for breakfast this morning and then mum and dad took me out to lunch at the Star Bar... for budget reasons (and my first choice being un-available) I chose the Chicken Parma.. and I actually act the salad it came with - ok, I ate the chips it came with too, but hey... And for dinner tonight, not really hungry, so I only ate a small portion of Honey Mustard Chicken with Brocolli and Beans - said no to the rice!!!

So there are plans. After posting tonight, gonna set up some plans for what days to walk and exercise and stuff... and meals... so I know what's ahead for the week... AND STICK TO IT!

Alright folks... Any advice, tips, ideas... anything at all... leave a comment. It's great to hear from you all and any comments are appreciated!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 10 September 2009

It's the Weekly Weigh In!!

Hello everyone!!

So, it's the 13th Weekly Weigh In... and the first week of Reductil... and the result...

141.6kgs... a loss of 0.9kgs.. and bringing the total loss to 9.7kgs, so not quite up to the 10kg loss mark yet.. but on the way!

To be honest, I was expecting a bit more of a loss this week, was really expecting to at least hit the 10kg mark... but, who cares... a loss is a loss... SO, yay team!

Food Report today... the usual breakfast, latte before work, celebrity slim shake for lunch and tonight, as is routine... is take away night... and you will be glad to know, I did not get KFC, McDonalds or any take away! Instead, I bought a pie from the supermarket and having a hand full of chips - I know, it's not exactly great food, but it's within the daily calorie amount and I do like to have a treat on weigh-in day... so I'm not worried.

Tomorrow morning I'm off to Launceston, hopefully to get some good information and a plan of action to get into an exercise routine... I will post tomorrow night with all the details and info on what it was all about...

I've realised that I really need to get into some exercise more, because despite losing weight things are not getting easier..

Well, it is TV night tonight... Amazing Race and TV Burp and stuff, so I'm heading off...

Will see you tomorrow!

Good Night All

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Oh What a Beautiful Morning....

The Daily Food Report: the usual breakfast... Celebrity Slim shake for lunch before work... and a coffee before work as always... and for dinner, I'm having steak and veg again, cause thats all we had in the freezer and pay day is tomorrow...

...and Weigh In Day is tomorrow too! A week on Reductil and no big binges or over-eating or really bad choices... I've done 2 half hour walks and 1 shorter walk with three stretching things (as instructed by the Trim in Six program)... I've stayed under my 1700 daily calorie allowance... I've done 2 short sessions on the rowing machine... So, fingers crossed there is a good result tomorrow...

As I was talking about in my post last night, about the infomercials and meal replacement diets and stuff... there was a story on ninemsn news this morning, a woman in the UK died of cardiac arrhythmia (her heart stopped) while she was on a meal replacement diet (LighterLife). She is the third person on that diet to die in the last three years... Unbelievable. Proves my point, right? We should be preaching healthy lifestyle and preventative health care, not miracle cures!!

So, weigh in day tomorrow and Friday I'm off to Launceston (nice and early) to get my 'Activity and Exercise program' thingy. Don't really know what to expect from this thing because I actually haven't talked to the guy... we arranged the appointment via messagebank messages and receptionists... lol.. So, hopefully it's nothing too embarrassing or intensive (Oh God, what do I wear?)

The year is moving along fast, isn't it? Cannot believe it's September already!!! The sun was out today, the first decent weather we've had for weeks! I guess Spring really is here! Thank god for that! The warmer weather means more going outside and more exercise... and that can only be a good thing...

And, David has come up with a reward to celebrate every 10kg loss... he's gonna take me out for dinner and a movie... which is just great for me, we never do that stuff. We've never really had a "date" so I think that will be just lovely! lol... Still, would be nice to collect something so I can see how many milestones I achieve... we'll see...

Alrighty then... that is about it for tonight...
Fingers crossed for tomorrow...

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

A Walk in the Park

The usual suspects for food intake: Ravioli with a Stir-Through Sauce.... find I'm checking labels for calories and shit... Guess that is good. Still not really counting, just trying to be aware of how many I'm consuming... and making sure I don't go too far over my 1700 that the Trim In Six program has set...

So, was nice to have a day off today... despite the drizzle of rain around lunch time, David and I went down to Romaine and went for a walk... Big Lap, Short Lap... about 30 minutes. Was good to get out of the house and walk again... but it's been a while since I've walked... and I felt how badly I had lost what little I had built up. I couldn't imagine running like I was a few weeks ago...

I was watching The Morning Show this morning and they had some of those stupid infomercials for exercise equipment and stuff. Got me to thinking (I know, I know)... Why would there be any help from the government when it comes to realistic advertising on Diet Products, Exercise Products and Equipment or even HONEST food labeling including Serving Sizes?? The Diet and Exercise industry in Australia (in the WORLD) must be a multi-million dollar industry... and when people are buying - they're paying taxes!!

They bend the truth about food so we get fat... then they put these wafer thin women and hunky muscle men on TV as if they're the average person and us fatties feel like crap... so we see an ad for the new "Cardio Twister" or "AbKing Pro" or "Tony Ferguson" or some other "Miracle cure" and of course we're going to buy it. If we're stupid enough to spend our hard earned cash on food that makes us fat and sick... why wouldn't we spend money on something that cures our obesity in a "Money Back Guarenteed 30-Days".... And of every one of those products, the junk food, the miracle cures.. we're paying taxes...

I mean, I guess these things have some sort of use.. Chuck Norris' Total Gym is actually something I'm seriously considering buying... AND any movement of the body and physical activity is good... but the "real customers" they have on these commercials tell us they lost "massive amounts of weight in such a short time all thanks to the {insert any equipment}".

It doesn't matter how much swinging you do on the twister or hawaii chair... If you eat large amounts of calories, fat, sugar, alcohol... whatever... you're not going to loose weight. (Please, leave a comment and correct me if I'm wrong). It just seems to me that a "Healthy Lifestyle" and "Preventative Health Care" isn't around that much. I know they have those "30 minutes a day" ads and similar things - but, fuck doing 30minutes exercise, when the next commercial I see says I can loose 10kgs by swinging on a chair for 3 mins a day!!! I'm a fat lazy person... 3 minutes is enough!!!

But, There's the problem... and I'm not going to offer a solution, because I don't know what they solution should be....

BAN all High-Fat, High-Calorie food...(You just can't do that!!) EMPLOY more fat people to read the news and act in soap operas and host TV Shows, shouldn't a TV community (such as Summer Bay) reflect the ACTUAL community and have a diverse range of size, shape, colour, ethnicty, religion and sexual orientation???... Encourage PREVENTATIVE health... Tax Breaks for people who go to the gym or have signed up to a government funded weight loss program... Employer incentives such as Tax Breaks for employers who pay for employee gym memberships or have health & lifestyle initiatives in the workplace...

I don't know... I just think that there is more that the media and the government could be doing to help those people who WANT help... And preventing an obesity crisis - I mean, the bigger we are, the more health care we need (now or in the future) and that is paid by our taxes. So, maybe if we were all healthy and fit there would be more money for education, homelessness or some other kind of assistance.

That's my gripe for today... and I'm leaving you with some of my FAVOURITE infomercials... Enjoy!

Which ones are you going to buy??