Hello Everyone
Let's do this update....
Saturday - Mini Wheats for breakfast, coffee before work, chicken wrap and coffee for lunch and for dinner I had a Weight Watchers microwave Spaghetti meal. David was out at his work christmas dinner, so I had the house to myself. Didn't want to cook a big meal for myself, so just a microwave dinner and it was really, really good... I was convinced, before eating it, that it was not going to be enough food and I was gonna eat something else. But, I was good.
Sunday - Special K for breakfast and then my brother & I went to Penguin Market. My word, it has changed. We went expecting to be there for a large chunk of the day like usual when we go... We walked around all the stalls which are all exactly the same as we remember. It took maybe half an hour to browse through and then we sat and had a coffee in the little outdoor courtyardy thing there. Was good to be out of the house, but I must say, in my opionion the market has gone down hill. So, then we came home. And I cooked some delicious Savoury Muffins. They really are delicious - I'm so modest. So I cooked a dozen of those and then I made a Italian-Style meatloaf for dinner. Pretty basic but was excellent. Served with heaps of vegies and was wonderful. Then a little later in the night I had a Weight Watchers Cookies and Cream dessert bar. Which are really yummy too.
Monday - Another work day, but a late shift. Ended up sleeping till late, so had a late breakfast of Special K and the mandatory coffee before work. Actually packed a lunch box to take to work (wowsers!). Just a savoury muffin and one of those Weight Watchers Black Forest muffin bars, but was enough to keep me satisfying till I got home. By the time I got home it was almost 11pm and I just had some leftover meatloaf for dinner and a Weight Watchers dessert bar again.
And that brings us to today: Mini Wheats for breakfast again and lots of coffee. A couple of savoury muffins for lunch (they're not very big, but now I know to make them bigger next time). And finally got on the treadmill again today. Been a few days. Feel guilty every time I see the machine and it's in the lounge room so I see it all the time. But, I finally got back on it... and it felt good to be doing something good. And for dinner tonight I cooked another test meal. Bacon & Pumpkin Pesto Pasta. Was delicious... And, there enough for leftovers for lunch tomorrow... even better!
And that's the update!
So, my last post, the religious one... got a couple of good comments. Apparently, I've been told, religion is a bit of a touchy subject. People don't like discussing it. Why? Is faith a dirty little secret? Is your faith not strong enough to handle questions? That's what I don't get... Religious folk don't like to defend their faith or beliefs. I'll quite happily say that I don't understand the Big Bang Theory. I don't know how a plethora of chemicals could explode and create Earth and all it's inhabitants. I don't understand it... and I wouldn't say I believe it either. But, to me, the idea of the Big Bang is more plausible than the Genesis creation.
Maybe I should stop talking about religion and faith. I know it interests me, but this blog is supposed to be about me and my life, not about me questioning other peoples faith.
So, let's talk life... It's my birthday at the end week. Then my brother and my sister's birthdays and David's brother's wedding and then Christmas. Busy Busy couple of weeks. Don't think New Years will be too adventurous this year. We'll probably be asleep before the big countdown to 2010. Like Usual.
So... it's kinda late now, so I'm off to Dreamland. (in my head, not the Gold Coast... I wish!)
So goodnight all and I will see you all tomorrow!
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