I've been absent for a few days (since a quickie on Thursday's weigh in!)... so before I start I'd like to say a big CONGRATS to David's brother Luke & his new wife Mel who were just married on Saturday! Hope you're both enjoying your first week of married life! The wedding was great!
Also, I need to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little brother Tom who turned 22 on the 16th & my little sister Emily who turned 25 on the 19th!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY you two! Hope you both had wonderful days of being spoilt!
Now, the food report I guess... it's been a while... and it's all pretty basic... so I'll just go over the highlights I reckon! :) So, Wednesday (the 16th) we were at my folks place for my brother's birthday... Mexican food - I tried to limit myself because I already felt a bit sick that day and Mexican isn't good for an upset tum-tum. And of course, a piece of birthday cake - white chocolate mud! Was good.... I can't even remember what else we had for dinner. I know somewhere in there we were very naughty and had pizza. The wedding was a three course meal and was pretty good... roast rosemary chicken with sweet potato mash (i'm pretty sure) and dessert I went halfies with Meagan (are reading again yet?) so half a piece of cookies and cream cheesecake and half a piece of chocolate mud cake. Not to mention the wine... was a good night! The next morning David, Meagan, her son Harry and I all went out for breakfast to a place in Launceston called Cuccina (i think) and it was delicious! Kinda expensive but totally worth it! Picture is above.... Recommend to all... was excellent! Will totally go there again! And then we were naughty again and we stopped at Hungry Jacks in Devonport for lunch (at like 3:30) cos we were hungry and it was easy... Which is the habit I need to break....
So, that brings me to today... well, because of everything happening we haven't really done any grocery shopping. So I had my mini-wheats for breakfast today and 5 steamed dim sims for lunch. I was also bored and picking at other stuff in the house today, so I've had maybe 3 or 4 choc-chip cookies, a museli bar thing and a couple of very small toffee lollies that we had here for some reason!
So as you can probably tell from everything I've written above, we've been busier than usual and made worse eating choices than usual. So obviously the ease of which fast food is in front of us is an issue that I need to work on. With Christmas being just days away... I'm not going to stress myself out about making ALL the right choices. I'm going to just enjoy myself and hopefully make the right decisions without having to plan and stress.
I saw a show on TV last night about 3 different families in Australia celebrating the festive season. A christian family, a jewish family and a muslim family. It was quite interesting - but the christian family disturbed me a little.... They had 3 kids that were sickeningly fond of each other and the 3 of them shared the same big bed! But anyways, showing the difference between the different religions was good. Obviously the jewish & muslim families don't celebrate Christmas for the same reasons as the christians... but they had their own traditions and reasons to celebrate at the same time of year...
One of the christian kids said that one of the reasons that Christmas is special is because even non-religious people usually celebrate Christmas. And he's right. At lot of my friends and family love Christmas but are not religious in any way. So why on Earth would we celebrate the birth of the Christian Messiah? I've heard because we live in a 'Christian Society'... but we don't really. If that program showed anything it was that diversity is abundant in Australia. There are all sorts of religious folk. Australia prides it self on multi-culturalism and diversity... so it can't be that. I've heard that it's just because of family... well surely it would make more sense to celebrate your family on a day that is important to your family; for example, the birthday of a passed away relative. Some kind of significant day that brought your family together in a tighter bond. So it can't be that.
So why do we celebrate Christmas? Any ideas? Why do YOU celebrate Christmas? Are YOU religious? What is important about Christmas to YOU?
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