OK... I wanna get the report out of the way quick tonight...
Mini-Wheats, Apple, Dim Sims for lunch, Turkey Schnitzel with potato, steamed sweet potato, broc & beans. Delicious. 2 lots of 30mins on the treadmill today as well, while catching up on The Vampire Diaries (still dunno if I wanna keep watching it...)
Anyways, onto the title of tonight's posting....
What image does New World Order bring to mind to you? For me, for some reason, the term brings up images of chaos and misery. I don't know why. It doesn't make sense that these 3 words New-World-Order would inspire such a reaction. I didn't even know what it was referring to until today.
My brother and I have discussed, many times, the idea of having a One-World-Government. Being science-fiction fans, we've watched many films and television programs that have a One-World Government. The idea is that the One-World-Government would create equality across the planet. No one would starve, no one would go without medical help, every person would have opportunities. We've discussed it several times but only recently found out that other people have discussed this. New World Order (NWO) refers to this.
Reading up online about it I've found several pages that referred to a NWO as a satanic plan of domination. What? How?
Well, think about it. How would a World Government work with the state of the planet how it is now? It couldn't. People have divided themselves into the religious groups. Not just religion, but race. We have such a division of people that it seems awesome and mysterious to think of a place that could be truly diverse.
We've been watching a program on the ABC called John Safran's Race Relations. There have been many instances on this program that people have said that they should marry within their race or religion. That interracial and inter-faith marriage and relationships damage the history and heritage of a people.
With that kind of an attitude towards fellow human beings, it's no wonder people think that a NWO is satanic.
And does it matter? Do we need to plan a NWO? It seems like America is doing a pretty good job of turning the whole world into them. At the top of the page with the food photos.. there is a photo that my mum took while away in Dubai (ok, not Dubai, but around there, I don't remember the name of the place). McDonalds. The other photo is from Google Images, but it's a real photo. There are 25, 663 McDonald's restaurants in the world and 12, 859 of those restaurants are in countries other than the United States. I mean, I know that is not the US government trying to take over the world. This is corporate America trying to make money from every single person on the planet. But the more and more we become used to seeing McDonald's, Coke, Pepsi and all these other 'American' brands and imagery, would we even notice if the US moved in and took over? Corporate and Suburban take-over. Most homes in Australia have a bottle of coke in the fridge and eat a Big Mac on occasion.
And does that matter? Is Australia's identity important? Is race and religious pride appropraite and important still? I have never been one to preach Gay Pride. I don't think we need a pride parade. I don't want a pride parade. What I DO want is equality. And I think that's what most people want. Everyone has the same rights and resposibilities and importance in a community. I don't care if a person is black, muslim, white, jewish, catholic, asian, Whatever!?! All I care about is if a person is a good human being.
On the last episode of Glee (I know, but don't give up on me yet) they did a version of John Lennon's Imagine with a deaf choir. Anyway, on a fan forum for the show someone said that the song was 'nice' but it was naive to believe in it because without countries and religion we would not have rules or morality. What? Really? I believe in what John Lennon was singing about. Without religion and seperation of people, we could all work together to repair and maintain the planet and help each other. There have been 20,000 religions since humanity showed up on the scene and how can ONE of them be correct. They can't. We need to shed this need to know something devine and focus and the wonder and awe that is Earth and Mankind and work towards a brighter future together.
OK. Enough of that. I wish my thoughts came out in a better order and I could structure what I'm trying to say better. This could make an interesting essay or study project, but it's just my blog... and that's how it is... please feel free to comment, I'd love to hear everyones thought on any and all of the subjects I've touched upon.
And with that, I'm off. Good Night.
"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace..."
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace..."
John Lennon
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