Sorry I've been absent guys. Had a busy few days. Now it's Sunday and I've got some time, so here I am for a big-size update.
Thursday was weigh in day. And the result?? I had a gain of 0.4kgs. A GAIN! Now, I know why this happened... I haven't been secretly devouring King-Size Picnic bars if that's what you think! But I did go a little crazy on the Weight Watchers food. It was very tasty muffin bars and yum yum ice cream dessert and all that stuff. Of course, it was Weight Watchers so it was 'Lighter' than the alternative... but, I must have that Marjorie Dawes (from Little Britain) subconscious attitude.. "Well, because it's Half the Fat, You can Have Twice as Much!". I did eat a fair bit of that stuff over the days... and the yummy fresh fruit I bought has gone soft in the fruit bowl. The weight watchers things were supposed to be when I'm craving and NEED something sweet.. but when they were in the house, I NEEDED them all the time. I know I would've had more self-control over non-Weight Watchers dessert....
Anyway, it's done. It was a gain... Moving on...
So Thursday... Special K for breakfast and then I drove up to Launceston (couple of hours away) to catch up with David's mum, sister and to meet his nana. Was a lovely day. We went out for an early lunch - I had the breakfast (2 poached eggs, 2 rashers bacon, grilled tomato with sourdough bread - was delicious!) - and then we did a little shopping. His sister and I needed clothes for the wedding next weekend. So we ate, we shopped, we coffee'd and I came home.... And David cooked Beef Strog for din-dins.
Friday was my 27th Birthday. I'm now in my 'late 20s' instead of mid-20s. Oh No! So, I had Special K for breakfast again... and then dad called to see what I was up to for the day. Nothing. David was at work, so it was going to be a quiet day. So, dad came over and we hung out for the day. We did some Christmas shopping and we went for lunch at Cafe Bliss... who know me too well. They knew it was my birthday and bought my lunch out with a candle in it! :) Then, later on I had some friends from work around for a BBQ. Nothing fancy or big, just a few people sitting around gossiping and bitching. Was good.
Yesterday was pretty quiet. Just hung around the house, did some housework and stuff. Mini-Wheats for breakfast and leftover BBQ meat and salad for lunch. Then it was off to mum and dad's for a Birthday BBQ (yes, another BBQ) with the family. Was a good night... Nice to catch up with everyone... despite not living too far away, we don't all spend that much time together... which we should probably do. So, we were there kinda late... and then we came home tired, watched an episode or two of Bewitched and went to bed... And I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow... I forgot to mention... We watched Bewitched because that's what David got me for my birthday... he said I could pick whatever I wanted and it was in KMart and I couldn't say no. The entire series box set... I know, I'm gay... :)
And I guess that brings us to today. I was going to go to Ulverstone to see the Santa Fun Run thing for charity. I want to do it next year... and wanted to check it out today. But, I overslept... I didn't have enough time to get there before it started... Oh well. So, I've just been doing some more housework... and wasting time on Facebook and of course catching up on the Blog!! :) Boring!!!
So, the other day when dad and I were hanging out... we found a treadmill in Kmart for $190. So, with birthday money collected.. I bought it and brought it home. AND... it's not capable of holding my weight (FAIL!) It's got a maximum capacity of 90kg - so if I'd only been 100ish, I would've used it... but I've a fair amount of weight over 90kgs, so not going to try... Guess I'll have to borrow mum and dad's for a little bit longer! So, again, if someone finds one for sale... let me know!
I guess birthdays are the time of year we tend to think about the past and future. I've been thinking about all the things I wish I had done different or done at all. I've been thinking of all the good choices I've made and what bad decisions I've made that have led me to good things in my life. And I've been thinking towards the future and I know I want more out of life. I've discussed it before. I want more, I want to do stuff. I feel like I'm missing out on so so much. There are so many experiences I haven't had. But, for that to happen I need to get rid of some debt. 2010 is about getting fit and getting out of debt (as much as possible)... we'll focus out finances on those debts and try to move them... We'll see how we go.... I'm eager to do things, but, I just don't know. I guess I'm going into the year not really knowing what it holds.... And I'm okay with that..
Anyways guys... this was a pretty long update.
For my regular readers, you'll know I'm fascinated with religions and stuff... and I just bought a copy of the Koran. I'm gonna try to read/study that. Did you know it was a Penguin Classic book?? Found it in Angus and Robertson!! :)
Alrighty guys... the new weeks here... stay tuned!
PS. Meagan - the cake was delicious! Thank you! Everyone loved it! :)
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