Have you noticed the Jesus ads on TV. I know it's Christmas time... and Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. But how many people think of Jesus at this time. If you accept that god and Jesus are legit - do you really think they would be happy with how commercial and tacky Christmas is nowadays. I don't think that this type of Christmas is what they had in mind. I would imagine Christmas is supposed to be a time to reflect on the life of Jesus and pray and get in touch with your faith.
If you don't accept that god and Jesus are real, then why celebrate Christmas at all? I know what you're thinking - 'Garry, you celebrate Christmas and you're an atheist!' Well.... I try not to celebrate Christmas, but I enjoy my family... and they enjoy Christmas. So we buy presents and we go to family Christmas gatherings... but we don't decorate the house at all.... we keep Christmas detached. I like to think of it as helping/participating in other's celebration of Christmas. Personally, I could go without. Plus, with the commercial-ness of it all... I end up flat broke by the end of December (My brother, sister and my birthdays are all within 2 weeks before Christmas).
So, I don't really understand. I think I ask my family every single year why we celebrate Christmas? I think dad's response last year was that we're part of a country that celebrates Christmas. It's a christian society and we're a part of that... Plus, the whole family thing...
But are we a 'Christian Society'? I mean, I thought Australia was the multi-cultural country? What percentage of Australia even bothers to go to church on Christmas and Easter? I'm guessing not a huge percentage. Most people just like to have a day off work or whatever. Not to mention the people who are religious but not Jesus worshippers. What about the other religions that people follow in Australia? We've got Muslims, Jews and Scientologists and probably quite a few other religions in Australia... and they don't get public holidays for their days of worship.
But anyways, I was talking about the TV ads.... 'Find Jesus' and stuff. Who are these ads designed for? Do they think a 30second religious guilt-trip is going to convert people to catholicism? I mean... really? What's the deal?
I had some 'bible bashers' (cos I'm not sure they were mormons) come to the house a few weeks ago... and my friend Joy was helping me unload groceries from the car... and they went up to her and said, 'We know you're busy, but please take this' and handed her a god pamphlet... Fine.
The next week, I was home alone listening to music and there was a knock on the door. It was these 'bible bashers' back again. The older one introduces herself and her 'little sister'. She says to me "We came around last week and gave a pamphlet to someone. I don't know if it was your wife or girlfriend...?"
I said, "Oh, no. She's just a friend. I live here with my boyfriend."
They said Thanks and left pretty fast. Obviously not trained to cure the gay door-to-door. Unreal. I mean, maybe I still wanted some material... maybe I still wanted to be a part of the church and praise Jesus. Well, bad luck for me. Homos not welcome...
Anyways, I'm dribbling again... The point I'm trying to make is that Australia is multi-cultural and religion is excluding... So why is there such a Catholic/Christian basis for Australia... politics and holidays etc. If it wasn't for religion... I would be allowed to get married. But because the Vatican doesn't want it to happen they interprete the scripture to say I can't. It's Rubbish... and the worst part is... the Vatican is more evil and corrupt that anywhere. All those child-sex cover ups that they've participated in... and the money they convince the old/dying people to give up... I just don't understand why anyone would listen to a Nazi with a pointy hat!?
OK... I'm stopping... moving on...
Mini-Wheats for breakfast, as usual... Then met up with a couple of good friends to go check out 'New Moon'. I didn't like Twilight, but New Moon's trailer looked more exciting... Yeah, still don't get it really.... I mean, it's alright, but I've seen better movies with better stories.. But, the lack of excitement for the film didn't stop me having a great day. Movie and then gossip and coffee for a couple of hours. Next thing you know it's 6:30!! Wowsers! So all I had for lunch was one of those Biggest Loser meal replacement shakes, which are alright but the Celebrity Slim ones are much nicer (in my opinion)... So I started cooking dinner. Was keen to try something different again so made Chicken & Mushroom Hungarian style Meatballs in a Capsicum and Paprika Sauce. Long name I know... and it's still cooking. It's frickin 8:00pm and it's still cooking... oh well... And I was hungry while cooking so I ate a Weight Watchers muffin bar, black forest.
These Weight Watchers things are good. Might try some other brands of these sort of diet products too. It's always good to have a bit of variety and they don't seem to have a massive range in each brand... But now that I know these Weight Watchers ones are good, I'm not too scared to try the others!
So had a good day... didn't get on the treadmill though, but you know, life comes first right?
sorry guys.. didn't mean to post the same video twice! :)
Gary, the basis of many Western countries is the religion of Christianity. This is not news, is it? That many 'Christian' countries are fading in religious observance is clear and fact-based. But I think the observable reality is catching up with facts. Christianity is not about pointy hats or anti-gayness. It's about a person, it's about Jesus and what he offers in life and love to people.
So, those for whom Christianity is religion and what they cannot do, etc, are fading, because that's not on at all. And their statistical imbalancing is re-adjusting the facts.
The ads on TV, during the "Jesus: All about life" campaign of recent days in NSW and the last few years in other states, is trying to help people re-focus on the reality of the issue: "Who is Jesus?"
Gary, that is the ultimate question. Not whether you are gay or fat or happy or if you celebrate a holiday with gifts. The ultimate issue is...who is Jesus and what does he have to say to me about eternity, about life, about my life, about the planet, about others...
Getting into a relationship with him is what the ads were about. It's what so many real churches are about.
I wish for you a joyful eternity and a substantial re-connect with the God who seriously and genuinely loves you and us all.
bob (in Sydney)
OMG! Who in the hell is "bob (in Sydney)"? He can't even spell your name right! What a load of crap! I think the reason that many people seem to be turning away from the church is that they have finally realised that it's all a bunch of guilt-inducing claptrap! I think "bob" might be a scientologist, they seem to believe any old thing that someone tells them! Lol.
Love ya...Mum 2 xxx
Well, it is nice to see a couple of comments on this posting... :)
Bob, I get what you're trying to say about having a relationship with Jesus... but, really? It's a one-way 'relationship'. It's like me having a relationship with Zac Efron. (example only people, not a fan!) I can idolise him, know all about him, I can live the way he would want people to live... I can do everything in my power to please Zac Efron and he is still not going to come over and thank me for living the way he wants. I will get the same level of response from Jesus, Zac Efron or the Brick Wall in my back yard.
As for wishing me a re-connect with god... well, that is just Bible Bashing. I made myself pretty clear that I was an atheist.
I do appreciate you leaving a comment. I enjoy discussing religion these issues.
Kerry - I will see you Thursday ;) xoxox
MSN - gazzyintazzy@live.com
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