Saturday, 21 November 2009

Where's the motivation???

I know it's been a coupla days already... Honestly it's because I'm partly ashamed and embarrased... I declared the fact I want to do this again and do it right and do it now... and the truth is I haven't been that good the last couple of days.

I always start off well... Breakfast, go to work, chicken and salad sandwich for lunch and then I get home and think, "Fuck Cooking! Who could be fucked?" And it's not like I have someone here with me to motivate me to eat better. I wish I could have a personal motivater living with me, so that when I said "Fuck Cooking, let's just get take away..." my live-in motivator would respond with - "Get your FAT ASS in the KITCHEN and cook something HEALTHY. You'll feel better for it. It won't take long - think of how good you'll feel!"

Fit Garry used to argue that point... but, Fit Garry seems to be in hibernation or on vacation or something... he's just not there at the moment. And Fat Garry's too lazy to get his act into gear....

Having said this, I've just got back from a walk with Fran from work. We've been walking maybe 3 or 4 times in the last 2 weeks. Not enough really, but not nothing either. I need to get more exercise... and I really don't have much of an excuse not to. I have a treadmill and a rowing machine in the house! In the HOUSE! In front of the TV none the less.

And here's where I'm gonna whinge for a second... (more)...

It's hard to motivate yourself to do these things. Even when you know the effort is worth it, even when you're so disappointed in yourself for Not doing it... even when you've noticed how much unhappier you've felt the last few weeks from not doing these things... Even with all that knowledge of health, happiness and pride... It's hard to do it. [METAPHOR ALERT!] It's hard to put down the hamburger while sitting in front of the TV and walk somewhere to have a salad.

Whinge over... so feel free to pay attention again now! :)

I know I need to do something and I'm going to...

Do you wanna know the plan??? Do ya? Do ya??

Well, I'm going to work out a 2 or 3 week sort of 'boot camp' for myself. Something to kick start me back into the game. I will need to sit down with my work roster and David and work out meals, exercise, times and all that stuff. I will do this and I will work out rewards and punishments as part of the plan... What do you think? Good Idea? Bad Idea? Will it work? Opinions please... HELP!

Alrighty guys... have a good night. As always, comments welcome!!

P.S. It's my 27th Birthday in about 3 weeks... Exciting??? Maybe... But what about the cake?


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